User administration

To edit the users and their roles, choose Administration -> Logins ... from the menu. A window as shown below will open.


The list on the left shows the logins available on the server. To create a new login, click on the button. A window as shown below will open. Enter the name, the password and select an entry from the module DiversityAgents for further documentation or create a new one (see below).


To disable a login uncheck the Enabled checkbox. Disabled logins are listed in red.

To delete a login use the button underneath the list.

If a login should be enabled to administrate the server and the access to the server, check the System administrator checkbox. To do this, you have to be a system administrator by yourself. 



After selecting a login from the list, the databases available on the server will indicate the access for the login: 

To change the accessibility, select the database in the list an edit the settings accordingly



The roles available in the database are listed in the Roles section (see below). To change the role of a user, select the role in the list and click on the < or > buttons to either revoke or grant this role to the current user.



The projects available in the database are listed in the Projects section (see below). To change the accessibility of a project for a user, select the project in the list and click on the < or > buttons to prohibit or allow access to this project to the current user. Use the and buttons to move projects between Accessible and Read Only.

To load or synchronize projects from a DiversityProjects database, use the Load projects button. A windows as shown below will open. Select the source database, To list the projects available. Projects allready present in your database will be listed in green, while missing projects are red. Check the projects you want to load and start the download . To search for certain projects, you may use the Filter: enter a search string and click on the Filter button.

To load or synchronize projects from a DiversityProjects database, use the Load projects button. A windows as shown below will open. Select the source database.



A User may have settings for any purpose you need. To add or remove settings use the and buttons (see below) and the Search template button to find a predefined setting. To edit a setting, select it and change its value in the textbox below the tree.