Cache Database Postgres

Copy & Replace DB

Copy Postgres databases

To copy a Postgres database, click on the  button. A window will appear where you can copy the database including the data or as an empty database with the same tables etc. as the original database.

The option including the data only needs the name for the new database (see below).

To create an empty copy, you have to give the directory where two needed programs (pg_dump.exe and psql.exe) are located. If these are missing, you have to install [ Postgres ]first.

If you create an empty copy, a window will appear two times (see below) where you have to enter the password for accessing the database.


Replace Postgres databases

see chapter


Rename Postgres databases

To rename the current database, click on the button. A window will open where you can enter the new name for the database. Click OK to change the name..


Delete Postgres databases

To delete the current database just click on the button. You will get a message if you are sure where you have to click the YES button to delete the current database.