

For the administration of the periodicals choose Admininstration -> Periodidals … from the menu. A window as shown below will open, where you can enter, edit and delete periodicals used for the references. Click on button to start a new query, for details refer to the manual section concerning the query. Use the button to enter a new periodical and the button to delete a selected periodical. Click on the  botton if you want to save your changes of the current dataset. The changes will be saved automatically, if you select a different entry in the query result list. With button you may undo changes of the current dataset since the last save.

A periodical may have several synonyms (see image above). In section Synonyms use the button to enter a new synonym and the button to delete a selected synonym. Furthermore you may assign the periodical to one or several projects. In section Projects use the button to assign a new project and the button to remove a selected project.

With button in the upper right area of the form you may access the history of the selected dataset. With button you may send a feedback to the software developers. By clicking on button you may search for reference titles that use the current periodical (see image below). After closing the reference title overview you have the option to return to the main program window with the found reference titles.