
The following objects are not included:







Table Project

Information on the project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int PK, ID of the Project NO -
ProjectParentID int ID of the superior project YES Refers to table Project
Project nvarchar (255) A short title for the project as displayed e.g. for selection from a list in an user interface NO -
ProjectTitle nvarchar (200) An explicit title for the project YES -
ProjectType nvarchar (50) Type of the project YES Refers to table ProjectType_Enum
ProjectDescription nvarchar (2000) A text, describing characteristic features, e. g. the purpose and scope, of the project YES -
ProjectDescriptionType nvarchar (50) classification of the public description, e. g. abstract YES -
PublicDescription nvarchar (MAX) Public description of the project if different from the description YES -
InternalDescription nvarchar (MAX) Internal description of the project, not to be published YES -
ProjectNotes nvarchar (1000) Internal notes regarding the project, not published on the web YES -
ProjectVersion nvarchar (255) Version number (refers to the database content of this project, not to application development) YES -
ProjectURL varchar (255) An URL where e.g. the project is described YES -
ProjectRights nvarchar (255) The rights, e.g. the copyright of the project YES -
ProjectEditors nvarchar (255) The editors of the project YES -
ProjectInstitution nvarchar (500) The institution responsible for the Project YES -
ProjectSettings xml (MAX) The settings used within the project YES -
ProjectCopyright nvarchar (255) Copyright statement for the data collected for and revised by this project YES -
ProjectLicenseURI nvarchar (255) The license under which the project is re-used or may be re-used YES -
EmbargoDate date The date until which the data should not be published, made available to the public YES -
CreateArchive bit If an archive e.g. by a task schedule should be created YES -
ArchiveProtocol nvarchar (MAX) The protocol created during the last archive YES -

Depending on:

Table ProjectAgent

The persons or institutions involved in the project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectAgentID int Unique ID for the Agent, Primary key NO -
ProjectID int Refers to the ID of the project (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Project
AgentName nvarchar (255) The name of the agent. Only cached value where AgentURI is given, Part of PK NO -
AgentURI varchar (255) An URL linked to e.g. the module DiversityAgents within the Diversity Workbench, Part of PK
Default value: ''
NO -
AgentType nvarchar (50) The type of the agent, e.g. person or institution as defined in ProjectAgentType_Enum YES Refers to table ProjectAgentType_Enum
AgentRole nvarchar (50) The role of the agent within the project as defined in ProjectAgentRole_Enum YES -
AgentSequence int The sequence of an agent within a project YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the agent YES -

Depending on:

Table ProjectAgentRole

The role of the person or institution involved in the project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectAgentID int Unique ID for the Agent, Part of primary key NO Refers to table ProjectAgent
AgentRole nvarchar (50) The role of the agent within the project as defined in ProjectAgentRole_Enum NO Refers to table ProjectAgentRole_Enum
ProjectID int Part of PK, ID of the Project NO -
AgentName nvarchar (255) The name of the agent. Only cached value where AgentURI is given NO -
AgentURI varchar (255) An URL linked to e.g. the module DiversityAgents within the Diversity Workbench NO -

Depending on:

Table ProjectArchive

Archives of the project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int Part of PK, ID of the Project NO Refers to table Project and table ProjectArchive
ArchiveID int Part of PK, ID of the Archive NO -
ParentArchiveID int The ID of the parent archive YES Refers to table ProjectArchive
Format nvarchar (50) The format of the archive,e.g. SDD, EML, ABCD etc. YES Refers to table ProjectArchiveFormat_Enum
MimeType nvarchar (50) The mime type of the archive, e.g. zip YES Refers to table ProjectArchiveMimeType_Enum
StorageLocation nvarchar (500) The path or URI of the archive file YES -
ExternalStorageLocation nvarchar (500) The path or URI of the archive file as stored on an external server YES -
FileSHA512Hash nvarchar (529) The hash value generated from the file YES -
FileSize int Size of the file in bytes YES -
TransferDate datetime The date and time when the data were transferred from the productive database (Last date and time when changes may have happend)
Default value: getdate()
PublicationDate date The date when the archive is published YES -
DataWithholdingReason nvarchar (50) The reason for locking the data from publication. If empty data may be published YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the archive YES -
Published bit If the dataset is published and no further changes are allowed
Default value: (0)

Depending on:

Table ProjectArchiveIdentifier

Identifier of archives of the project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int Part of PK, ID of the Project NO Refers to table ProjectArchive and table ProjectIdentifier
ArchiveID int Part of PK, ID of the Archive NO Refers to table ProjectArchive
Identifier nvarchar (255) The identifier if archive is linked to an identifier NO Refers to table ProjectIdentifier

Depending on:

Table ProjectDescriptor

Object names, event names, keywords, etc., providing indexing information for a resource.

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ID int Internal system generated primary key. Note that multiple values for a descriptor concept may be added (e.g. keywords) NO -
ProjectID int ID of the project, foreign key NO Refers to table Project
Language varchar (5) Language in which element content is expressed. Necessary even for numeric or date content (because expressed through string using language-specific conventions)
Default value: 'en'
NO -
ElementID int ID of a descriptor element concept (foreign key)
Default value: (0)
NO Refers to table ProjectDescriptorElement
Content nvarchar (255) A name, state, or value text for the descriptor element.
Default value: ''
NO -
ContentURI varchar (500) The URI of a conceptual ontological resource considered equivalent with the content, especially URIs for taxon names or keywords from ontologies.
Default value: ''
NO -

Depending on:

Table ProjectDescriptorElement

Examples of descriptor elements (= concepts for variables) are keyword, taxon name, pathogen name, host name, or host feature. Association with ResourceCollections is defined in ProjectDescriptorAssociation, relations in Res.DescriptorElementRelation.

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ElementID int Numeric identifier (primary key). NO -
ParentElementID int The ID of the parent element YES -
Abbreviation nvarchar (25) Short abbreviated name for descriptor element.
Default value: ''
NO -
DisplayText nvarchar (80) Concise English label of a descriptor element definition.
Default value: ''
NO -
DisplayOrder int Order in which elements are displayed independently of a resource collection (for order within a collection see ProjectDescriptorAssociation.DisplayOrder).
Default value: (0)
NO -
Description nvarchar (1000) A free-form text that may be displayed in user interfaces as explanatory text.
Default value: ''
NO -
URL varchar (500) The URI of a conceptual ontological resource considered equivalent with this descriptor element.
Default value: ''
NO -
InternalNotes nvarchar (1000) Internal notes and remarks. Although normally not published in public reports, this should not be used for truly confidential information.
Default value: ''
NO -
DisplayEnabled bit Whether this DescriptorElement is to be displayed in the user interface. NO -

Table ProjectIdentifier

External identifiers for the project, e.g. a DOI

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int Part of PK, ID of the Project NO Refers to table Project
Identifier nvarchar (255) The name of the agent. Only cached value where AgentURI is given NO -
Type nvarchar (50) The type of the identifier as defined in table ExternalIdentifierType YES Refers to table ProjectIdentifierType
URL varchar (500) A URL with further informations about the identifier YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the identifier YES -

Depending on:

Table ProjectIdentifierType

The type of an external identier, e.g. DOI

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
Type nvarchar (50) The type of project identifiers (primary key) NO -
ParentType nvarchar (50) The superior type of this type YES -
URL varchar (500) A URL providing with further informations about this type YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) The description of this type YES -
InternalNotes nvarchar (MAX) Internal notes about the type YES -

Table ProjectKeyword

Keywords for the project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int Part of PK, ID of the Project NO Refers to table Project
Keyword nvarchar (255) The keyword related to the project NO -

Depending on:

Table ProjectLabel

Labels for the project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int Part of PK, ID of the Project NO Refers to table Project
Label nvarchar (255) The Label NO -

Depending on:

Table ProjectLicense

The Licenses within a project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
LicenseID int ID of the License, part of primary key NO -
ProjectID int Refers to the ID of the project (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Project
DisplayText nvarchar (200) A display text as shown in the interface generated by the system or edited by the user YES -
LicenseURI varchar (500) The URL of the license under which the project is re-used or may be re-used YES -
LicenseType nvarchar (500) Type of an official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing, e. g. Creative Common Licenses, Copyright Licenses YES -
LicenseHolder nvarchar (500) The person or institution holding the license YES -
LicenseHolderAgentURI varchar (500) The link to a module containing futher information on the person or institution holding the license YES -
LicenseYear nvarchar (50) The year of the license declaration YES -
Context nvarchar (500) The context of the license, e.g. for publication YES -
LicenseDetails nvarchar (500) Details of the license YES -
IPR nvarchar (500) Intellectual Property Rights; the rights given to persons for their intellectual property YES -
IPRHolder nvarchar (500) The person or institution holding the Intellectual Property Rights YES -
IPRHolderAgentURI varchar (500) The link to a module containing futher information on the person or institution holding the YES -
CopyrightStatement nvarchar (500) Notice on rights held in and for the resource YES -
CopyrightHolder nvarchar (500) The person or institution holding the copyright YES -
CopyrightHolderAgentURI varchar (500) The link to a module containing futher information on the person or institution holding the copyright YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the license YES -

Depending on:

Table ProjectReference

The references related to the project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int Refers to the ID of table Project (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Project
ReferenceTitle nvarchar (500) The title of the data publication of the project data package or literature reference publication where information on the project and/ or on project dataset(s) was published. Note this is only a cached value where ReferenceURI is present NO -
ReferenceURI varchar (255) URI of project data citation/ data package citation or URI of literature reference where information on the project and/ or on project dataset(s) was published, e.g. referring to the module DiversityReferences YES -
ReferenceDetails nvarchar (50) Details within the project data citation/ data package citation, e.g. versioning, or details within the literature reference, e.g. pages YES -
ReferenceType nvarchar (255) The type of the data citation or literature reference YES -
IsCitation bit If a reference is the citation for the project data, i.e. the way the project data should be cited
Default value: (0)
NO -
ReferenceCitation nvarchar (500) The way the reference should be cited; suggested citation style YES -
URI nvarchar (500) The URI of a reference YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the project data citation or literature reference YES -

Depending on:

Table ProjectResource

Resources of the project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int Refers to the ID of the project (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Project
URI varchar (255) The complete URI address of the resource. NO -
SpecificRights nvarchar (500) The rights, e.g. the copyright of the resource YES -
SpecificLicenseURI nvarchar (500) The license under which the resource is re-used or may be re-used YES -
ResourceURI varchar (255) The URI of the image, e.g. as stored in the module DiversityResources. YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the resource YES -

Depending on:

Table ProjectSetting

Settings of a project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int Refers to the ID of the project (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Project
SettingID int Refers to ID of Settings, foreign key and part of primary key NO Refers to table Setting
Value nvarchar (MAX) The value of the setting
Default value: ''
NO -

Depending on:

Table ProjectUser

The projects available for a user

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
LoginName nvarchar (50) A login name which the user uses for access the DivesityWorkbench, Microsoft domains, etc.. NO Refers to table UserProxy
ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects) NO Refers to table Project

Depending on:

Table Setting

The settings used within the projects

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
SettingID int ID of the setting, primary key NO -
ParentSettingID int The ID of the superior setting YES Refers to table Setting
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Short abbreviated description of the setting, displayed in the user interface YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the setting YES -
DisplayOrder int The sequence in which the items should be shown in an interface YES -

Table UserProxy

The users with access to the database

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
LoginName nvarchar (50) A login name of the user for access to the database server NO -
CombinedNameCache nvarchar (255) The short name of the user, e.g. P. Smith. A cached value derived from an entry in the module DiversityAgents if AgentURI is filled. NO -
AgentURI varchar (255) URI of a user in the remote module DiversityAgents YES -
Queries xml (MAX) Queries defined by the user to access the data in the database YES -
Settings xml (MAX) The settings for the user YES -
ID int IS of the user NO -
PrivacyConsent bit If the user consents the storage of his user name in the database YES -
PrivacyConsentDate datetime The time and date when the user consented or refused the storage of his user name in the database YES -


View Project_Core

Provides all columus of table Project restricted to the projects accessible for a user as set in table ProjectUser with the exception of the dbo

Column Data type Description Nullable
ProjectID int PK, ID of the Project NO
ProjectParentID int ID of the superior project YES
Project nvarchar (255) A short title for the project as displayed e.g. for selection from a list in an user interface NO
ProjectTitle nvarchar (200) An explicit title for the project YES
ProjectType nvarchar (50) Type of the project YES
ProjectDescription nvarchar (2000) A text, describing characteristic features, e. g. the purpose and scope, of the project YES
ProjectNotes nvarchar (1000) Internal notes regarding the project, not published on the web YES
ProjectCopyright nvarchar (255) Copyright statement for the data collected for and revised by this project YES
ProjectRights nvarchar (255) The rights, e.g. the copyright of the project YES
ProjectLicenseURI nvarchar (255) The license under which the project is re-used or may be re-used YES
ProjectVersion nvarchar (255) Version number (refers to the database content of this project, not to application development) YES
ProjectURL varchar (255) An URL where e.g. the project is described YES
ProjectSettings nvarchar (MAX) The settings used within the project YES
LogInsertedBy nvarchar (50) Name of user who first entered (typed or imported) the data. This is the operator (or typist) name, which may be different from the person responsible. YES
LogInsertedWhen smalldatetime Date and time when record was first entered (typed or imported) into this system. YES
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of user who last updated the data. YES
LogUpdatedWhen smalldatetime Date and time when the data were last updated. YES
RowGUID uniqueidentifier - YES

Depending on:

View ProjectAgent_Core

Content of table ProjectAgent restricted to user accessible datasets

Column Data type Description Nullable
ProjectID int Refers to the ID of the project (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO
AgentName nvarchar (255) The name of the agent. Only cached value where AgentURI is given, Part of PK NO
AgentURI varchar (255) An URL linked to e.g. the module DiversityAgents within the Diversity Workbench, Part of PK NO
AgentRole nvarchar (50) The role of the agent within the project as defined in ProjectAgentRole_Enum YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the agent YES
LogInsertedBy nvarchar (50) Name of user who first entered (typed or imported) the data. This is the operator (or typist) name, which may be different from the person responsible. YES
LogInsertedWhen smalldatetime Date and time when record was first entered (typed or imported) into this system. YES
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of user who last updated the data. YES
LogUpdatedWhen smalldatetime Date and time when the data were last updated. YES
RowGUID uniqueidentifier - NO

Depending on:

View ProjectProxy

Provides the ProjectID, the Project and the ProjectURI (= BaseURL + ProjectID) of table Project restricted to the projects accessible for a user as set in table ProjectUser with the exception of the dbo

Column Data type Description Nullable
ProjectID int PK, ID of the Project NO
Project nvarchar (50) A short title for the project as displayed e.g. for selection from a list in an user interface NO
ProjectURI varchar (285) URI of the project as used for communication among modules = BaseURL + ProjectID YES

Depending on:

View ProjectResource_Core

Content of table ProjectResource restricted to those accessible for a user

Column Data type Description Nullable
ProjectID int Refers to the ID of the project (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO
URI varchar (255) The complete URI address of the resource. NO
SpecificRights nvarchar (500) The rights, e.g. the copyright of the resource YES
SpecificLicenseURI nvarchar (500) The license under which the resource is re-used or may be re-used YES
ResourceURI varchar (255) The URI of the image, e.g. as stored in the module DiversityResources. YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the resource YES
LogInsertedWhen datetime The time when this dataset was created YES
LogInsertedBy nvarchar (50) Who created this dataset YES
LogUpdatedWhen datetime The last time when this dataset was updated YES
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Who was the last to update this dataset YES
RowGUID uniqueidentifier - NO

Depending on:

View View_ProjectDescriptor

Project descriptors for query

Column Data type Description Nullable
ProjectID int ID of the project, foreign key NO
Descriptor nvarchar (337) Descriptor of the project (Type + Value) NO

Depending on:

View View_ProjectSetting

Project settings for query

Column Data type Description Nullable
ProjectID int Refers to the ID of the project (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO
Setting nvarchar (MAX) Setting of the project (Type + Value) YES

Depending on:

View ViewBaseURL

Value of the function BaseURL provided via a view for usage e.g. by linked servers

Column Data type Description Nullable
BaseURL varchar (255) Value of the function BaseURL YES

Depending on:

View ViewDataCitation

The citation of published data from the project; references of the data publication of the project data package

Column Data type Description Nullable
ProjectID int Refers to the ID of table Project (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO
ReferenceTitle nvarchar (255) The title of the data publication of the project data package. Note this is only a cached value where ReferenceURI is present. NO
ReferenceURI varchar (255) URI of project data citation/ data package citation of the project data package, e.g. referring to the module DiversityReferences. YES
ReferenceDetails nvarchar (50) Details within the project data citation/ data package citation, e.g. versioning YES
ReferenceType nvarchar (255) The type of the project data citation/ data package citation YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the project data citation/ data package citation YES
URI nvarchar (500) URI of project data citation/ data package citation with information on the project dataset(s) YES
ReferenceCitation nvarchar (500) The way the project data/ data package should be cited; suggested citation style YES

Depending on:

View ViewDiversityWorkbenchModule

Value of the function DiversityWorkbenchModule provided via a view for usage e.g. by linked servers

Column Data type Description Nullable
DiversityWorkbenchModule nvarchar (50) Value of the function DiversityWorkbenchModule YES

Depending on:

View ViewLiteratureReference

The references related to the project; references of literature publications where information on the project and/ or on project dataset(s) is given

Column Data type Description Nullable
ProjectID int Refers to the ID of table Project (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO
ReferenceTitle nvarchar (255) The title of the literature reference publication where information on the project and/ or on project dataset(s) was published. Note this is only a cached value where ReferenceURI is present. NO
ReferenceURI varchar (255) URI of literature reference with information on the project and/ or on the project dataset(s), e.g. referring to the module DiversityReferences. YES
ReferenceDetails nvarchar (50) Details within the literature reference, e.g. pages YES
ReferenceType nvarchar (255) The type of the literature reference YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the literature reference YES
URI nvarchar (500) URI of the literature reference with information on the project dataset(s) YES
ReferenceCitation nvarchar (500) The way the literature reference should be cited; suggested citation style YES

Depending on:

View ViewProject

Content of table Project including the StableIdentifier

Column Data type Description Nullable
ProjectID int PK, ID of the Project NO
ProjectParentID int ID of the superior project YES
Project nvarchar (255) A short title for the project as displayed e.g. for selection from a list in an user interface NO
ProjectTitle nvarchar (200) An explicit title for the project YES
ProjectDescription nvarchar (2000) A text, describing characteristic features, e. g. the purpose and scope, of the project YES
ProjectNotes nvarchar (1000) Internal notes regarding the project, not published on the web YES
ProjectVersion nvarchar (255) Version number (refers to the database content of this project, not to application development) YES
ProjectURL varchar (255) An URL where e.g. the project is described YES
StableIdentifier varchar (500) The StableIdentifier for the project YES
ProjectType nvarchar (50) Type of the project YES
InternalDescription nvarchar (MAX) Internal description of the project, not to be published YES
PublicDescription nvarchar (MAX) Public description of the project if different from the description YES
ProjectDescriptionType nvarchar (50) classification of the public description, e. g. abstract YES
LogInsertedBy nvarchar (50) Name of user who first entered (typed or imported) the data. This is the operator (or typist) name, which may be different from the person responsible. YES
LogInsertedWhen smalldatetime Date and time when record was first entered (typed or imported) into this system. YES
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of user who last updated the data. YES
LogUpdatedWhen smalldatetime Date and time when the data were last updated. YES
RowGUID uniqueidentifier - YES

Depending on:


Function BaseURL

Provides the basic address for accessing the database

DataType: varchar (255)

Function DiversityWorkbenchModule

Provides the name of the DiversityWorkbench module

DataType: nvarchar (50)

Function PrivacyConsentInfo

Providing common information about the storage and processing of personal data within the DiversityWorkbench

DataType: varchar (900)

Function ProjectChildNodes

Returns a result set that lists all the items within a hierarchy starting at the topmost item related to the given item.

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int ID of the project

Column DataType Description
ProjectID int PK, ID of the Project
ProjectParentID int ID of the superior project
Project nvarchar (50) A short title for the project as displayed e.g. for selection from a list in an user interface
ProjectTitle nvarchar (200) An explicit title for the project
ProjectDescription nvarchar (2000) A text, describing characteristic features, e. g. the purpose and scope, of the project
ProjectNotes nvarchar (1000) Internal notes regarding the project, not published on the web
ProjectVersion nvarchar (255) Version number (refers to the database content of this project, not to application development)
ProjectURL varchar (255) An URL where e.g. the project is described
ProjectType nvarchar (50) Type of the project
InternalDescription nvarchar (MAX) Internal description of the project, not to be published
PublicDescription nvarchar (MAX) Public description of the project if different from the description
ProjectDescriptionType nvarchar (50) classification of the public description, e. g. abstract
EmbargoDate date The date until which the data should not be published, made available to the public
CreateArchive bit If an archive e.g. by a task schedule should be created
ArchiveProtocol nvarchar (MAX) The protocol created during the last archive

Depending on:

Function ProjectHierarchy

Returns a table that lists all the items related to the given item

Parameter DataType Description
@ProjectID int ID of the project

Column DataType Description
ProjectID int PK, ID of the Project
ProjectParentID int ID of the superior project
Project nvarchar (50) A short title for the project as displayed e.g. for selection from a list in an user interface
ProjectTitle nvarchar (200) An explicit title for the project
ProjectDescription nvarchar (2000) A text, describing characteristic features, e. g. the purpose and scope, of the project
ProjectNotes nvarchar (1000) Internal notes regarding the project, not published on the web
ProjectVersion nvarchar (255) Version number (refers to the database content of this project, not to application development)
ProjectURL varchar (255) An URL where e.g. the project is described
ProjectType nvarchar (50) Type of the project
InternalDescription nvarchar (MAX) Internal description of the project, not to be published
PublicDescription nvarchar (MAX) Public description of the project if different from the description
ProjectDescriptionType nvarchar (50) classification of the public description, e. g. abstract
EmbargoDate date The date until which the data should not be published, made available to the public
CreateArchive bit If an archive e.g. by a task schedule should be created
ArchiveProtocol nvarchar (MAX) The protocol created during the last archive

Depending on:

Function ProjectList

The list of Projects accessible for the current user

Column DataType Description
ProjectID int ID of the project

Depending on:

Function ProjectParents

Returns a table that lists all the parents of the given project

Parameter DataType Description
@ProjectID int ID of the project as stored in table Project

Column DataType Description
ProjectID int PK, ID of the Project
ProjectParentID int ID of the superior project
Project nvarchar (50) A short title for the project as displayed e.g. for selection from a list in an user interface
ProjectTitle nvarchar (200) An explicit title for the project
ProjectDescription nvarchar (2000) A text, describing characteristic features, e. g. the purpose and scope, of the project
ProjectNotes nvarchar (1000) Internal notes regarding the project, not published on the web
ProjectCopyright nvarchar (255) Copyright statement for the data collected for and revised by this project
ProjectRights nvarchar (255) The rights, e.g. the copyright of the project
ProjectLicenseURI varchar (255) The license under which the project is re-used or may be re-used
ProjectVersion nvarchar (255) Version number (refers to the database content of this project, not to application development)
ProjectURL varchar (255) An URL where e.g. the project is described
HierarchyLevel int The level of the hierarchy: 1 = level of selected project; increasing with parents in hierarchy

Depending on:

Function SettingHierarchyAll

Returns a table that lists all the settings including a display text with the whole hierarchy

Column DataType Description
SettingID int ID of the setting as defined in table Setting
ParentSettingID int ID of the superior setting
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Short abbreviated description of the object, displayed in the user interface
DisplayOrder int The sequence in which the items should be shown in an interface
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Hierarchy nvarchar (4000) The hierarchy composed of the display texts of the superior settings

Depending on:

Function SettingHierarchyChildren

Returns a table that lists all the settings depending on a setting

Parameter DataType Description
@SettingID int ID of the setting

Column DataType Description
SettingID int ID of the setting as defined in table Setting
ParentSettingID int The ID of the superior setting
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Short abbreviated description of the setting, displayed in the user interface
DisplayOrder int The sequence in which the items should be shown in an interface
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the setting

Depending on:

Function SettingHierarchyNonProject

Returns a table that lists all the settings including a display text with the whole hierarchy that are not included in a project so far

Parameter DataType Description
@ProjectID int The ID of the project

Column DataType Description
SettingID int ID of the setting as defined in table Setting
ParentSettingID int ID of the superior setting
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Short abbreviated description of the object, displayed in the user interface
DisplayOrder int The sequence in which the items should be shown in an interface
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Hierarchy nvarchar (4000) The hierarchy composed of the display texts of the superior settings

Depending on:

Function SettingHierarchyProjectAll

Returns a table that lists all the settings for a project including those inherited from superior projects.

Parameter DataType Description
@ProjectID int Input parameter. Enter a valid ProjectID.

Column DataType Description
SettingID int The ID of the setting as defined in table Setting
ParentSettingID int The ID of the superior setting
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Short abbreviated description of the object, displayed in the user interface
DisplayOrder int The sequence in which the items should be shown in an interface
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Hierarchy nvarchar (4000) The hierarchy composed of the display texts of the superior settings
Value nvarchar (4000) The value of the setting
ProjectID int ID of the superior project from which this setting has been inherited
Project nvarchar (200) The name of the project from which this setting has been inherited

Depending on:

Function SettingsForProject

Returns a table that lists all the settings for a project including those inherited from parent projects including formatting options. Used for Metadata retrieval by DiversityCollection cache databases

Parameter DataType Description
@ProjectID int The ID of the project
@SettingFilter nvarchar (255) A optional filter for the settings
@Spacer nvarchar (20) Optional. A spacer placed between the
@DisplayType int Formatting mode of the column ProjectSetting 1: Whole hierarchy 2: Remove leading value of @SettingFilter from hierarchy

Column DataType Description
SettingID int ID of the Setting
ParentSettingID int ID of the superior setting
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Short abbreviated description of the object, displayed in the user interface
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
ProjectSetting nvarchar (4000) The hierarchy composed of the display texts of the superior settings formatting depending from parameter
Value nvarchar (4000) The value of the setting

Depending on:

Function StableIdentifier

The stable identifier published for a project

DataType: varchar (500)

Parameter DataType Description
@ProjectID int ID of the project

Depending on:

Function UserID

ID of the User as stored in table UserProxy

DataType: int

Depending on:

Function Version

Version of the database

DataType: nvarchar (8)

Function VersionClient

Version of the client software compatible with the version of the database

DataType: nvarchar (11)


Procedure procInsertProjectCopy

Copy project including all depending data

Parameter DataType Description
@ProjectID int Output parameter, ID of the new project
@CopyID int ID of the project that should be copied
@ProjectTitle nvarchar (200) Title of the new project

Depending on:



Database Role for administrative actions within the database.

Language_EnumDiversity Workbench User         TABLE
ProjectDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor   TABLE
Project_logDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
ProjectAgentDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor   TABLE
ProjectAgent_logDiversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
ProjectAgentRoleDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor   TABLE
ProjectAgentRole_EnumDiversity Workbench User         TABLE
ProjectAgentRole_logDiversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
ProjectAgentType_EnumDiversity Workbench User         TABLE
ProjectArchive          TABLE
ProjectArchive_log          TABLE
ProjectArchiveFormat_Enum          TABLE
ProjectArchiveIdentifier          TABLE
ProjectArchiveIdentifier_log          TABLE
ProjectArchiveMimeType_Enum          TABLE
ProjectDescriptorDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor   TABLE
ProjectDescriptor_logDiversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
ProjectDescriptorElementDiversity Workbench User   TABLE
ProjectDescriptorElement_logDiversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
ProjectIdentifierDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor   TABLE
ProjectIdentifier_logDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
ProjectIdentifierTypeDiversity Workbench User         TABLE
ProjectIdentifierType_logDiversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
ProjectKeywordDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor   TABLE
ProjectKeyword_logDiversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
ProjectLabelDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor   TABLE
ProjectLabel_logDiversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
ProjectLicenseDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor   TABLE
ProjectLicense_logDiversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
ProjectReferenceDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor   TABLE
ProjectReference_logDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
ProjectResourceDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor   TABLE
ProjectResource_logDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
ProjectSettingDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor   TABLE
ProjectSetting_logDiversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
ProjectType_EnumDiversity Workbench User         TABLE
ProjectUserDiversity Workbench User Diversity Workbench Editor   TABLE
SettingDiversity Workbench Editor   TABLE
Setting_logDiversity Workbench Editor Diversity Workbench Editor       TABLE
UserProxyDiversity Workbench User   TABLE
Project_CoreDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ProjectAgent_CoreDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ProjectProxyDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ProjectResource_CoreDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
View_ProjectDescriptorDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
View_ProjectSettingDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ViewBaseURLDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ViewDataCitationDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ViewDiversityWorkbenchModuleDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ViewLiteratureReferenceDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ViewProjectDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
BaseURL        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
DiversityWorkbenchModule        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
PrivacyConsentInfo        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
ProjectChildNodesDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
ProjectHierarchyDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
ProjectListDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
ProjectParentsDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
SettingHierarchyAllDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
SettingHierarchyChildrenDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
SettingHierarchyNonProjectDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
SettingHierarchyProjectAllDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
SettingsForProjectDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
StableIdentifier        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
UserID        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
Version        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
VersionClient        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
procInsertProjectCopy        Diversity Workbench Editor PROCEDURE

Inheriting from roles:


Database Role with read/write accesss to the database.

Language_EnumDiversity Workbench User         TABLE
ProjectDiversity Workbench User     TABLE
Project_logDiversity Workbench User       TABLE
ProjectAgentDiversity Workbench User   TABLE
ProjectAgent_log       TABLE
ProjectAgentRoleDiversity Workbench User   TABLE
ProjectAgentRole_EnumDiversity Workbench User         TABLE
ProjectAgentRole_log       TABLE
ProjectAgentType_EnumDiversity Workbench User         TABLE
ProjectArchive          TABLE
ProjectArchive_log          TABLE
ProjectArchiveFormat_Enum          TABLE
ProjectArchiveIdentifier          TABLE
ProjectArchiveIdentifier_log          TABLE
ProjectArchiveMimeType_Enum          TABLE
ProjectDescriptorDiversity Workbench User   TABLE
ProjectDescriptor_log       TABLE
ProjectDescriptorElementDiversity Workbench User         TABLE
ProjectDescriptorElement_log       TABLE
ProjectIdentifierDiversity Workbench User     TABLE
ProjectIdentifier_logDiversity Workbench User       TABLE
ProjectIdentifierTypeDiversity Workbench User         TABLE
ProjectIdentifierType_log       TABLE
ProjectKeywordDiversity Workbench User   TABLE
ProjectKeyword_log       TABLE
ProjectLabelDiversity Workbench User   TABLE
ProjectLabel_log       TABLE
ProjectLicenseDiversity Workbench User   TABLE
ProjectLicense_log       TABLE
ProjectReferenceDiversity Workbench User   TABLE
ProjectReference_logDiversity Workbench User       TABLE
ProjectResourceDiversity Workbench User   TABLE
ProjectResource_logDiversity Workbench User       TABLE
ProjectSettingDiversity Workbench User   TABLE
ProjectSetting_log       TABLE
ProjectType_EnumDiversity Workbench User         TABLE
ProjectUserDiversity Workbench User       TABLE
Setting       TABLE
Setting_log       TABLE
UserProxyDiversity Workbench User   Diversity Workbench User     TABLE
Project_CoreDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ProjectAgent_CoreDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ProjectProxyDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ProjectResource_CoreDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
View_ProjectDescriptorDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
View_ProjectSettingDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ViewBaseURLDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ViewDataCitationDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ViewDiversityWorkbenchModuleDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ViewLiteratureReferenceDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
ViewProjectDiversity Workbench User         VIEW
BaseURL        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
DiversityWorkbenchModule        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
PrivacyConsentInfo        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
ProjectChildNodesDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
ProjectHierarchyDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
ProjectListDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
ProjectParentsDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
SettingHierarchyAllDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
SettingHierarchyChildrenDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
SettingHierarchyNonProjectDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
SettingHierarchyProjectAllDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
SettingsForProjectDiversity Workbench User         FUNCTION
StableIdentifier        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
UserID        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
Version        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
VersionClient        Diversity Workbench User FUNCTION
procInsertProjectCopy        PROCEDURE

Inheriting from roles:


Database Role with reading accesss to the database.

Language_Enum         TABLE
Project         TABLE
Project_log         TABLE
ProjectAgent         TABLE
ProjectAgent_log          TABLE
ProjectAgentRole         TABLE
ProjectAgentRole_Enum         TABLE
ProjectAgentRole_log          TABLE
ProjectAgentType_Enum         TABLE
ProjectArchive          TABLE
ProjectArchive_log          TABLE
ProjectArchiveFormat_Enum          TABLE
ProjectArchiveIdentifier          TABLE
ProjectArchiveIdentifier_log          TABLE
ProjectArchiveMimeType_Enum          TABLE
ProjectDescriptor         TABLE
ProjectDescriptor_log          TABLE
ProjectDescriptorElement         TABLE
ProjectDescriptorElement_log          TABLE
ProjectIdentifier         TABLE
ProjectIdentifier_log         TABLE
ProjectIdentifierType         TABLE
ProjectIdentifierType_log          TABLE
ProjectKeyword         TABLE
ProjectKeyword_log          TABLE
ProjectLabel         TABLE
ProjectLabel_log          TABLE
ProjectLicense         TABLE
ProjectLicense_log          TABLE
ProjectReference         TABLE
ProjectReference_log         TABLE
ProjectResource         TABLE
ProjectResource_log         TABLE
ProjectSetting         TABLE
ProjectSetting_log          TABLE
ProjectType_Enum         TABLE
ProjectUser         TABLE
Setting         TABLE
Setting_log          TABLE
UserProxy       TABLE
Project_Core         VIEW
ProjectAgent_Core         VIEW
ProjectProxy         VIEW
ProjectResource_Core         VIEW
View_ProjectDescriptor         VIEW
View_ProjectSetting         VIEW
ViewBaseURL         VIEW
ViewDataCitation         VIEW
ViewDiversityWorkbenchModule         VIEW
ViewLiteratureReference         VIEW
ViewProject         VIEW
DiversityWorkbenchModule        FUNCTION
PrivacyConsentInfo        FUNCTION
ProjectChildNodes         FUNCTION
ProjectHierarchy         FUNCTION
ProjectList         FUNCTION
ProjectParents         FUNCTION
SettingHierarchyAll         FUNCTION
SettingHierarchyChildren         FUNCTION
SettingHierarchyNonProject         FUNCTION
SettingHierarchyProjectAll         FUNCTION
SettingsForProject         FUNCTION
StableIdentifier        FUNCTION
UserID        FUNCTION
Version        FUNCTION
VersionClient        FUNCTION
procInsertProjectCopy          PROCEDURE