Database backup and rename

DiversityGazetteers provides several menu options to manage the database which has been connected. When clicking on one of the following entries, a confirmation window will pop up before the task is executed.

Data -> Backup Database ...

Click on this item to create a backup file of the currently connected database. The backup will be placed on the hard drive of the database server. Be sure that there is enough disk space available for the backup, especially if the server is a virtual device!

Administration -> Rename Database ...

Click to change the name of the currently connected database. If you do this, you will be asked for the base URL address of the database. This is the address that is published by the database for access by other modules. It is recommended to change this URL accordingly, to keep track of it.

Administration -> Set published DB address ...

Click to set the base URL address of the currently connected database separately from renaming it.

Renaming of the database and adapting of the published address should be done before you start to use the database and name and address should not be changed afterwards as datasets from other modules linked to data in the database would point to outdated addresses otherwise.