Import wizard - Columns

If the content of a file should be imported into a certain column of a table, mark it with the checkbox.

Decisive columns

The import depends on the data found in the file where certain columns can be selected as decisive. Only those lines will be imported where data are found in any of these decisive columns. To mark a column as decisive, click on the icon at the beginning of the line (see below).

In the example shown below, the file column Organims 2 was marked as decisive. Therefore only the two lines containing content in this column will be imported.


Key columns

For the options Merge, Update and Attach the import compares the data from the file with those already present in the database. This comparison is done via key columns. To make a column a key column, click on the icon at the beginning of the line. You can define as many key columns as you need to ensure a valid comparison of the data.



The data imported into the database can either be taken From file or the same value that you enter into the window or select from a list can be used For all datasets. If you choose the From file option, a window as shown below will pop up. Just click in the column where the data for the column should be taken from and click OK (see below).

If you choose the For all option, you can either enter text, select a value from a list or use a checkbox for YES or NO.



The data imported may be transformed e.g. to adapt them to a format demanded by the database. For further details please see the chapter Transformation.



If data in the source file are missing in subsequent lines as shown below,

you can use the Copy line option to fill in missing data as shown below where the blue values are copied into empty fields during the import. Click on the button to ensure that missing values are filled in from previous lines.



Prefix and Postfix

In addition to the transformation of the values from the file, you may add a pre- and a postfix. These will be added after the transformation of the text. Double-click in the field to see or edit the content. The pre- and a postfix values will only be used, if the file contains data for the current position.

Column selection

If for any reason, a column that should take its content from the imported file misses the position of the file or you want to change the position click on the button. In case a position is present, this button will show the number of the column. A window as shown below will pop up where you can select and change the position in the file.


Multi column

The content of a column can be composed from the content of several columns in the file. To add additional file columns, click on the button. A window as shown below will pop up, showing you the column selected so far, where the sequence is indicated in the header line. The first column is marked with a blue background while the added columns are marked with a green background (see below).

To remove an added column, use the button (see below).



The button opens a window displaying the information about the column. For certain datatypes additional options are included (see Pre- and Postfix).