

To insert a new image click on theĀ  button. A window will open where you can enter the path and file name of the image. Click on the button to search for a web address of an image as shown below.

URL of image

The URL for images can not be changed in the main form. Instead you have to create an image with the new URL and delete the image based on the old URL.

To edit the URL, please use the TableEditor for the corresponding image table.

To use an image available as a local file click on the button to search in your local directories. You can upload this file via a webservice to the server of an institution providing the DiversityMediaService. To use this service you may rename your image either using a GUID or according to the accession number including date and time. Use the upload button to upload your image to the server.

To delete an image select it from the list and click on theĀ  button.

To zoom a specific sector of an image simply drag the mouse over the preferred area of the image. A red square will indicate the zoomed area. To set the size of the image to its original resolution click on theĀ  button. To adapt the size of the image to the available space in the form click on theĀ  button. To change the orientation of the image use the appropriate buttons ( Ā flip horizontal, Ā flip vertical,Ā  rotate right,Ā  rotate left).

To corrent the orientation of an image according to the rotation documentend in the EXIF data, click on the button Video starten.

To view the image in a separate form click on the button.

For images with a path containing escape signs (e.g. %2F) the translation of these sign can be suppressed using the %2F resp. / button.

If the image should not be published e.g. on the internet, enter any reason in the Withhold. reason - field. Next to images you can store other media.

For images where a high resolution version is available, a zoom button will appear as shown below.

Click on the zoom button to open a window to see details of the image as shown below (using krpano/ software).


For the description of a medium see the chapter Imagedescription.

Data is stored in the tables CollectionSpecimenImage, CollectionEventImage , CollectionEventSeriesImage and CollectionImage.