Project tables

The access to the data is managed via projects where each project of DiversityReferences may be linked to a project from DiversityProjects. Every entry of table “ReferenceTitle” is assigned to the related projects by table “ReferenceProject”. DiversityReferences contains the tables “UserProxy”, “ProjectUser” and “ProjectProxy” to allow an independent administration of the basic functions related to projects and users.




Table ProjectProxy

The projects as stored in the module DiversityProjects

Column Data type Description
ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)
Project nvarchar (50) The name or title of the project as shown in a user interface (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)
ProjectURI nvarchar (255) URI of a project in a remote module, e.g. refering to database DiversityProjects

Table ProjectUser

The projects that a user can access

Table UserProxy

The user as stored in the module DiversityAgents

Column Data type Description
LoginName nvarchar (50) A login name which the user uses for access the DivesityWorkbench, Microsoft domains, etc..
CombinedNameCache nvarchar (255) The short name of the user, e.g. P. Smith
AgentURI nvarchar (255) URI of a user in a remote module, e.g. refering to database DiversityAgents
Queries xml (MAX) Queries created by the user
ID int ID of the user
PrivacyConsent bit If the user consents the storage of his user name in the database
PrivacyConsentDate datetime The time and date when the user consented or refused the storage of his user name in the database