Sample data grid view - Data editing

The first column of the sampling unit table shows the sampling unit IDs titles, which are fixed. I.e. if you scroll the sample data to the right, the IDs are still visible at the left. The other columns show the sample data, where the descriptor type is indicated by the background colour: categorical, quantitative, text or sequence. The column titles include the descriptor name, the mesurement unit in square bracket for quantitative descriptors and the descriptor's sequence number (see image below).

When a sample cell in the sampling unit table is selected, the field Sampl. event: shows the sampling event titles, field Description: shows the description title and field Descriptor: shows the symbols according the descriptor type ( for categorical, for quantitative, for text and for sequence) and the descriptor title. If for a descriptor resources are available, this fact is indicated by a coloured symbol background. You may view them by a double-click on the descriptor title. If for a description resources are available, the symbol is displayed before the title. Double click in that symbol to view the resources.

For the selected cell the sample data may be edited as described in section Editing the description - Sample data tab of this manual. For modified sample cells the text colour changes to blue and the sample unit IDs will be shown with yellow background in the table.


Changing the sampling event

To shift samling units to a different sampling event, select the whole data rows by clicking in the area left from the "Sampling unit ID" column. In the tool strip the set event button appears. After clicking the button a window for selecting the new parent sampling event will be opened (see image below).


Copy sampling units

To copy one or more sampling units select the whole data rows by clicking in the area left from the "Sampling unit ID" column. In the tool strip the copy button appears (see image below).


After clicking the button the copied line are inserte at the end of the tabel (see image below). 



Delete sampling units

To delete one or more sampling units select the whole data rows by clicking in the area left from the "Sampling unit ID" column. In the tool strip the copy button appears.


New sampling unit

To enter a new sampling, click on button and a new row will be appended. After clicking the button a window for selecting the sampling event will be opened.



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