Maintenance - Maintain descriptive data

To open the maintenance form choose Administration -> Database ... -> Maintenance ... from the menu and select the Maintain descriptive data tab. In the Descriptor status data tab you may set or reset the descriptor status of a categorical descriptor depending on its summary data. In the Categorical summary data tab you may shift and copy categorical summary data to a different descriptor or delete values for selected categorical states. In the Quantitative summary data tab you may perform such operations concerning statistical measures. With tab  Description project you may manage the additional projects of your description items. To find and delete corrupted descriptive data choose the Clean descriptive data tab. The tab  Find violation of rules offers query functions to find description items where rules concerning the descriptor usage are violated.


Commonly used description selection options

In the sub-panels you may set a descriptor status and move or copy categorical rsp. quantitative summary data. By default all descriptions from the selected project will be searched that fulfill the specified conditions, i.e. a certain categorical state or statistical measure. In certain cases it is neccessary to restrict the possibly affected descriptions by some additional conditions. For this purpose there is the option to define a restriction and/or an exclusion list (see example below).

By opening a query window (button ) you can generate a list of descriptions (see image below) that shall be included in the search (Description restriction) or excluded from the search (Description exclusion).  

The resulting numbers of restricted and excluded descriptions will be displayed in the controls. You may check the selected items by double-clicking the numbers (see images below).