Database - access

The database for DiversityProject is based on Microsoft SQL-Server 2008 or later.

If you are connected to a database this is indicated by the icon of the connection button  in left upper corner. If you are not connected this will be indicated by the icon . To access any database, you must specify the server where the database is located. For the configuration of this connection choose Connection, Database... from the menu or click on the  button.

Database name, IP-address and Port

A dialog will open, where you can specify the name or IP-adress and port number of the server and the authentication mode. You can either choose Windows authentication (see right image below) or SQL-Server authentication (see left image below).


The standard port number for SQL-Server is 1433 and will be set as a default (see left image above). If the database server is configured using a port different from that port, you must give the port number in the field Port. If the connection informations are valid, you can choose a database from the server. In the main form you can select the databases that are available under Connection, Database...

If you access a database for the first time you will be asked to consent to the storage and processing of your personal data (see below) according to the General Data Protection Regulation. Without your consent the access is not possible.