Module related entry

The Diversity Workbench  is a set of components for building and managing biodiversity information, each of which focuses on a particular domain. Each module provides services for the other modules. To use the service of a module, you need access to the database of the module and optionally the module application placed in your application directory. Entries related to an external module have a standard interface in the main form. There are 2 states of this interface:

1 - the value is only set in the local database with no connection to the remote module

In this state, you can either type the value or select it from the values that are already available in the database. To get a list of the available values type the beginning of the value (you may use wildcards) and click on the  button. If you want to set a relation to the remote module, click on the  button. A window will open where you may select an entry from the foreign database.


2 - the value is related to the remote module

If the value has a relation to the remote module, the interface will appear as shown above. To release the connection to the remote module click on the button. If you need further information about the value, click on the  button. This will open a form, showing an overview of the related value.

If the client application of the module is available you can inspect the details of the entry.  


3 - relation to a webservice

Some modules provide the possibility to link your data to an external webservice. For example DiversityTaxonNames gives you access to the taxonomic names of IndexFungorum. To establish a connection to an external webservice, click on the  button. As with the link to modules within the Diversity Workbench a window will open where you can choose from either Diversity Workbench modules or external Webservices. See Webservice for further details.