Maintenance - Taxonomic names

To synchronize the entries for the taxonomic names derived from the module DiversityTaxonNames select the Synchronize databases tab and choose the tab Taxon names. There are two ways to synchronize taxonomic names. You may either Synchronize taxonomic names linked to an external data source for entries where the link to a taxonomic database is already established or you may Synchronize taxonomic names missing a connection where no link is established and you can query for identical names in one of the databases. The meaning of some generally used controls is explained in the introduction page of database synchronization.

Synchronize taxonomic names linked to an external data source

The taxonomic names are stored as field "label" of table DescriptionScope, where the scope type TaxonName is specified. Select a taxonomy database and the descriptions project that shall be synchronized. Start the query with a click on the  button.


The form will list all differences found. To update the database click on the button.


Synchronize taxonomic names missing a connection

Select a taxonomic database, optionally a project within this database and a project in the descriptions database to search for identical names. Start the query with a click on the  button. You may either restrict the search to an exact match (= Compare whole name) or to the first parts of the name (= Compare first parts) as shown below. If the names do not match exactly, you may either update the name (= Update similar name) in the descriptions database or import the name from the DiversityTaxonNames as a new scope (= Insert as new name - see options in the window depicted below). In the result list only matching names will be checked (column OK). The other results will be marked indicating the difference. Yellow indicates a difference in the authors while red indicates differences in main parts of the name. To use these similar names check them in the OK column.


The form will list all matches found. To insert the links to the database click on the button.


Synchronize taxonomic names missing a connection with a websrvice

To synchronize the taxonomic names with a webservice select it as Taxonomy database. You may either compare the entire name or the first parts of the name (see image below and description above). If the name in your data does not match the name in the webservice perfectly, the name will be marked with a yellow background.

If several similar names were found, these lines will be marked with a blue background (see image above). To select one of the similar names click on the Select name button. A window will open as shown below listing all similar names found in the webservice. Select one name and click OK to use it.