Maintenance - Quantitative summary data

To shift and copy quantitative summary data to a different descriptor or delete values for selected statistical measures, select the Maintain descriptive data tab and choose the tab Quantitative summary data

Select the Project and the Source descriptor. If you want to select a Target descriptor that is different than the Source descriptor, check the box before the Target descriptor and select a value. Click on Show statistical measure mapping and the assigned statistical measures of the selected Source descriptor will be listed in the upper table (see image below). If you want so process all available statistical measures, not only that ones assigned to the descriptors in the descriptor tree, check Show all source measures rsp. Show all target measures. Select the statistical measures for which you want to modify the summary data in column >>.

The following operations are available:

In case the summary data are moved or copied, all relevant data including modifier values and notes will be processed. 

After adjusting the required operations for the selected categorical states click on Check for statistical measures and all affected summary data will be listed in the lower table (see image above). The Description restriction and Description exclusion lists may be used for refinement of the description selection (see Maintain descriptive data). For each affected Description and Measure of the quantitative summary data the Action (DELETE, MOVE or INSERT) an New measure are specified. You may select or deselect all entries of the result list for the database update by clicking the buttons Select all rsp. Select none. To perform the selected operations click on the button. Instead of updating the database you may click Close form and check list in database to return to the main program with the affected descriptions.