
Every term may have several synonmys. The preferred synonym, shown in picklists and the like is marked with a green icon. To make another synonym the preferred icon, click on the button. To make a term a synonym to another term, click on the button. In the window that will open, select the synonym from the list and click OK.

To create a synonym of a term, choose an entry in the query list and click on the button besides the hierarchy. A window as shown below will open. Enter the display text and choose the language of the new synonym. This will create a synonym to the original dataset.

To make a term a synonym to another term, choose the term in the hierarchy and click on the button besides the hierarchy. This will open a window, where you can select the term to which the current term should become a synonym to (see below).

If you want to see the synonyms in the Hierarchy, click on the button. The button will change to   and the hierarchy will show the synonyms with the indaction of the language. Synonyms of the current term will have a pink backgroud.



If there are several synonyms, the perferred term will be marked green while the other synonyms are marked pink. The current term will be marked yellow (see below).