Step 4 - Import of categorical states for boolean data

Now we want to import categorical states for the descriptors specified as "Bool" in the table. In the selection list on the left side of the window deselect Descriptor node, Rec. stat. measure 1 Rec. modifier 1 and Rec. frequency 1. Select Categorical state 1, click on the button to insert a second categorical state and select it, too (see below).

In this step we attach two categorical states named "Yes" and "No" at those descriptors that are marked as "Bool" in file column "Type". The state values are not present in the "Survey_Questions.txt" file, but in the "Survey_answers.txt" files we can see the values. In import step Attach at the right side we select id (see below). It indicates that we do not want to insert new descriptors but attach data to an existing descriptor.

Select the import step Merge from the list. For Descriptor we select the Attach option because this table shall not be changed, for Categorical state 1 we select Insert, because a new entry shall be inserted (see below).

Deselect every column from import step Descriptor except "id". Mark the "id" column as Key column for comparison during attachment (see below).


Inserting the categorical states

In the import step Categorical state 1 click on Categorical state ID and in the center window the assignemt data for the categorical state id ("id") are displayed. Click on to make this the decisive column, further click on From file to select the column "Type" as data source. Now click on button to define a transformation. In the tranformation window click on to select a filter, then select Import fixed value and enter the value Yes. Now click on the button choose column "Type" from the file and enter compare value Bool (see below).

This filter has the following effect: If file column "Type" contains value "Bool", the value Yes is provided for import, otherwise the file row will be ignored. The column now looks as shown below.  

Remark: The Categorical state ID is a number that is generated automatically from the database when a new categorical state is created. At first sight it seems confusing that we select a string for this numeric key. The point is that in the file with the description data the corresponding catogorical state is idenified by exactly this categorical state name. Since we select this categorical state name for the Categorical state ID, the mapping between these two values will be stored in a separate import mapping table for the actual import session. In the later import steps this mapping table will allow to find the correct categorical state.

In the import step Categorical state 1 click on Categorical state name and in the center window the assignemt data for the categorical state name ("label"), its abbreviation and detailled description ("abbreviation" and "details") are displayed. Select "label" and click on For all: and enter the value Yes. The column now looks as shown below.

Finally we supply the Sequence number. Select For all: with 1 (see below).


In the import step Categorical state 2 click on Categorical state ID and in the center window the assignemt data for the categorical state id ("id") are displayed. Click on to make this the decisive column, further click on From file to select the column "Type" as data source. Now click on button to define a transformation. In the tranformation window click on to select a filter, then select Import fixed value and enter the value No. Now click on the button choose column "Type" from the file and enter compare value Bool (see below).

This filter has the following effect: If file column "DataType" contains value "Bool", the value No is provided for import, otherwise the file row will be ignored. The column now looks as shown below.  

In the import step Categorical state 1 click on Categorical state name and in the center window the assignemt data for the categorical state name ("label"), its abbreviation and detailled description ("abbreviation" and "details") are displayed. Select "label" and click on For all: and enter the value Yes. The column now looks as shown below.

Finally we supply the Sequence number. Select For all: with "2" (see below).



To test if all requirements for the import are met use the Testing step. First the test for data line 2 is shown below, which is an example for a non "Bool" descriptor.

No data shall be inserted. Below the test result for data line 8, a "Bool" descriptor, is shown.



With the last step you can start to import the data into the database. If you want to repeat the import with the same settings and data of the same structure, you can save a schema of the current settings. The imported data lines are marked green, the ignored data lines grey (see below).


Next: Step 5 - Import of categorical states and update of descriptor