Content of enumeration tables


Table CollCircumstances_Enum

Circumstances of the occurence of the organisms

DisplayText Description
bred animal born in captivity (domestic, zoo, or farm animales)
captivity wild animal or plant raised in captivity
cultivated cultivated in enclosed conditions (greenhouse plants, fungi, bacteria, etc. in laboratory or biotechnology conditions)
experiment material cultivated or treated under experimental conditions (including, e.g., infection experiments)
imported imported material of uncertain provenence (e.g. food items)
natural occurrence under natural conditions
planted planted in open agriculture, horticulture, or silviculture
unknown unknown circumstances of occurrence

Table CollDateCategory_Enum

The categories for the collection date

DisplayText Description
actual The given date is the real date
collection date The date when the specimen was collected
estimated The given date was estimated by the user
system The given date was generated by the system

Table CollEventDateCategory_Enum

The categoies of the collection date

DisplayText Description
actual The given date is the real date
collection date The given date is the date when the specimens where collected
estimated The given date was estimated by the user
system The given date was generated by the system

Table CollEventImageType_Enum

The types of the images taken from a collection event

DisplayText Description
aerial photography  
audio audio record of e.g. the song of an observed bird
audio (for transcription) audio record of spoken comments that can be deleted after transcription into the database
biotope photography  photography of a whole biotope where the specimen are observed resp. collected
image image
landscape photography  photography of the landscape where the specimen are observed resp. collected
map  image of a map where the specimen are observed resp. collected

Table CollEventSeriesImageType_Enum

The types of the images taken from a collection event series

DisplayText Description
aerial photography  photography from an elevated position e.g. an aerial drone
audio audio record of e.g. the song of an observed bird
audio (for transcription) audio record of spoken comments that can be deleted after transcription into the database
image image
landscape photography  photography of the landscape where the specimen are observed resp. collected
map  image of a map where the specimen are observed resp. collected

Table CollIdentificationCategory_Enum

The categories of an identification, e.g. determination, confirmation etc.

DisplayText Description
absence When nomenclatural type material has been used up in previous studies, or if a mixed collection contains e.g. several fungi but none fits the protologue
confirmation The examination confirms a previous identification
correction Correction of a misidentification supposedly due to a typing error.
determination The determination of the material results in a new identification or correction
dubious E.g. an amateur observation of the taxon completely out of its range
implicit The identification can be logically deduced from the type material, e.g. in the case of Yes/No type specimens.
negative The material is identified as not belonging to the identified taxon
preference Assigning preference to an older determination over the most recent one. Differs from a confirmation only in that the object has not been re-examined. The choice is based on the expertise of the person effecting the earlier identification
renaming e.g. assigning a species to a new genus or a purely nomenclatural change

Table CollIdentificationDateCategory_Enum

The categories of the identification date

DisplayText Description
actual The given date is the real date
collection date The collection date has been taken as the identification date
estimated The given date was estimated by the user
system The given date was generated by the system

Table CollIdentificationQualifier_Enum

The identification qualifiers, e.g. cf. spec., s.l. etc.

DisplayText Description
  (select this for identifications that are certain)
? unspecified doubtful identification (aff. or cf., or applicable taxonomic rank not known)
aff. forma 'affinis' = similar to, but probably not the named forma
aff. gen. 'affinis' = similar to, but probably not the named genus
aff. sp. 'affinis' = similar to, but probably not the named species
aff. ssp. 'affinis' = similar to, but probably not the named subspecies
aff. var. 'affinis' = similar to, but probably not the named variety
agg. aggregate
cf. forma doubtful identification of forma or forma specialis. Example: 'Ech. ferruginea cf. f. rubra'
cf. gen. doubtful genus identification. Examples: 'cf. Abies', '?Abies'
cf. sp. doubtful species identification (genus identification certain). Example: 'Abies cf. alba'
cf. ssp. doubtful identification of subspecies. Example: 'Abies alba cf. ssp. alba'
cf. var. doubtful identification of variety. Example: 'Echinonema ferruginea cf. var. campestris'
s. l. sensu lato
s. str. sensu stricto
sp. only the genus is given, the information relates to a single, unspecified species
sp. nov. only the genus is given, it is assumed that the unidentified species is new
spp. only the genus is given, the information covers several unspecified species

Table CollLabelTranscriptionState_Enum

The states of the transcription of a label

DisplayText Description
complete all data from label transferred in database
curator review required curator for transcription / review required
extern review required extern curator for transcription / review required
final curator review specimen has been finally reviewed by curator
first curator review specimen has been reviewed by curator for first time
incomplete transcription started by technical staff
not started transcription not started

Table CollLabelType_Enum

The types of a label, e.g. handwritten, typed etc.

DisplayText Description
handwriting all data in handwriting
mixed data typed with handwriting comments
typed all data typed

Table CollMaterialCategory_Enum

The material categories of the specimen, e.g. slide, culture etc.

DisplayText Description
bones bones or skeleton from vertebrates
complete skeleton complete skeleton
culture living cultures of organisms
DNA sample DNA sample
drawing original line or color drawing
drawing or photograph drawing or photograph
dried specimen dried specimen
herbarium sheet dried specimen mounted on sheet as stored in a botanical collection
human observation human observation
icones icones, images etc. stored in a biological collection
incomplete skeleton incomplete skeleton
living specimen living specimen
machine observation machine observation
medium medium like sound recordings, videos, images and the like
micr. slide glass plate with specimen for microscopic study
observation observation
other specimen other specimen
pelt pelt, skin or fur of an animal
photogr. print photographic print (color or black/white)
photogr. slide image in the form of a photographic slide for projection
postcranial skeleton postcranial skeleton
preserved specimen preserved specimen
SEM table table with specimen for Scanning electron microscopy
shell shell e.g. of a snail
single bones single bones
skull skull of a vertebrate
sound sound recoding
specimen specimen stored in a collection
TEM specimen specimen preparation for Transmission electron microscopy
thin section thin section
tooth tooth of an animal
trace trace e.g. footprints of an animal
vial vial, flask or similar container

Table CollSpecimenImageType_Enum

The type of an image of a specimen, e.g. label

DisplayText Description
audio audio record of e.g. the song of an observed bird
audio (for transcription) audio record of spoken comments that can be deleted after transcription into the database
drawing original line or color drawing
image image
label label of a specimen
photograph photographic image of a specimen
SEM image image from Scanning electron microscopy
TEM image image from Transmission electron microscopy
video video record of e.g. an observed organism

Table CollSpecimenRelationType_Enum

Types of the relation between specimen

DisplayText Description
Duplicate Duplicate of another specimen
Same origin Specimen has the same origin

Table CollTaxonomicGroup_Enum

The taxonomic groups of the organisms

DisplayText Description
alga alga
arthropode Arthropoda: insects, spiders, crabs etc.
bacterium bacteria/prokaryotic
bird bird
bryophyte Marchantiomorpha (liverworts), Anthocerotophyta (hornworts) and Bryophyta (mosses)
cnidaria Cnidaria: sea anemones, corals, jellyfish, sea pens, hydra
echinoderm Echinodermata: sea urchins, starfish, and their allies
evertebrate Animalia (= Metazoa) excl. Chordata
fish fish
fungus Eumycota: mushrooms, sac fungi, yeast, molds, rusts, smuts, etc.
insect Hexapoda: insects, springtails, diplurans, and proturans
lichen Lichenized Eumycota
mammal mammal
mollusc Mollusca: Snails, clams, mussels, squids, octopi, chitons, and tusk shells
other other/anorganic
plant Lycophytes, ferns and seedplants
slime mould Myxomycota
vertebrate Chordata
virus virus

Table CollTransactionType_Enum

The types of the transactions of the specimen, e.g. loan, exchange

DisplayText Description
borrow if the objects included in the transaction are borrowed from another instution
exchange if the objects included in the transaction are part of an exchange with another instution
gift  if the objects included in the transaction are received as a gift
inventory  if the objects included in the transaction are included in an inventory
loan  if the objects included in the transaction are given as a loan to another instution
purchase  if the objects included in the transaction were purchased
request  if the objects included in the transaction are part of an external loan request

Table CollTypeStatus_Enum

The type stati of the identifications, e.g. Isotype

DisplayText Description
allolectotype A paralectotype specimen that is the opposite sex of the lectotype. The term is not regulated by the ICZN. [Zoo.]
alloneotype A paraneotype specimen that is the opposite sex of the neotype. The term is not regulated by the ICZN. [Zoo.]
allotype A paratype specimen designated from the type series by the original author that is the opposite sex of the holotype. The term is not regulated by the ICZN. [Zoo.]
cotype A deprecated term no longer recognized in the ICZN; formerly used for either syntype or paratype [see ICZN Recommendation 73E]. [Zoo.]
epitype An epitype is a specimen or illustration selected to serve as an interpretative type when any kind of holotype, lectotype, etc. is demonstrably ambiguous and cannot be critically identified for purposes of the precise application of the name of a taxon (see Art. ICBN 9.7, 9.18). An epitype supplements, rather than replaces existing types. [Bot./Bio.]
ex-Epitype A strain or cultivation derived from epitype material. Ex-types are not regulated by the botanical or zoological code. [Bot.]
ex-Holotype A strain or cultivation derived from holotype material. Ex-types are not regulated by the botanical or zoological code. [Zoo./Bot.]
ex-Isotype A strain or cultivation derived from isotype material. Ex-types are not regulated by the botanical or zoological code. [Zoo./Bot.]
ex-Lectotype A strain or cultivation derived from lectotype material. Ex-types are not regulated by the botanical or zoological code. [Zoo./Bot.]
ex-Neotype A strain or cultivation derived from neotype material. Ex-types are not regulated by the botanical or zoological code. [Zoo./Bot.]
ex-Paratype A strain or cultivation derived from paratype material. Ex-types are not regulated by the botanical or zoological code. [Zoo./Bot.]
ex-Syntype A strain or cultivation derived from neotype material. Ex-types are not regulated by the botanical or zoological code. [Zoo./Bot.]
ex-Type A strain or cultivation derived from some kind of type material. Ex-types are not regulated by the botanical or zoological code. [Zoo./Bot.]
hapantotype One or more preparations of directly related individuals representing distinct stages in the life cycle, which together form the type in an extant species of protistan [ICZN Article 72.5.4]. A hapantotype, while a series of individuals, is a holotype that must not be restricted by lectotype selection. If a hapantotype is found to contain individuals of more than one species, however, components may be excluded until it contains individuals of only one species [ICZN Article 73.3.2]. [Zoo.]
holotype The one specimen or other element used or designated by the original author at the time of publication of the original description as the nomenclatural type of a species or infraspecific taxon. A holotype may be 'explicit' if it is clearly stated in the originating publication or 'implicit' if it is the single specimen proved to have been in the hands of the originating author when the description was published. [Zoo./Bot./Bio.]
iconotype A drawing or photograph (also called 'phototype') of a type specimen. Note: the term "iconotype" is not used in the ICBN, but implicit in, e. g., ICBN Art. 7 and 38. [Zoo./Bot.]
isoepitype a duplicate of an epitype
isolectotype A duplicate of a lectotype, compare lectotype. [Bot.]
isoneotype A duplicate of a neotype, compare neotype. [Bot.]
isosyntype A duplicate of a syntype, compare isotype = duplicate of holotype. [Bot.]
isotype An isotype is any duplicate of the holotype (i. e. part of a single gathering made by a collector at one time, from which the holotype was derived); it is always a specimen (ICBN Art. 7). [Bot.]
lectotype A specimen or other element designated subsequent to the publication of the original description from the original material (syntypes or paratypes) to serve as nomenclatural type. Lectotype designation can occur only where no holotype was designated at the time of publication or if it is missing (ICBN Art. 7, ICZN Art. 74). [Zoo./Bot.] -- Note: the BioCode defines lectotype as selection from holotype material in cases where the holotype material contains more than one taxon [Bio.].
neotype A specimen designated as nomenclatural type subsequent to the publication of the original description in cases where the original holotype, lectotype, all paratypes and syntypes are lost or destroyed, or suppressed by the (botanical or zoological) commission on nomenclature. In zoology also called "Standard specimen" or "Representative specimen". [Zoo./Bot./Bio.]
not a type For specimens erroneously labelled as types an explicit negative statement may be desirable. [General]
original material Specimens and illustrations indicated in the protologue of a name (see ICBN Art. 9 Note 2 for details)
paralectotype All of the specimens in the syntype series of a species or infraspecific taxon other than the lectotype itself. Also called "lectoparatype". [Zoo.]
paraneotype All of the specimens in the syntype series of a species or infraspecific taxon other than the neotype itself. Also called "neoparatype". [Zoo.]
paratype All of the specimens in the type series of a species or infraspecific taxon other than the holotype (and, in botany, isotypes). Paratypes must have been at the disposition of the author at the time when the original description was created and must have been designated and indicated in the publication. Judgment must be exercised on paratype status, for only rarely are specimens explicitly cited as paratypes, but usually as "specimens examined," "other material seen", etc. [Zoo./Bot.]
plastoholotype A copy or cast of holotype material (compare Plastotype).
plastoisotype A copy or cast of isotype material (compare Plastotype).
plastolectotype A copy or cast of lectotype material (compare Plastotype).
plastoneotype A copy or cast of neotype material (compare Plastotype).
plastoparatype A copy or cast of paratype material (compare Plastotype).
plastosyntype A copy or cast of syntype material (compare Plastotype).
plastotype A copy or cast of type material, esp. relevant for fossil types. Not regulated by the botanical or zoological code (?). [Zoo./Bot.]
secondary type A referred, described, measured or figured specimen in the original publication (including a neo/lectotypification publication) that is not a primary type.
supplementary type A referred, described, measured or figured specimen in a revision of a previously described taxon.
syntype One of the series of specimens used to describe a species or infraspecific taxon when neither a single holotype by the original author, nor a lectotype in a subsequent publication has been designated. The syntypes collectively constitute the name-bearing type. [Zoo./Bot.]
topotype One or more specimens collected at the same location as the type series (type locality), regardless of whether they are part of the type series. Topotypes are not regulated by the botanical or zoological code. Also called "locotype". [Zoo./Bot.]
type a) A specimen designated or indicated any kind of type of a species or infraspecific taxon. If possible more specific type terms (holotype, syntype, etc.) should be applied. b) the type name of a name of higher rank for taxa above the species rank. [General]
typotype the specimen used to prepare an illustration where the latter is the type

Table CollUnitRelationType_Enum

The type of relation between organisms within one specimen, e.g. Growing on

DisplayText Description
Association in association with (unspecific statement if no further information about interaction b/w 2 organisms is available)
Endophytic in endophytic organism growing in plants without causing symptoms (possibly mutualistic or opportunistic parasite)
Growing on substrate statement: organism growing on 2nd organism, living stages directly observed (i.e. assoc. not due to diaspores alone)
Isolated from substrate statement: organism isolated from 2nd organism, no living stages observed (i.e. possibly due to surface contamination)
Lichenization mutualistic symbiosis between a fungus and algae (= 2nd organism)
Mutualism mutualistic symbiosis, both partners profit from each other
Mycorrhiza of mycorrhizal association of a fungus with a plant (= 2nd organism)
Parasitic (accid.) parasitic on an 'accidential host' (in the sense of Nannfeldt): with strong infection pressure, another organism growing between infected organisms may become infected.
Parasitic (facul.) facultatively parasitic on host (= 2nd organism)
Parasitic (oblig.) obligately parasitic on host (= 2nd organism)
Parasitic (quest.) questionably parasitic on host (= 2nd organism), parasitic interaction is presumed, but doubtful/unverified
Parasitic on the taxon is parasitizing its host (regardless of type, i.e. holo-/meta-/hemi-biotrophic, or pertho-/necrotrophic)
Parent/Child parent/child association (i.e. in the literal genetical sense, not in an abstract sense)
Part of belongs to the same organism resp. unit, e.g. a branch is part of a tree
Pollinator of organism 1 is the pollinator of a plant (organism 2)
Predator/Food organism 1 is the predator of organism 2 (i. e. 2 is food of 1)
Sibling both organisms are siblings (have the same parents)