

Text format

To export data as a text file choose Data - Export … from the menu. A window as shown below will open. You have several options to adapt the format of the export. E.g. you may use a different style for the first author, specifiy the separator for the last author etc.

The colums that should be displayed can be specified in the list Displayed columns. A click on the Transfer to grid button to transfers the data into the data grid as shown below. The sequence of the columns can be changed by dragging a column in the position of your choice. After setting the correct sequence and formatting options (e.g. Format of year - see below) click on the Transfer to text button. Then the text ready for export will be shown in the textbox below. Click on the Save to file button to store the data in the specified file.


RIS format (Reference Manager)

To export data in the RIS format according to the commercial database Reference Manager use the RIS-Export function.

Choose Data -> Export from the menu to start the export. A form will open.

Click on the Start export button to generate the RIS tagged format and on the Save button to store the result in the specified file.