
For each project a default language is selected in the Edit project panel. In Diversity Descriptions for most database entries additionally translated expressions can be stored in the Translation table. Even for the default language adjusted for the project alternate expressions may be entered. In several export and document generation forms it is possible to select an alternate output language, if translations are available. Translatable entities are listed in the following table.

Database table Database columns
CategoricalState label, detail, abbreviation, wording
DataStatus_Enum label, detail, abbreviation
Description label, detail, wording
Descriptor label, detail, abbreviation, wording_before, wording_after, wording
DescriptorTree label
DescriptorTreeNode label, detail, abbreviation
Frequency label
Modifier label
OtherScope label, detail
Project label, detail
Resource label, detail
ResourceVariant_Enum label, detail
SamplingEvent label, detail
SexStatus_Enum label, detail, abbreviation
StatisticalMeasure_Enum label, abbreviation

All mentioned entities may be edited using the translations editor. If for an output a translation language is specified, a situation may occur that for a certain entity not translation is stored in the database. In those cases automatically the original database values will be used. 

As you can see in the table above, no translations are supported for the descriptive data, i.e. summary or sampling data. Concerning categorical data, there is a tranlsation support, because the terminology parts (Descriptor and CategoricalState) my be translated. Quatitative data mainly include numeric values and their statistical measure, where the measure texts themselves can be translated. The same is valid for descriptor status data. Molecular sequence data naturally do not contain any translatable texts. Finally only the contents of text descriptor data and notes, that can be included in any summary or sampling data, are not supported for translation.


Data export

The export format SDD is XML based and offers multilingual support. By default the document language ist set to the project default language and the original database entries (labels, detail texts and so on) are included without explicit language tag. If translations are stored in the database, they are included in the SDD output with their specific language tag. As an option translations may be completely excluded from export or the SDD document language may even be switched to one of the available translation languages. Please be aware, that the enumerated values (DataStatus_Enum, StatisticalMeasures_Enum and SexStatus_Enum) are identified by specific tags within SDD. Therefore the translations for these are not included in the SDD file! 

The export format DELTA is text based and does not support multilinguality. By default the original database entries are used in the DELTA output. If translations are stored in the database, you may select one of the available languages for the DELTA output.

In both cases the general rule applies that if for a certain term no translated value is present, the original value will be used. For details concerning the data export see here.


Data import

In the SDD import form the available languages are displayed. You have the options to omit translations during import or select a different language as the project's default language. 

The DELTA import form offers the option to import translations for descriptors, categorical states and description items from separate DELTA files with identical structure. In a first step the complete data are imported form a main DELTA file. In subsequent steps the identifier for additional languages may be imported from additional language specific DELTA files. 


Document generators

The is a number of document generators to generate HTML or Media Wiki output. In this form an "Export language" field is shown if any translations are available in the database. In those cases you have the choice to adjust the default language or one of the offered tranlsations languages. Anyway, there may be some fixed expressions in the generated documents, where currently no mutilingual support is available.