Maintenance - Generate scopes

Especially if data are imported, e.g. from a DELTA file, data that can be stored as scope of a description are often contained in dedicated text or categorical descriptor data. For taxonomic descriptions often the item/description names reflect the taxonomic names. To generate formal scopes from such "embedded" data select the Update description scopes tab and choose the tab Generate scopes.

Select the Scope type, e.g. "Taxon name" and the Project. You may generate the Scope from description name or select a Source descriptor and the type Text or Categorical. Furthermore the whole source text (description name or text descriptor data) may be selected (option Copy whole text) or only the first parts (option Copy first parts). Click on Check for missing scopes and all descriptions will be listed where no scope of the specified type is present and source data are available (see image below).

The size of the query result list may be adapted by changing the value Number of results or unchecking this option to get the complete list (see image below). You may select or deselect all entries of the result list for the database update by clicking the buttons Select all rsp. Select none

If you select the option Include description IDs the button Inspect dataset will be shown (see image below). By starting a new query (button Check for missing scopes) the result list will now include the column DescriptionID. By selecting an entry and clicking the button Inspect dataset you may directly navigate to that dataset. To update the database click on the button.