Database - access

The database engine for DiversityCollection is Microsoft SQL-Server 2014 or later.

When you are connected to a database it is indicated by the icon of the connection button in the upper left corner. When you are not connected the following icon will be shown . To access any database you must specify the server where the database is located. For the configuration of this connection choose Connection, Database... from the menu or click on the button as demonstrated in a short tutorial .

If you want to use a database on a central server or remote computer, start the program DiversityCollection.exe. In the main window click on the button or choose Connection -> Database ... from the menu. A window will open as shown below. Here choose the option Remote database and set the connection parameters as described below.

Database name, IP-address and Port

A dialog will open to specify the name or IP-address and port number of the server as well as to select the authentication mode. To test the connection to the server you can click on the button, sending a ping to the specified address. You can either choose Windows authentication (see left image below) or SQL-Server authentication (see middle image below).

The standard port number for SQL-Server is 1433 and will be set as a default. If the database server is configured using a different port, you must enter its number in the field Port. Click on the button to connect to the server. If the connection information is valid, you can choose a database from the server in the combo box at the base of the window (see right image above). To restart the connecting process click on the button.

If you access a database for the first time you will be asked to consent to the storage and processing of your personal data (see below) according to the General Data Protection Regulation. Without your consent the access is not possible.



If you are logged in with a SQL-Server account and are not restricted to the group User, you can change your password. Choose Administration - Change password... from the menu. In the window that will open, enter your current password and the new password (see below). The password must match the restrictions set by the database server.



The connection to the databases by default is encrypted, symbolized by the icon. To change to an not encrypted connection, click on the icon which will change to accordingly, indicating a not encrypted connection.



If so far no database is available a button will appear. If you have sysadmin permissions on the database server click on the button and create a database as described in the chapter Database creation.


Module connections

The program will automatically try to establish a connection to Diversity Workbench databases and webservices. For further details see the Connections section.