Wildcards in SQL

There are 4 different possibilities for wildcards in SQL:

%     any string consisting of no, one or many characters, e.g. Pinus % will find anything like Pinus, Pinus sylvestris, Pinus strobus etc.

_      a single character, e.g. Pinus s_lvestris will find Pinus sylvestris and Pinus silvestris etc.

[]      any character out of a given range like [abcde] or [a-e], e.g. Pinus s[iy]lvestris will find Pinus sylvestris and Pinus silvestris.

[^]   any character not in a given range like [^abcde] or [^a-e], e.g. Pinus s[^i]lvestris will find Pinus sylvestris but not Pinus silvestris