Copy specimen

For an introduction see a short tutorial . To copy specimen click on the button. A window will open where you can choose several options for your copies.

In the first tab choose in which way the CollectionEvent - if present - for the new data sets should be created (see image below). In the first option the new specimen will be located in the same collection event as the original dataset. In the second option a new collection event copied from the original will be created while in the last option the data in the collection event will be ignored altogether. 



In the Accession number tab you can search for or enter the accession number you wish to use for your new data set (see below).


In the Projects tab you can add additional projects for you new datasets (see below).


In the Relations tab you can add relations between the original dataset and the copy in either direction (see below).


In the Include... tab you can choose the ranges of data that should be included in the copy (see below). Click on the All or None buttons to select all resp. none of the tables.


In the Number of copies tab you can specify the number of copies. If you checked Create an accession number for the new data set, the program will list all accession numbers which will be created (see below). After you changed the number of copies, click on the button to refresh the list.

 If you do not wish to create new accession numbers for the copies the list will not be shown (see below).


Copy event

If only the event data should be copied and a selected specimen should be transferred into the new event you can choose the last option (see below). This option is only available for events containing several specimen.