Diversity Collection


The following objects are not included:

  • System objects
  • Objects marked as obsolete
  • Previous versions of objects


Function AgentOneString

Returns a result set that contains a string with all Collectors of a Specimen

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to ID of CollectionEvent (= foreign key and part of primary key)
Column DataType Description
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to ID of CollectionEvent (= foreign key and part of primary key)
CollectorsNameString nvarchar (1000) -
CollectorsNameStringNumber nchar (1500) -

Depending on:

  • CollectionAgent

Function AnalysisChildNodes

Content of table Analysis containing all children for a given AnalysisID defined via the relation in column AnalysisParentID

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int The AnalysisID for which the children should be returned
Column DataType Description
AnalysisID int ID of the analysis (primary key)
AnalysisParentID int Analysis ID of the parent analysis, if it belongs to a certain type documented in this table
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Name of the analysis as e.g. shown in user interface
Description nvarchar (500) Description of the analysis
MeasurementUnit nvarchar (50) The measurement unit used for the analysis, e.g. mm, µmol, kg
Notes nvarchar (1000) Notes on this analysis
AnalysisURI varchar (255) URI referring to an external documentation of the analysis
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entries
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -

Depending on:

  • Analysis

Function AnalysisHierarchyAll

Content of table Analysis including the hierarchy separated via “|” defined via the relation in column AnalysisParentID

Column DataType Description
AnalysisID int ID of the analysis (primary key)
AnalysisParentID int Analysis ID of the parent analysis, if it belongs to a certain type documented in this table
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Name of the analysis as e.g. shown in user interface
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the analysis
MeasurementUnit nvarchar (50) The measurement unit used for the analysis, e.g. mm, µmol, kg
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on this analysis
AnalysisURI varchar (255) URI referring to an external documentation of the analysis
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entries
HierarchyDisplayText varchar (900) -

Depending on:

  • Analysis

Function AnalysisList

Returns the content of table Analysis related to the given project and a taxonomic group

Parameter DataType Description
@ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)
@TaxonomicGroup nvarchar (50) Taxonomic group the organism, identified by this unit, belongs to. Groups listed in table CollTaxonomicGroup_Enum (= foreign key)
Column DataType Description
AnalysisID int ID of the analysis (primary key)
AnalysisParentID int Analysis ID of the parent analysis, if it belongs to a certain type documented in this table
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Name of the analysis as e.g. shown in user interface
Description nvarchar (500) Description of the analysis
MeasurementUnit nvarchar (50) The measurement unit used for the analysis, e.g. mm, µmol, kg
Notes nvarchar (1000) Notes on this analysis
AnalysisURI varchar (255) URI referring to an external documentation of the analysis
DisplayTextHierarchy nvarchar (255) -
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entries

Depending on:

  • Analysis
  • AnalysisChildNodes
  • AnalysisTaxonomicGroup
  • ProjectAnalysis

Function AnalysisListForUnit

Returns the content of table Analysis available for a IdentificationUnit given by the IdentificationUnitID. The list depends upon the analysis types available for a taxonomic group and the projects available for an analysis

Parameter DataType Description
@IdentificationUnitID int ID of the IdentificationUnit (= part of primary key). Usually one of possibly several organisms present on the collected specimen. Example: parasite with hyperparasite on plant leaf = 3 units,
Column DataType Description
AnalysisID int ID of the analysis (primary key)
AnalysisParentID int Analysis ID of the parent analysis, if it belongs to a certain type documented in this table
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Name of the analysis as e.g. shown in user interface
Description nvarchar (1000) Description of the analysis
MeasurementUnit nvarchar (50) The measurement unit used for the analysis, e.g. mm, µmol, kg
Notes nvarchar (1000) Notes on this analysis
AnalysisURI varchar (255) URI referring to an external documentation of the analysis
DisplayTextHierarchy nvarchar (255) -
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entries

Depending on:

  • Analysis
  • AnalysisTaxonomicGroup
  • CollectionProject
  • IdentificationUnit
  • ProjectAnalysis

Function AnalysisProjectList

Returns content of table Analysis related to the given project

Parameter DataType Description
@ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)
Column DataType Description
AnalysisID int ID of the analysis (primary key)
AnalysisParentID int Analysis ID of the parent analysis, if it belongs to a certain type documented in this table
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Name of the analysis as e.g. shown in user interface
Description nvarchar (500) Description of the analysis
MeasurementUnit nvarchar (50) The measurement unit used for the analysis, e.g. mm, µmol, kg
Notes nvarchar (1000) Notes on this analysis
AnalysisURI varchar (255) URI referring to an external documentation of the analysis
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entries
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -

Depending on:

  • Analysis
  • AnalysisChildNodes
  • ProjectAnalysis

Function AnalysisTaxonomicGroupForProject

Returns the content of the table AnalysisTaxonomicGroup used in a project including the whole hierarchy

Parameter DataType Description
@ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)
Column DataType Description
AnalysisID int ID of the analysis (primary key)
TaxonomicGroup nvarchar (50) Taxonomic group the organism, identified by this unit, belongs to. Groups listed in table CollTaxonomicGroup_Enum (= foreign key)
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -

Depending on:

  • Analysis
  • AnalysisList
  • AnalysisTaxonomicGroup
  • ProjectAnalysis

Function AverageAltitude

The average altitude for the points of a geography where the z value is given

DataType: float

Parameter DataType Description
@Geography geography (-1) The geography for which the average altitude should be extracted

Function BaseURL

Returns the basic URL for the database

DataType: varchar (255)

Function CollCharacterType_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) -
Description nvarchar (500) -
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function CollDateCategory_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) A text code that uniquely identifies each object in the enumeration (primary key). This value may not be changed, because the application may depend upon it.
Description nvarchar (500) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function CollectionChildNodes

Returns a result set that lists all the items within a hierarchy starting at the topmost item related to the given item.

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int ID of the collection (= CollectionID, PK)
Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (255) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (10) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (MAX) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (255) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
LocationPlan varchar (500) URI or file name including path of the floor plan of the collection
LocationPlanWidth float Width of location plan in meter for calculation of size by provided geometry
LocationPlanDate datetime The date when the plan for the collection has been created
LocationHeight float Height from ground level, e.g. for the position of sensors
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder smallint The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.
Type nvarchar (50) Type of the collection, e.g. cupboard, drawer etc.
LocationParentID int If the hierarchy of the location does not match the logical hierarchy, the ID of the parent location

Depending on:

  • Collection

Function CollectionEventSeriesHierarchy

Returns a table that lists all the Series related to the given Series.

Parameter DataType Description
@SeriesID int Primary key. The ID for this series of collection events (= primary key)
Column DataType Description
SeriesID int Primary key. The ID for this series of collection events (= primary key)
SeriesParentID int The ID of the superior series of collection events
DateStart datetime Point in time when the series of collection events started
DateEnd datetime Point in time when the series of collection events ended
DateSupplement nvarchar (100) Verbal or additional collection date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’. The end date, if the collection event series comprises a period. The time of the event, if necessary.
SeriesCode nvarchar (50) The user defined code for a series of collection events
Description nvarchar (500) The description of the series of collection events as it will be printed on e.g. the label
Notes nvarchar (500) Notes on this series of collection events
Geography geography (MAX) The geography of the series of collection events

Depending on:

  • CollectionEventSeries
  • EventSeriesChildNodes
  • EventSeriesTopID

Function CollectionHierarchy

Returns a table that lists all the analysis items related to the given analysis.

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (255) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (10) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (MAX) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (255) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
LocationPlan varchar (500) URI or file name including path of the floor plan of the collection
LocationPlanWidth float Width of location plan in meter for calculation of size by provided geometry
LocationPlanDate datetime The date when the plan for the collection has been created
LocationHeight float Height from ground level, e.g. for the position of sensors
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder smallint The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.
Type nvarchar (50) Type of the collection, e.g. cupboard, drawer etc.
LocationParentID int If the hierarchy of the location does not match the logical hierarchy, the ID of the parent location

Depending on:

  • Collection
  • CollectionChildNodes

Function CollectionHierarchyAll

Returns a table that lists all the collections including a display text with the whole hierarchy

Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (500) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (50) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (MAX) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (255) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
LocationPlan varchar (500) URI or file name including path of the floor plan of the collection
LocationPlanWidth float Width of location plan in meter for calculation of size by provided geometry
LocationPlanDate datetime The date when the plan for the collection has been created
LocationHeight float Height from ground level, e.g. for the position of sensors
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder varchar (255) The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.
DisplayText varchar (900) -
Type nvarchar (50) Type of the collection, e.g. cupboard, drawer etc.
LocationParentID int If the hierarchy of the location does not match the logical hierarchy, the ID of the parent location

Depending on:

  • Collection
  • UserCollectionList

Function CollectionHierarchyMulti

Returns a table that lists all the collections related to the given collection in the list.

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionIDs varchar (255) Comma separated list of IDs of the collections that should be included.
Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (50) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (50) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (500) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (255) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
LocationPlan varchar (500) URI or file name including path of the floor plan of the collection
LocationPlanWidth float Width of location plan in meter for calculation of size by provided geometry
LocationPlanDate datetime The date when the plan for the collection has been created
LocationHeight float Height from ground level, e.g. for the position of sensors
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder varchar (255) The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.
Type nvarchar (50) Type of the collection, e.g. cupboard, drawer etc.
LocationParentID int If the hierarchy of the location does not match the logical hierarchy, the ID of the parent location

Depending on:

  • Collection

Function CollectionHierarchySuperior

Returns a table that lists the given and all the items superior to the given collection

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (255) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (10) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (MAX) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (255) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
LocationPlan varchar (500) URI or file name including path of the floor plan of the collection
LocationPlanWidth float Width of location plan in meter for calculation of size by provided geometry
LocationPlanDate datetime The date when the plan for the collection has been created
LocationHeight float Height from ground level, e.g. for the position of sensors
LocationGeometry geometry (MAX) Geometry of the collection within the floor plan
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder smallint The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.
Type nvarchar (50) Type of the collection, e.g. cupboard, drawer etc.
LocationParentID int If the hierarchy of the location does not match the logical hierarchy, the ID of the parent location

Depending on:

  • Collection

Function CollectionLocation

Returns a table that lists all the collection items related to the given collection

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionID int The ID of the collection for which the hierarchy should be listed
Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (255) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (10) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (MAX) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (255) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
LocationPlan varchar (500) URI or file name including path of the floor plan of the collection
LocationPlanWidth float Width of location plan in meter for calculation of size by provided geometry
LocationPlanDate datetime The date when the plan for the collection has been created
LocationHeight float Height from ground level, e.g. for the position of sensors
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder smallint The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.
Type nvarchar (50) Type of the collection, e.g. cupboard, drawer etc.
LocationParentID int If the hierarchy of the location does not match the logical hierarchy, the ID of the parent location

Depending on:

  • Collection
  • CollectionLocationChildNodes

Function CollectionLocationAll

Returns a table that lists all the collections including a display text with the whole hierarchy

Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (500) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (50) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (MAX) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (255) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
LocationPlan varchar (500) URI or file name including path of the floor plan of the collection
LocationPlanWidth float Width of location plan in meter for calculation of size by provided geometry
LocationPlanDate datetime The date when the plan for the collection has been created
LocationHeight float Height from ground level, e.g. for the position of sensors
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder varchar (255) The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.
DisplayText varchar (900) Hierarchy of the collection with acronym if present, otherwise name
Type nvarchar (50) Type of the collection, e.g. cupboard, drawer etc.
LocationParentID int If the hierarchy of the location does not match the logical hierarchy, the ID of the parent location

Depending on:

  • Collection
  • UserCollectionList

Function CollectionLocationChildNodes

Returns a result set that lists all the items within a hierarchy starting at the topmost item related to the given item

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int The ID of the collection for which the hierarchy should be listed
Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (255) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (10) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (MAX) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (255) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
LocationPlan varchar (500) URI or file name including path of the floor plan of the collection
LocationPlanWidth float Width of location plan in meter for calculation of size by provided geometry
LocationPlanDate datetime The date when the plan for the collection has been created
LocationHeight float Height from ground level, e.g. for the position of sensors
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder smallint The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.
Type nvarchar (50) Type of the collection, e.g. cupboard, drawer etc.
LocationParentID int If the hierarchy of the location does not match the logical hierarchy, the ID of the parent location

Depending on:

  • Collection

Function CollectionLocationMulti

List of collections according to the given CollectionIDs

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionIDs varchar (4000) Space separated list of CollectionIDs with a maximal length of 4000
Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (50) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (50) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (500) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (255) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
LocationPlan varchar (500) URI or file name including path of the floor plan of the collection
LocationPlanWidth float Width of location plan in meter for calculation of size by provided geometry
LocationPlanDate datetime The date when the plan for the collection has been created
LocationHeight float Height from ground level, e.g. for the position of sensors
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder varchar (255) The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.
Type nvarchar (50) Type of the collection, e.g. cupboard, drawer etc.
LocationParentID int If the hierarchy of the location does not match the logical hierarchy, the ID of the parent location

Depending on:

  • Collection

Function CollectionLocationSuperior

Returns a table that lists the given and all the items superior to the given collection

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionID int The ID of the collection for which the hierarchy should be listed
Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (255) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (10) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (MAX) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (255) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
LocationPlan varchar (500) URI or file name including path of the floor plan of the collection
LocationPlanWidth float Width of location plan in meter for calculation of size by provided geometry
LocationPlanDate datetime The date when the plan for the collection has been created
LocationHeight float Height from ground level, e.g. for the position of sensors
LocationGeometry geometry (MAX) Geometry of the collection within the floor plan
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder smallint The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.
Type nvarchar (50) Type of the collection, e.g. cupboard, drawer etc.
LocationParentID int If the hierarchy of the location does not match the logical hierarchy, the ID of the parent location

Depending on:

  • Collection

Function CollectionSpecimenCoordinateList

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionSpecimenIDList varchar (8000) -
Column DataType Description
CollectionSpecimenID int Unique ID for the table CollectionSpecimen (primary key)
Latitude float -
Longitude float -

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimenCoordinates

Function CollectionSpecimenCoordinates

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionSpecimenID int Unique ID for the table CollectionSpecimen (primary key)
Column DataType Description
CollectionSpecimenID int Unique ID for the table CollectionSpecimen (primary key)
Latitude float -
Longitude float -
LocationAccuracy nvarchar (50) The accuracy of the determination of this locality
DistanceToLocation nvarchar (50) Distance from the specified place to the real location of the collection site (m)
DirectionToLocation nvarchar (50) Direction from the specified place to the real location of the collection site (Degrees rel. to north)

Depending on:

  • CollectionEventLocalisation
  • CollectionSpecimen

Function CollectionSpecimenRelationInversList

Listing all internal relations in reverse perspective

Column DataType Description
CollectionSpecimenID int Unique ID for the table CollectionSpecimen (primary key)
RelatedSpecimenCollectionSpecimenID int The CollectionSpecimenID of the dataset that refers to the current dataset
RelatedSpecimenAccessionNumber nvarchar (50) The AccessionNumber of the dataset that refers to the current dataset
RelationType nvarchar (50) Type of the relation between the specimen (= foreign key, see table CollRelationType_Enum)
RelatedSpecimenCollectionID int ID of the Collection as stored in table Collection (= foreign key, see table Collection)
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the relation to the specimen

Depending on:

  • BaseURL
  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollectionSpecimenRelation

Function CollectionTaskChildNodes

Returns a result set that lists all children of a collection task within a hierarchy

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int The CollectionTaskID to which the inferior datasets are link to via column CollectionTaskParentID
Column DataType Description
CollectionTaskID int PK of the table
CollectionTaskParentID int Relation to PK for hierarchy within the data
CollectionID int Relation to table Collection. Every ColletionTask needs a relation to a collection
TaskID int Relation to table Task where details for the collection task are defined
DisplayOrder int Display order e.g. in a report. Data with value 0 will not be included
DisplayText nvarchar (400) The display text of the module related data as shown e.g. in a user interface
ModuleUri varchar (500) The URL of module related data
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the CollectionSpecimenID of CollectionSpecimenPart (= foreign key and part of primary key)
SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen the task is related to.
TransactionID int ID of a transaction. Related to PK of table Transaction
TaskStart datetime The start date and or time of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
TaskEnd datetime The end date and or time of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
Result nvarchar (400) A text result either taken from a list or entered. The type is defined in table Task
URI varchar (500) The URI of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
NumberValue real The numeric value of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
BoolValue bit The boolean of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
MetricDescription nvarchar (500) Description of the metric e.g. imported from a time series database like Prometheus
MetricSource varchar (4000) The source of the metric e.g. the PromQL statement for the import from a timeseries database Prometheus
MetricUnit nvarchar (50) The unit of the metric, e.g. °C for temperature
ResponsibleAgent nvarchar (500) The name of the responsible person or institution
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (500) URI of the person or institution responsible for the determination (= foreign key) as stored in the module DiversityAgents.
Description nvarchar (MAX) The description of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
Notes nvarchar (MAX) The notes of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task

Depending on:

  • CollectionTask

Function CollectionTaskCollectionHierarchyAll

Returns a result set that lists all the collection tasks including a display text with the related collection as leading part

Column DataType Description
CollectionTaskID int PK of the table
CollectionTaskParentID int Relation to PK for hierarchy within the data
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
TaskID int Relation to table Task where details for the collection task are defined
DisplayText nvarchar (400) The display text of the module related data as shown e.g. in a user interface
DisplayOrder int The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.
ModuleUri varchar (500) The URL of module related data
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the CollectionSpecimenID of CollectionSpecimenPart (= foreign key and part of primary key)
SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen the task is related to.
TransactionID int The ID of the transaction to which the collection task is linked
TaskStart datetime The start date and or time of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
TaskEnd datetime The end date and or time of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
Result nvarchar (400) A text result either taken from a list or entered. The type is defined in table Task
URI varchar (500) The URI of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
NumberValue real The numeric value of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
BoolValue bit The boolean of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
MetricDescription nvarchar (500) Description of the metric e.g. imported from a time series database like Prometheus
MetricSource varchar (4000) The source of the metric e.g. the PromQL statement for the import from a timeseries database Prometheus
MetricUnit nvarchar (50) The unit of the metric, e.g. °C for temperature
ResponsibleAgent nvarchar (500) The name of the responsible person or institution
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (500) URI of the person or institution responsible for the determination (= foreign key) as stored in the module DiversityAgents.
Description nvarchar (MAX) A short description of the collection
Notes nvarchar (MAX) The notes of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
HierarchyDisplayText nvarchar (900) Display text including the hierarchy of the collection separated by the string defined in function TaskCollectionHierarchySeparator followed by the hierarchy of the collection task separated by the string defined in function TaskHierarchySeparator followed by optional information about start, end and result of the collection task

Depending on:

  • CollectionHierarchyAll
  • CollectionTask
  • Task
  • TaskCollectionHierarchySeparator
  • TaskHierarchySeparator

Function CollectionTaskHierarchy

Returns a result set that lists all the collection tasks within a hierarchy starting at the topmost collection task related to the given collection task

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int The CollectionTaskID for which the hierarchy should be retrieved
Column DataType Description
CollectionTaskID int PK of the table
CollectionTaskParentID int Relation to PK for hierarchy within the data
CollectionID int Relation to table Collection. Every ColletionTask needs a relation to a collection
TaskID int Relation to table Task where details for the collection task are defined
DisplayOrder int Display order e.g. in a report. Data with value 0 will not be included
DisplayText nvarchar (400) The display text of the module related data as shown e.g. in a user interface
ModuleUri varchar (500) The URL of module related data
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the CollectionSpecimenID of CollectionSpecimenPart (= foreign key and part of primary key)
SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen the task is related to.
TransactionID int The ID of the transaction to which the collection task is linked
TaskStart datetime The start date and or time of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
TaskEnd datetime The end date and or time of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
Result nvarchar (400) A text result either taken from a list or entered. The type is defined in table Task
URI varchar (500) The URI of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
NumberValue real The numeric value of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
BoolValue bit The boolean of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
MetricDescription nvarchar (500) Description of the metric e.g. imported from a time series database like Prometheus
MetricSource varchar (4000) The source of the metric e.g. the PromQL statement for the import from a timeseries database Prometheus
MetricUnit nvarchar (50) The unit of the metric, e.g. °C for temperature
ResponsibleAgent nvarchar (500) The name of the responsible person or institution
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (500) URI of the person or institution responsible for the determination (= foreign key) as stored in the module DiversityAgents.
Description nvarchar (MAX) The description of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
Notes nvarchar (MAX) The notes of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task

Depending on:

  • CollectionTask
  • CollectionTaskChildNodes

Function CollectionTaskHierarchyAll

All CollectionTasks including a column displaying the hierarchy of the CollectionTask

Column DataType Description
CollectionTaskID int PK of the table
CollectionTaskParentID int Relation to PK for hierarchy within the data
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
TaskID int Relation to table Task where details for the collection task are defined
DisplayOrder int The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.
Task nvarchar (400) Display text of the task the collection task is linked to
DisplayText nvarchar (400) The display text of the module related data as shown e.g. in a user interface
ModuleUri varchar (500) The URL of module related data
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the CollectionSpecimenID of CollectionSpecimenPart (= foreign key and part of primary key)
SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen the task is related to.
TransactionID int The ID of the transaction to which the collection task is linked
TaskStart datetime The start date and or time of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
TaskEnd datetime The end date and or time of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
Result nvarchar (400) A text result either taken from a list or entered. The type is defined in table Task
URI varchar (500) The URI of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
NumberValue real The numeric value of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
BoolValue bit The boolean of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
MetricDescription nvarchar (500) Description of the metric e.g. imported from a time series database like Prometheus
MetricSource varchar (4000) The source of the metric e.g. the PromQL statement for the import from a timeseries database Prometheus
MetricUnit nvarchar (50) The unit of the metric, e.g. °C for temperature
ResponsibleAgent nvarchar (500) The name of the responsible person or institution
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (500) URI of the person or institution responsible for the determination (= foreign key) as stored in the module DiversityAgents.
Description nvarchar (MAX) A short description of the collection
Notes nvarchar (MAX) The notes of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
HierarchyDisplayText nvarchar (4000) Display text including the hierarchy of the collection task separated by the string defined in function TaskHierarchySeparator followed by the hierarchy of the collection separated by the string defined in function TaskCollectionHierarchySeparator
CollectionHierarchyDisplayText nvarchar (4000) Display text including the hierarchy of the collection separated by the string defined in function TaskCollectionHierarchySeparator followed by the hierarchy of the collection task separated by the string defined in function TaskHierarchySeparator
TaskHierarchyDisplayText nvarchar (4000) Deprecated
TaskDisplayText nvarchar (4000) Display text of the collection task based on diverse content in tables Task and CollectionTask

Depending on:

  • CollectionHierarchyAll
  • CollectionTask
  • Task
  • TaskCollectionHierarchySeparator
  • TaskHierarchySeparator

Function CollectionTaskParentNodes

Parent CollectionTasks for a given CollectionTask in the hierarchy

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int The CollectionTaskID for which the parent hierarchy should be retrieved
Column DataType Description
CollectionTaskID int PK of the table
CollectionTaskParentID int Relation to PK for hierarchy within the data
CollectionID int Relation to table Collection. Every ColletionTask needs a relation to a collection
TaskID int Relation to table Task where details for the collection task are defined
DisplayOrder int Display order e.g. in a report. Data with value 0 will not be included
DisplayText nvarchar (400) The display text of the module related data as shown e.g. in a user interface
ModuleUri varchar (500) The URL of module related data
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the CollectionSpecimenID of CollectionSpecimenPart (= foreign key and part of primary key)
SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen the task is related to.
TransactionID int ID of a transaction. Related to PK of table Transaction
TaskStart datetime The start date and or time of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
TaskEnd datetime The end date and or time of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
Result nvarchar (400) A text result either taken from a list or entered. The type is defined in table Task
URI varchar (500) The URI of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
NumberValue real The numeric value of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
BoolValue bit The boolean of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
MetricDescription nvarchar (500) Description of the metric e.g. imported from a time series database like Prometheus
MetricSource varchar (4000) The source of the metric e.g. the PromQL statement for the import from a timeseries database Prometheus
MetricUnit nvarchar (50) The unit of the metric, e.g. °C for temperature
ResponsibleAgent nvarchar (500) The name of the responsible person or institution
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (500) URI of the person or institution responsible for the determination (= foreign key) as stored in the module DiversityAgents.
Description nvarchar (MAX) The description of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task
Notes nvarchar (MAX) The notes of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task

Depending on:

  • CollectionTask

Function CollEventDateCategory_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) A text code which uniquely identifies each object in the enumeration (primary key). This value may not be changed, because the application may depend upon it.
Description nvarchar (500) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function CollEventImageType_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) A text code which uniquely identifies each object in the enumeration (primary key). This value may not be changed, because the application may depend upon it.
Description nvarchar (500) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function CollExchangeType_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) -
Description nvarchar (500) -
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function CollIdentificationCategory_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) A text code which uniquely identifies each object in the enumeration (primary key). This value may not be changed, because the application may depend upon it.
Description nvarchar (500) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function CollIdentificationDateCategory_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) A text code which uniquely identifies each object in the enumeration (primary key). This value may not be changed, because the application may depend upon it.
Description nvarchar (500) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function CollIdentificationQualifier_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) A text code which uniquely identifies each object in the enumeration (primary key). This value may not be changed, because the application may depend upon it.
Description nvarchar (500) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function CollLabelType_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) A text code which uniquely identifies each object in the enumeration (primary key). This value may not be changed, because the application may depend upon it.
Description nvarchar (500) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function CollMaterialCategory_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) A text code which uniquely identifies each object in the enumeration (primary key). This value may not be changed, because the application may depend upon it.
Description nvarchar (500) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function CollSpecimenImageType_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) A text code which uniquely identifies each object in the enumeration (primary key). This value may not be changed, because the application may depend upon it.
Description nvarchar (500) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function CollTranscriptionState_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) -
Description nvarchar (500) -
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function CollTypeStatus_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) A text code which uniquely identifies each object in the enumeration (primary key). This value may not be changed because the application may depend upon it.
Description nvarchar (500) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function ColTaxonomicGroup_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
Code nvarchar (50) A text code which uniquely identifies each object in the enumeration (primary key). This value may not be changed, because the application may depend upon it.
Description nvarchar (500) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -

Function CuratorCollectionHierarchyList

Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (50) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (50) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (500) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (1000) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder varchar (255) The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.

Depending on:

  • Collection
  • CollectionHierarchy
  • CuratorCollectionList

Function CurrentUser

Returns the information for the current user

Column DataType Description
LoginName nvarchar (50) A login name which the user uses to access the DivesityWorkbench, Microsoft domains, etc.
CombinedNameCache nvarchar (255) The short name of the user, e.g. P. Smith
UserURI varchar (255) Deprecated. URI of a user in a remote module, e.g. refering to UserInfo.UserID in database DiversityUsers
AgentURI varchar (255) URI of a agent in the module DiversityAgents
UserName nvarchar (255) -

Depending on:

  • UserProxy

Function CurrentUserName

retrieval of the name of the current user

DataType: nvarchar (4000)

Depending on:

  • UserProxy

Function DefaultProjectID

Returns the ID of the current project used by the user

DataType: int

Depending on:

  • ProjectUser
  • UserProxy

Function DiversityCollectionCacheDatabaseName

returns the name of the cache database containing the exported data for e.g. publication on the web

DataType: nvarchar (50)

Function DiversityWorkbenchModule

Name of the module

DataType: nvarchar (50)

Function EntityInformation_2

Returns the information about an entity

Parameter DataType Description
@Entity varchar (500) The name of the entity, e.g. Table.Column.Content within the database or a unique string for e.g. a message within the DiversityWorkbench e.g. “DiversityWorkbench.Message.Connection.NoAccess”, PK
@Language nvarchar (50) The language to which the information should be restricted
@Context nvarchar (50) The context to which the information should be restricted
Column DataType Description
Entity varchar (500) The name of the entity, e.g. Table.Column.Content within the database or a unique string for e.g. a message within the DiversityWorkbench e.g. “DiversityWorkbench.Message.Connection.NoAccess”, PK
DisplayGroup nvarchar (50) If DiversityWorkbench entities should be displayed in a group, the name of the group
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Short abbreviated description of the object, displayed in the user interface
Abbreviation nvarchar (20) The abbreviation for the entity as shown e.g. in a user interface
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of enumerated object, displayed in the user interface
Accessibility nvarchar (50) If the access of entity is resticted to e.g. read only or it can be edited without restrictions
Determination nvarchar (50) If a value is determined e.g. by the system or the user
Visibility nvarchar (50) If the entity is visible or hidden from e.g. a user interface
PresetValue nvarchar (500) If a value is preset, the value or SQL statement for the value, e.g. ‘determination’ for identifications when using a mobile device during an expedition
UsageNotes nvarchar (4000) Notes from table EntityUsage is present
DoesExist bit If an object does exist
DisplayTextOK bit If DisplayText is present
AbbreviationOK bit If Abbreviation is present
DescriptionOK bit If Description is present

Depending on:

  • Entity
  • EntityContext_Enum
  • EntityRepresentation
  • EntityUsage

Function EventDescription

retrieval of the description including all superior events

DataType: nvarchar (4000)

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionEventID int Unique ID for the table CollectionEvent (= primary key)

Depending on:

  • CollectionEvent
  • EventDescription

Function EventDescriptionSuperior

retrieval of the description of all superior events

DataType: nvarchar (4000)

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionEventID int Unique ID for the table CollectionEvent (= primary key)

Depending on:

  • CollectionEvent
  • EventDescription

Function EventSeriesChildNodes

Returns a result set that lists all the items within a hierarchy starting at the topmost item related to the given item

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int The SeriesID for which the children should be returned
Column DataType Description
SeriesID int Primary key. The ID for this series of collection events (= primary key)
SeriesParentID int The ID of the superior series of collection events
DateStart datetime Point in time when the series of collection events started
DateEnd datetime Point in time when the series of collection events ended
DateSupplement nvarchar (100) Verbal or additional collection date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’. The end date, if the collection event series comprises a period. The time of the event, if necessary.
SeriesCode nvarchar (50) The user defined code for a series of collection events
Description nvarchar (MAX) The description of the series of collection events as it will be printed on e.g. the label
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on this series of collection events
Geography geography (MAX) The geography of the series of collection events

Depending on:

  • CollectionEventSeries

Function EventSeriesHierarchy

Returns a table that lists all the Series related to the given Series

Parameter DataType Description
@SeriesID int Primary key. The ID for this series of collection events (= primary key)
Column DataType Description
SeriesID int Primary key. The ID for this series of collection events (= primary key)
SeriesParentID int The ID of the superior series of collection events
DateStart datetime Point in time when the series of collection events started
DateEnd datetime Point in time when the series of collection events ended
DateSupplement nvarchar (100) Verbal or additional collection date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’. The end date, if the collection event series comprises a period. The time of the event, if necessary.
SeriesCode nvarchar (50) The user defined code for a series of collection events
Description nvarchar (MAX) The description of the series of collection events as it will be printed on e.g. the label
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on this series of collection events
Geography geography (MAX) The geography of the series of collection events

Depending on:

  • CollectionEventSeries
  • EventSeriesChildNodes
  • EventSeriesTopID

Function EventSeriesSuperiorList

Returns a table that lists all the Series above the given Series.

Parameter DataType Description
@SeriesID int Primary key. The ID for this series of collection events (= primary key)
Column DataType Description
SeriesID int Primary key. The ID for this series of collection events (= primary key)
SeriesParentID int The ID of the superior series of collection events
DateStart datetime Point in time when the series of collection events started
DateEnd datetime Point in time when the series of collection events ended
DateSupplement nvarchar (100) Verbal or additional collection date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’. The end date, if the collection event series comprises a period. The time of the event, if necessary.
SeriesCode nvarchar (50) The user defined code for a series of collection events
Description nvarchar (500) The description of the series of collection events as it will be printed on e.g. the label
Notes nvarchar (500) Notes on this series of collection events
Geography geography (MAX) The geography of the series of collection events

Depending on:

  • CollectionEventSeries

Function EventSeriesTopID

Returns the top ID within the hierarchy for a given ID from the table CollectionEventSeries

DataType: int

Parameter DataType Description
@SeriesID int Primary key. The ID for this series of collection events (= primary key)

Depending on:

  • CollectionEventSeries

Function EventSpecimenNumber

calculation of all specimen in the database that are assigned to this event, including the inferior events

DataType: int

Parameter DataType Description
@EventID int The CollectionEventID for which the count should be calculated

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimen

Function EventSuperiorList

Returns a result set that lists all the CollectionEventIDs superior to a given event

Parameter DataType Description
@EventID int -
Column DataType Description
CollectionEventID int Refers to the ID of table CollectionEvent (= foreign key and part of primary key)
EventParentID int -
Event nchar (500) -
SpecimenCount int -

Depending on:

  • EventSpecimenNumber

Function FirstLines_4

Returns a table that lists all the specimen with the first entries of related tables

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionSpecimenIDs varchar (8000) Comma separated list of CollectionSpecimenIDs for which the data should be retrieved
Column DataType Description
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to ID of CollectionEvent (= foreign key and part of primary key)
Accession_number nvarchar (50) Accession number of the specimen within the collection, e.g. “M-29834752”
Data_withholding_reason nvarchar (255) If the data set is withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null
Data_withholding_reason_for_collection_event nvarchar (255) -
Data_withholding_reason_for_collector nvarchar (255) If the data of the collector are withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null
Collectors_event_number nvarchar (50) Number assigned to a collection event by the collector (= ‘field number’)
Collection_day tinyint The day of the date of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_month tinyint The month of the date of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_year smallint The year of the date of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_date_supplement nvarchar (100) Verbal or additional collection date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’. The end date, if the collection event comprises a period. The time of the event, if necessary.
Collection_time varchar (50) The time of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_time_span varchar (50) The time span e.g. in seconds of the collection event
Country nvarchar (50) The country where the collection event took place. Cached value derived from an geographic entry
Locality_description nvarchar (MAX) Locality description of the locality exactly as written on the original label (i.e. without corrections during data entry)
Habitat_description nvarchar (MAX) Geo-ecological description of the locality exactly as written on the original label (i.e. without corrections during data entry)
Collecting_method nvarchar (MAX) Description of the method used for collecting the samples, e.g. traps, moist chambers, drag net
Collection_event_notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the collection event
Named_area nvarchar (255) Named area as e.g. derived from DiversityGazetteer corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 7
NamedAreaLocation2 nvarchar (255) Link to a named area as e.g. derived from DiversityGazetteer corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 7
Remove_link_to_gazetteer int Empty column reserved to remove a link to a named area as e.g. derived from DiversityGazetteer corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 7
Distance_to_location varchar (50) Distance from the specified place to the real location of the collection site (m)
Direction_to_location varchar (50) Direction from the specified place to the real location of the collection site (Degrees rel. to north)
Longitude nvarchar (255) Longitude derived from WGS84 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Latitude nvarchar (255) Latitude derived from WGS84 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Coordinates_accuracy nvarchar (50) Accuracy of coordinates derived from WGS84 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Link_to_GoogleMaps int Empty column reserved for retrieval of WGS84 coordinates via e.g. GoogleMaps corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
_CoordinatesLocationNotes nvarchar (MAX) Notes for coordinates derived from WGS84 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Altitude_from nvarchar (255) Lower value of altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
Altitude_to nvarchar (255) Upper value of altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
Altitude_accuracy nvarchar (50) Accuracy of altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
Notes_for_Altitude nvarchar (MAX) Notes for altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
MTB nvarchar (255) TK25 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 3
Quadrant nvarchar (255) Quadrant of TK25 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 3
Notes_for_MTB nvarchar (MAX) Notes for TK25 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 3
Sampling_plot nvarchar (255) Name of the sampling plot corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Link_to_SamplingPlots nvarchar (255) Link to the sampling plot corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Remove_link_to_SamplingPlots int Empty column reserverd to remove link to the sampling plot corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Accuracy_of_sampling_plot nvarchar (50) Accuracy of the sampling plot coordinates corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Latitude_of_sampling_plot real Latitude of the sampling plot coordinates corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Longitude_of_sampling_plot real Longitude of the sampling plot coordinates corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Geographic_region nvarchar (255) Geographic region corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 10
Lithostratigraphy nvarchar (255) Lithostratigraphy corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 30
Chronostratigraphy nvarchar (255) Chronostratigraphy corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 20
Biostratigraphy nvarchar (255) Biostratigraphy corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 60
Collectors_name nvarchar (255) Name of the Collector
Link_to_DiversityAgents varchar (255) Link for the first collector to DiversityAgents
Remove_link_for_collector int Empty column reserved for removal of ink for the first collector
Collectors_number nvarchar (50) Number assigned to a specimen or a batch of specimens by the collector during the collection event (= ‘field number’)
Notes_about_collector nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the first collector
Accession_day tinyint The day of the date when the specimen was acquired in the collection
Accession_month tinyint The month of the date when the specimen was acquired in the collection
Accession_year smallint The year of the date when the specimen was acquired in the collection
Accession_date_supplement nvarchar (255) Verbal or additional accession date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’
Depositors_name nvarchar (255) The name of the depositor(s) (person or organization responsible for deposition). Where entire collections are deposited, this should also contain the collection name (e.g. ‘Herbarium P. Döbbler’)
Depositors_link_to_DiversityAgents varchar (255) The link for the depositor e.g. to DiversityAgents
Remove_link_for_Depositor int Empty column reserved to remove the link for the depositor e.g. to DiversityAgents
Depositors_accession_number nvarchar (50) Accession number of the specimen within the previous or original collection, e.g. ‘D-23948’
Exsiccata_abbreviation nvarchar (255) If specimen is an exsiccata: Standard abbreviation of the exsiccata (not necessarily a unique identifier; editors or publication places may change over time)
Link_to_DiversityExsiccatae varchar (255) Link to DiversityExsiccatae
Remove_link_to_exsiccatae int Empty column reserved to remove the link to DiversityExsiccatae
Exsiccata_number nvarchar (50) If specimen is an exsiccata: Number of current specimen within the exsiccata series
Original_notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes found on the label of the specimen by the original collector or from a later revision
Additional_notes nvarchar (MAX) Additional notes made by the editor of the specimen record, e.g. ‘doubtful identification/locality’
Internal_notes nvarchar (MAX) Internal notes which should not be published e.g. on websites
Label_title nvarchar (255) The title of the label e.g. for printing labels.
Label_type nvarchar (50) Printed, typewritten, typewritten with handwriting added, entirely in handwriting, etc.
Label_transcription_state nvarchar (50) The state of the transcription of a label into the database: ‘Not started’, ‘incomplete’, ‘complete’
Label_transcription_notes nvarchar (255) User defined notes on the transcription of the label into the database
Problems nvarchar (255) Description of a problem which occurred during data editing. Typically these entries should be deleted after help has been obtained. Do not enter scientific problems here; use AdditionalNotes for such permanent problems!
External_datasource int External datasource ID
External_identifier nvarchar (100) The identifier of the external specimen as defined in the external data source
Taxonomic_group nvarchar (50) Taxonomic group the organism, identified by this unit, belongs to. Groups listed in table CollTaxonomicGroup_Enum (= foreign key)
Relation_type nvarchar (50) Type of the relation between the specimen (= foreign key, see table CollRelationType_Enum)
Colonised_substrate_part nvarchar (255) If a substrate association exists: part of the substrate which is affected in the interaction (e.g. ’leaves’, if a fungus is growing on the leaves of an infected plant)
Life_stage nvarchar (255) Examples: ‘II, III’ for spore generations of rusts or ‘seed’, ‘seedling’ etc. for higher plants
Gender nvarchar (50) The sex of the organism, e.g. ‘female’
Number_of_units smallint The number of units of this organism, e.g. 400 beetles in a bottle
Circumstances nvarchar (50) Circumstances of the occurence of the organism
Order_of_taxon nvarchar (255) Order of the first taxon
Family_of_taxon nvarchar (255) Family of the first taxon
Identifier_of_organism nvarchar (50) Identifier of the first organism
Description_of_organism nvarchar (50) Description of the first organism
Only_observed bit True, if the organism was only observed rather than collected. It is therefore not present on the preserved specimen. Example: Tree under which the collected mycorrhizal fungus grew.
Notes_for_organism nvarchar (MAX) Notes for the first organism
Taxonomic_name nvarchar (255) Valid name of the species (including the taxonomic author where available). Example: ‘Rosa canina L.’
Link_to_DiversityTaxonNames varchar (255) Link for first identification of first organism to DiversityTaxonNames
Remove_link_for_identification int Empty column to remove link for first identification of first organism to DiversityTaxonNames
Vernacular_term nvarchar (255) Name or term other than a taxonomic (= scientific) name, e.g. ‘pine’, ’limestone’, ‘conifer’, ‘hardwood’
Identification_day tinyint The day of the identification
Identification_month tinyint The month of the identification
Identification_year smallint The year of the identification. The year may be empty if only the day or month are known.
Identification_category nvarchar (50) Category of the identification e.g. ‘determination’, ‘confirmation’, ‘absence’ (= foreign key, see table CollIdentificationCategory_Enum)
Identification_qualifier nvarchar (50) Qualification of the identification e.g. “cf.”," aff.", “sp. nov.” (= foreign key, see table CollIdentificationQualifier_Enum)
Type_status nvarchar (50) If identification unit is type of a taxonomic name: holotype, syntype, etc. (= foreign key, see table CollTypeStatus_Enum)
Type_notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the typification of this specimen
Notes_for_identification nvarchar (MAX) Notes for first identification of first organism to DiversityTaxonNames
Determiner nvarchar (255) Agent responsible for first identification of first organism
Link_to_DiversityAgents_for_determiner varchar (255) Agent for responsible for first identification of first organism to e.g. DiversityAgents
Remove_link_for_determiner int Empty column reservet to remove link for agent for responsible for first identification of first organism to e.g. DiversityAgents
Analysis nvarchar (50) First analysis of first organism
AnalysisID int ID of the analysis (primary key)
Analysis_number nvarchar (50) Number of the analysis
Analysis_result nvarchar (MAX) The result of the analysis
Taxonomic_group_of_second_organism nvarchar (50) Taxonomic group of second organism
Life_stage_of_second_organism nvarchar (255) Life stage of second organism
Gender_of_second_organism nvarchar (50) Gender of second organism
Number_of_units_of_second_organism smallint Number of units of second organism
Circumstances_of_second_organism nvarchar (50) Circumstances of second organism
Identifier_of_second_organism nvarchar (50) Identifier for second organism
Description_of_second_organism nvarchar (50) UnitDescription of second organism
Only_observed_of_second_organism bit OnlyObserved of second organism
Notes_for_second_organism nvarchar (MAX) Notes for second organism
Taxonomic_name_of_second_organism nvarchar (255) Taxonomic name of second organism
Link_to_DiversityTaxonNames_of_second_organism varchar (255) Link to DiversityTaxonNames of second organism
Remove_link_for_second_organism int Remove link to DiversityTaxonNames for second organism
Vernacular_term_of_second_organism nvarchar (255) Vernacular term of second organism
Identification_day_of_second_organism tinyint Identification day of second organism
Identification_month_of_second_organism tinyint Identification month of second organism
Identification_year_of_second_organism smallint Identification year of second organism
Identification_category_of_second_organism nvarchar (50) -
Identification_qualifier_of_second_organism nvarchar (50) -
Type_status_of_second_organism nvarchar (50) -
Type_notes_of_second_organism nvarchar (MAX) -
Notes_for_identification_of_second_organism nvarchar (MAX) -
Determiner_of_second_organism nvarchar (255) -
Link_to_DiversityAgents_for_determiner_of_second_organism varchar (255) -
Remove_link_for_determiner_of_second_organism int -
Collection int -
Material_category nvarchar (50) Material category of specimen. Examples: ‘herbarium sheets’, ‘drawings’, ‘microscopic slides’ etc. (= foreign key, see table CollMaterialCategory_Enum)
Storage_location nvarchar (255) A code identifying the place where the specimen is stored within the collection. Frequently the accepted scientific name is used as storage location code.
Stock float Number of stock units, if the specimen is stored in separated units e.g. several boxes or vessels (max. 255)
Part_accession_number nvarchar (50) -
Storage_container nvarchar (500) The container in which the part is stored
Preparation_method nvarchar (MAX) The method used for the preparation of the part of the specimen, e.g. the inoculation method for cultures
Preparation_date datetime Point in time when the part was preparated e.g when it was separated from the source object
Notes_for_part nvarchar (MAX) -
Related_specimen_URL varchar (255) -
Related_specimen_display_text varchar (255) The name of a related specimen as shown e.g. in a user interface
Link_to_DiversityCollection_for_relation varchar (255) -
Type_of_relation nvarchar (50) -
Related_specimen_description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the related specimen
Related_specimen_notes nvarchar (MAX) -
Relation_is_internal bit -
_TransactionID int Unique ID for the table Transaction (= foreign key and part of primary key)
_Transaction nvarchar (200) -
_CollectionEventID int Unique ID for the table CollectionEvent (= primary key)
_IdentificationUnitID int If relation refers to a certain organism within a specimen, the ID of an IdentificationUnit (= foreign key)
_IdentificationSequence smallint The sequence of the identifications. The last identification (having the highest sequence) is regarded as valid
_SecondUnitID int -
_SecondSequence smallint -
_SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen (= part of primary key).
_CoordinatesAverageLatitudeCache real -
_CoordinatesAverageLongitudeCache real -
_GeographicRegionPropertyURI varchar (255) -
_LithostratigraphyPropertyURI varchar (255) -
_ChronostratigraphyPropertyURI varchar (255) -
_BiostratigraphyPropertyURI varchar (255) -
_NamedAverageLatitudeCache real -
_NamedAverageLongitudeCache real -
_LithostratigraphyPropertyHierarchyCache nvarchar (MAX) -
_ChronostratigraphyPropertyHierarchyCache nvarchar (MAX) -
_BiostratigraphyPropertyHierarchyCache nvarchar (MAX) -
_SecondUnitFamilyCache nvarchar (255) -
_SecondUnitOrderCache nvarchar (255) -
_AverageAltitudeCache real Calculated altitude as parsed from the location fields

Depending on:

  • Analysis
  • CollectionAgent
  • CollectionEvent
  • CollectionEventLocalisation
  • CollectionEventProperty
  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollectionSpecimenID_UserAvailable
  • CollectionSpecimenPart
  • CollectionSpecimenRelation
  • CollectionSpecimenTransaction
  • Identification
  • IdentificationUnit
  • IdentificationUnitAnalysis
  • Transaction

Function FirstLinesEvent_2

Returns a table that lists all the collection event with the first entries of related tables

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionSpecimenIDs varchar (8000) Comma separated list of CollectionSpecimenIDs for which the data should be retrieved
Column DataType Description
CollectionEventID int Unique ID for the table CollectionEvent (= primary key)
Data_withholding_reason_for_collection_event nvarchar (255) If the data of the collection event are withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null
Collectors_event_number nvarchar (50) Number assigned to a collection event by the collector (= ‘field number’)
Collection_day tinyint The day of the date of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_month tinyint The month of the date of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_year smallint The year of the date of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_date_supplement nvarchar (100) Verbal or additional collection date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’. The end date, if the collection event comprises a period. The time of the event, if necessary.
Collection_time varchar (50) The time of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_time_span varchar (50) The time span e.g. in seconds of the collection event
Country nvarchar (50) The country where the collection event took place. Cached value derived from an geographic entry
Locality_description nvarchar (MAX) Locality description of the locality exactly as written on the original label (i.e. without corrections during data entry)
Habitat_description nvarchar (MAX) Geo-ecological description of the locality exactly as written on the original label (i.e. without corrections during data entry)
Collecting_method nvarchar (MAX) Description of the method used for collecting the samples, e.g. traps, moist chambers, drag net
Collection_event_notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the collection event
Named_area nvarchar (255) Named area as e.g. derived from DiversityGazetteer corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 7
NamedAreaLocation2 nvarchar (255) Link to a named area as e.g. derived from DiversityGazetteer corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 7
Remove_link_to_gazetteer int Empty column reserved to remove a link to a named area as e.g. derived from DiversityGazetteer corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 7
Distance_to_location varchar (50) Distance from the specified place to the real location of the collection site (m)
Direction_to_location varchar (50) Direction from the specified place to the real location of the collection site (Degrees rel. to north)
Longitude nvarchar (255) Longitude derived from WGS84 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Latitude nvarchar (255) Latitude derived from WGS84 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Coordinates_accuracy nvarchar (50) Accuracy of coordinates derived from WGS84 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Link_to_GoogleMaps int Empty column reserved for retrieval of WGS84 coordinates via e.g. GoogleMaps corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Altitude_from nvarchar (255) Lower value of altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
Altitude_to nvarchar (255) Upper value of altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
Altitude_accuracy nvarchar (50) Accuracy of altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
MTB nvarchar (255) TK25 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 3
Quadrant nvarchar (255) Quadrant of TK25 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 3
Notes_for_MTB nvarchar (MAX) Notes for TK25 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 3
MTB_accuracy nvarchar (50) -
Sampling_plot nvarchar (255) Name of the sampling plot corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Link_to_SamplingPlots nvarchar (255) Link to the sampling plot corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Remove_link_to_SamplingPlots int Empty column reserverd to remove link to the sampling plot corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Accuracy_of_sampling_plot nvarchar (50) Accuracy of the sampling plot coordinates corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Latitude_of_sampling_plot real Latitude of the sampling plot coordinates corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Longitude_of_sampling_plot real Longitude of the sampling plot coordinates corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Geographic_region nvarchar (255) Geographic region corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 10
Lithostratigraphy nvarchar (255) Lithostratigraphy corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 30
Chronostratigraphy nvarchar (255) Chronostratigraphy corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 20
_CollectionEventID int Unique ID for the table CollectionEvent (= primary key)
_CoordinatesAverageLatitudeCache real Average Latitude of WGS84 Coordinates
_CoordinatesAverageLongitudeCache real Average Longitude of WGS84 Coordinates
_CoordinatesLocationNotes nvarchar (MAX) Notes for WGS84 Coordinates
_GeographicRegionPropertyURI varchar (255) URI of Geographic Region
_LithostratigraphyPropertyURI varchar (255) URI for Lithostratigraphy
_ChronostratigraphyPropertyURI varchar (255) URI for Chronostratigraphy
_NamedAverageLatitudeCache real Average Latitude for Named Area
_NamedAverageLongitudeCache real Average Longitude for Named Area
_LithostratigraphyPropertyHierarchyCache nvarchar (MAX) Hierarchy for Lithostratigraphy
_ChronostratigraphyPropertyHierarchyCache nvarchar (MAX) Hierarchy for Chronostratigraphy
_AverageAltitudeCache real Average Altitude

Depending on:

  • CollectionEvent
  • CollectionEventLocalisation
  • CollectionEventProperty
  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollectionSpecimenID_UserAvailable

Function FirstLinesPart_2

Returns a table that lists all the collection specimen part with the first entries of related tables

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionSpecimenIDs varchar (8000) Comma separated list of CollectionSpecimenIDs for which the data should be retrieved
@AnalysisIDs varchar (8000) Comma separated list of AnalysisIDs for which the data should be retrieved
@AnalysisStartDate date The start date of the range for analysis
@AnalysisEndDate date The end date of the range for analysis
@ProcessingID int ID of the processing method. Refers to ProcessingID in table Processing (foreign key)
@ProcessingStartDate datetime The start date of the range for processing
@ProcessingEndDate datetime The end date of the range for processing
Column DataType Description
SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen (= part of primary key).
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to ID of CollectionEvent (= foreign key and part of primary key)
Accession_number nvarchar (50) Accession number of the specimen within the collection, e.g. “M-29834752”
Data_withholding_reason nvarchar (255) If the data set is withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null
Data_withholding_reason_for_collection_event nvarchar (255) If the data of the collection event are withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null
Data_withholding_reason_for_collector nvarchar (255) If the data of the collector are withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null
Collectors_event_number nvarchar (50) Number assigned to a collection event by the collector (= ‘field number’)
Collection_day tinyint The day of the date of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_month tinyint The month of the date of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_year smallint The year of the date of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_date_supplement nvarchar (100) Verbal or additional collection date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’. The end date, if the collection event comprises a period. The time of the event, if necessary.
Collection_time varchar (50) The time of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_time_span varchar (50) The time span e.g. in seconds of the collection event
Country nvarchar (50) The country where the collection event took place. Cached value derived from an geographic entry
Locality_description nvarchar (255) Locality description of the locality exactly as written on the original label (i.e. without corrections during data entry)
Habitat_description nvarchar (255) Geo-ecological description of the locality exactly as written on the original label (i.e. without corrections during data entry)
Collecting_method nvarchar (255) Description of the method used for collecting the samples, e.g. traps, moist chambers, drag net
Collection_event_notes nvarchar (255) Notes about the collection event
Named_area nvarchar (255) Named area as e.g. derived from DiversityGazetteer corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 7
NamedAreaLocation2 nvarchar (255) Link to a named area as e.g. derived from DiversityGazetteer corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 7
Remove_link_to_gazetteer int Empty column reserved to remove a link to a named area as e.g. derived from DiversityGazetteer corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 7
Distance_to_location varchar (50) Distance from the specified place to the real location of the collection site (m)
Direction_to_location varchar (50) Direction from the specified place to the real location of the collection site (Degrees rel. to north)
Longitude nvarchar (255) Longitude derived from WGS84 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Latitude nvarchar (255) Latitude derived from WGS84 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Coordinates_accuracy nvarchar (50) Accuracy of coordinates derived from WGS84 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Link_to_GoogleMaps int Empty column reserved for retrieval of WGS84 coordinates via e.g. GoogleMaps corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Altitude_from nvarchar (255) Lower value of altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
Altitude_to nvarchar (255) Upper value of altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
Altitude_accuracy nvarchar (50) Accuracy of altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
Notes_for_Altitude nvarchar (255) Notes for altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
MTB nvarchar (255) TK25 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 3
Quadrant nvarchar (255) Quadrant of TK25 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 3
Notes_for_MTB nvarchar (255) Notes for TK25 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 3
Sampling_plot nvarchar (255) Name of the sampling plot corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Link_to_SamplingPlots nvarchar (255) Link to the sampling plot corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Remove_link_to_SamplingPlots int Empty column reserverd to remove link to the sampling plot corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Accuracy_of_sampling_plot nvarchar (50) Accuracy of the sampling plot coordinates corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Latitude_of_sampling_plot real Latitude of the sampling plot coordinates corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Longitude_of_sampling_plot real Longitude of the sampling plot coordinates corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Geographic_region nvarchar (255) Geographic region corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 10
Lithostratigraphy nvarchar (255) Lithostratigraphy corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 30
Chronostratigraphy nvarchar (255) Chronostratigraphy corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 20
Collectors_name nvarchar (255) Name of the Collector
Link_to_DiversityAgents varchar (255) Link for the first collector to DiversityAgents
Remove_link_for_collector int -
Collectors_number nvarchar (50) Number assigned to a specimen or a batch of specimens by the collector during the collection event (= ‘field number’)
Notes_about_collector nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the first collector
Accession_day tinyint The day of the date when the specimen was acquired in the collection
Accession_month tinyint The month of the date when the specimen was acquired in the collection
Accession_year smallint The year of the date when the specimen was acquired in the collection
Accession_date_supplement nvarchar (255) Verbal or additional accession date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’
Depositors_name nvarchar (255) The name of the depositor(s) (person or organization responsible for deposition). Where entire collections are deposited, this should also contain the collection name (e.g. ‘Herbarium P. Döbbler’)
Depositors_link_to_DiversityAgents varchar (255) The link for the depositor e.g. to DiversityAgents
Remove_link_for_Depositor int Empty column reserved to remove the link for the depositor e.g. to DiversityAgents
Depositors_accession_number nvarchar (50) Accession number of the specimen within the previous or original collection, e.g. ‘D-23948’
Exsiccata_abbreviation nvarchar (255) If specimen is an exsiccata: Standard abbreviation of the exsiccata (not necessarily a unique identifier; editors or publication places may change over time)
Link_to_DiversityExsiccatae varchar (255) Link to DiversityExsiccatae
Remove_link_to_exsiccatae int Empty column reserved to remove the link to DiversityExsiccatae
Exsiccata_number nvarchar (50) If specimen is an exsiccata: Number of current specimen within the exsiccata series
Original_notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes found on the label of the specimen by the original collector or from a later revision
Additional_notes nvarchar (MAX) Additional notes made by the editor of the specimen record, e.g. ‘doubtful identification/locality’
Internal_notes nvarchar (MAX) Internal notes which should not be published e.g. on websites
Label_title nvarchar (255) The title of the label e.g. for printing labels.
Label_type nvarchar (50) Printed, typewritten, typewritten with handwriting added, entirely in handwriting, etc.
Label_transcription_state nvarchar (50) The state of the transcription of a label into the database: ‘Not started’, ‘incomplete’, ‘complete’
Label_transcription_notes nvarchar (255) User defined notes on the transcription of the label into the database
Problems nvarchar (255) Description of a problem which occurred during data editing. Typically these entries should be deleted after help has been obtained. Do not enter scientific problems here; use AdditionalNotes for such permanent problems!
Taxonomic_group nvarchar (50) Taxonomic group the organism, identified by this unit, belongs to. Groups listed in table CollTaxonomicGroup_Enum (= foreign key)
Relation_type nvarchar (50) The relation of a unit to its substrate, e.g. parasitism, symbiosis etc. as stored in CollRelationType_Enum (= foreign key)
Colonised_substrate_part nvarchar (255) If a substrate association exists: part of the substrate which is affected in the interaction (e.g. ’leaves’, if a fungus is growing on the leaves of an infected plant)
Related_organism nvarchar (200) Last identification of the related organism
Life_stage nvarchar (255) Examples: ‘II, III’ for spore generations of rusts or ‘seed’, ‘seedling’ etc. for higher plants
Gender nvarchar (50) The sex of the organism, e.g. ‘female’
Number_of_units smallint The number of units of this organism, e.g. 400 beetles in a bottle
Circumstances nvarchar (50) Circumstances of the occurence of the organism
Order_of_taxon nvarchar (255) Order of the first taxon
Family_of_taxon nvarchar (255) Family of the first taxon
Identifier_of_organism nvarchar (50) Identifier of the first organism
Description_of_organism nvarchar (50) Description of the first organism
Only_observed bit True, if the organism was only observed rather than collected. It is therefore not present on the preserved specimen. Example: Tree under which the collected mycorrhizal fungus grew.
Notes_for_organism nvarchar (MAX) Notes for the first organism
Taxonomic_name nvarchar (255) Valid name of the species (including the taxonomic author where available). Example: ‘Rosa canina L.’
Link_to_DiversityTaxonNames varchar (255) Link for first identification of first organism to DiversityTaxonNames
Remove_link_for_identification int Empty column to remove link for first identification of first organism to DiversityTaxonNames
Vernacular_term nvarchar (255) Name or term other than a taxonomic (= scientific) name, e.g. ‘pine’, ’limestone’, ‘conifer’, ‘hardwood’
Identification_day tinyint The day of the identification
Identification_month tinyint The month of the identification
Identification_year smallint The year of the identification. The year may be empty if only the day or month are known.
Identification_category nvarchar (50) Category of the identification e.g. ‘determination’, ‘confirmation’, ‘absence’ (= foreign key, see table CollIdentificationCategory_Enum)
Identification_qualifier nvarchar (50) Qualification of the identification e.g. “cf.”," aff.", “sp. nov.” (= foreign key, see table CollIdentificationQualifier_Enum)
Type_status nvarchar (50) If identification unit is type of a taxonomic name: holotype, syntype, etc. (= foreign key, see table CollTypeStatus_Enum)
Type_notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the typification of this specimen
Notes_for_identification nvarchar (MAX) Notes for first identification of first organism to DiversityTaxonNames
Determiner nvarchar (255) Agent responsible for first identification of first organism
Link_to_DiversityAgents_for_determiner varchar (255) Agent for responsible for first identification of first organism to e.g. DiversityAgents
Remove_link_for_determiner int Empty column reservet to remove link for agent for responsible for first identification of first organism to e.g. DiversityAgents
Analysis_0 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis 0 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_0 int ID of analysis 0 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_0 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis 0 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_0 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis 0 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_1 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_1 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_1 int ID of analysis_1 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_1 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_1 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_1 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_1 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_2 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_2 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_2 int ID of analysis_2 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_2 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_2 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_2 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_2 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_3 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_3 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_3 int ID of analysis_3 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_3 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_3 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_3 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_3 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_4 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_4 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_4 int ID of analysis_4 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_4 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_4 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_4 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_4 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_5 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_5 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_5 int ID of analysis_5 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_5 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_5 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_5 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_5 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_6 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_6 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_6 int ID of analysis_6 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_6 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_6 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_6 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_6 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_7 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_7 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_7 int ID of analysis_7 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_7 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_7 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_7 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_7 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_8 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_8 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_8 int ID of analysis_8 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_8 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_8 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_8 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_8 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_9 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_9 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_9 int ID of analysis_9 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_9 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_9 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_9 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_9 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Preparation_method nvarchar (MAX) The method used for the preparation of the part of the specimen, e.g. the inoculation method for cultures
Preparation_date datetime Point in time when the part was preparated e.g when it was separated from the source object
Part_accession_number nvarchar (50) Accession number of part
Part_sublabel nvarchar (50) The label for a part of a specimen, e.g. “cone”, or a number attached to a duplicate of a specimen
Collection int ID of the Collection
Material_category nvarchar (50) Material category of specimen. Examples: ‘herbarium sheets’, ‘drawings’, ‘microscopic slides’ etc. (= foreign key, see table CollMaterialCategory_Enum)
Storage_location nvarchar (255) A code identifying the place where the specimen is stored within the collection. Frequently the accepted scientific name is used as storage location code.
Storage_container nvarchar (500) The container in which the part is stored
Stock float Number of stock units, if the specimen is stored in separated units e.g. several boxes or vessels (max. 255)
Stock_unit nvarchar (50) If empty, the stock is given as a count, else it contains the unit in which stock is expressed, e.g. µl, ml, kg etc.
Notes_for_part nvarchar (MAX) Notes for specimen part
Description_of_unit_in_part nvarchar (500) Description of identification unit in specimen part
Processing_date_1 datetime Date of Processing_1 according to list of ProcessingIDs
ProcessingID_1 int ID of Processing_1 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_Protocoll_1 nvarchar (100) Protocoll of Processing_1 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_duration_1 varchar (50) Duration of Processing_1 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_notes_1 nvarchar (MAX) Notes of Processing_1 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_date_2 datetime Date of Processing_2 according to list of ProcessingIDs
ProcessingID_2 int ID of Processing_2 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_Protocoll_2 nvarchar (100) Protocoll of Processing_2 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_duration_2 varchar (50) Duration of Processing_2 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_notes_2 nvarchar (MAX) Notes of Processing_2 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_date_3 datetime Date of Processing_3 according to list of ProcessingIDs
ProcessingID_3 int ID of Processing_3 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_Protocoll_3 nvarchar (100) Protocoll of Processing_3 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_duration_3 varchar (50) Duration of Processing_3 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_notes_3 nvarchar (MAX) Notes of Processing_3 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_date_4 datetime Date of Processing_4 according to list of ProcessingIDs
ProcessingID_4 int ID of Processing_4 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_Protocoll_4 nvarchar (100) Protocoll of Processing_4 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_duration_4 varchar (50) Duration of Processing_4 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_notes_4 nvarchar (MAX) Notes of Processing_4 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_date_5 datetime Date of Processing_5 according to list of ProcessingIDs
ProcessingID_5 int ID of Processing_5 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_Protocoll_5 nvarchar (100) Protocoll of Processing_5 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_duration_5 varchar (50) Duration of Processing_5 according to list of ProcessingIDs
Processing_notes_5 nvarchar (MAX) Notes of Processing_5 according to list of ProcessingIDs
_TransactionID int Unique ID for the table Transaction (= foreign key and part of primary key)
_Transaction nvarchar (200) Title of first transaction
On_loan int If part is on loan according to first transaction
_CollectionEventID int Unique ID for the table CollectionEvent (= primary key)
_IdentificationUnitID int Refers to the ID of IdentficationUnit (= foreign key and part of primary key)
_IdentificationSequence smallint The sequence of the identifications. The last identification (having the highest sequence) is regarded as valid
_SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen (= part of primary key).
_CoordinatesAverageLatitudeCache real Average Latitude of WGS84 Coordinates
_CoordinatesAverageLongitudeCache real Average Longitude of WGS84 Coordinates
_CoordinatesLocationNotes nvarchar (255) Notes for WGS84 Coordinates
_GeographicRegionPropertyURI varchar (255) URI of Geographic Region
_LithostratigraphyPropertyURI varchar (255) URI for Lithostratigraphy
_ChronostratigraphyPropertyURI varchar (255) URI for Chronostratigraphy
_NamedAverageLatitudeCache real Average Latitude for Named Area
_NamedAverageLongitudeCache real Average Longitude for Named Area
_LithostratigraphyPropertyHierarchyCache nvarchar (255) Hierarchy for Lithostratigraphy
_ChronostratigraphyPropertyHierarchyCache nvarchar (255) Hierarchy for Chronostratigraphy
_AverageAltitudeCache real Calculated average altitude as parsed from the location fields

Depending on:

  • Analysis
  • CollectionAgent
  • CollectionEvent
  • CollectionEventLocalisation
  • CollectionEventProperty
  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollectionSpecimenID_UserAvailable
  • CollectionSpecimenPart
  • CollectionSpecimenProcessing
  • CollectionSpecimenTransaction
  • Identification
  • IdentificationUnit
  • IdentificationUnitAnalysis
  • IdentificationUnitInPart
  • Processing
  • Transaction

Function FirstLinesSeries

Returns a table that lists all the collection event series with the first entries of related tables

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionSpecimenIDs varchar (8000) Comma separated list of CollectionSpecimenIDs for which the data should be retrieved
Column DataType Description
SeriesID int The ID of the related expedition. Relates to the PK of the table CollectionExpedition (foreign key).
SeriesParentID int The ID of the superior series of collection events
Description nvarchar (500) The description of the series of collection events as it will be printed on e.g. the label
SeriesCode nvarchar (50) The user defined code for a series of collection events
Geography geography (MAX) The geography of the series of collection events
Notes nvarchar (500) Notes on the collection event
DateStart datetime Point in time when the series of collection events started
DateEnd datetime Point in time when the series of collection events ended

Depending on:

  • CollectionEvent
  • CollectionEventSeries
  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollectionSpecimenID_UserAvailable

Function FirstLinesUnit_4

Returns a table that lists all the identification unit with the first entries of related tables

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionSpecimenIDs varchar (8000) Comma separated list of CollectionSpecimenIDs for which the data should be retrieved
@AnalysisIDs varchar (8000) Comma separated list of AnalysisIDs for which the data should be retrieved
@AnalysisStartDate date The start date of the range for analysis
@AnalysisEndDate date The end date of the range for analysis
Column DataType Description
IdentificationUnitID int Refers to the ID of IdentficationUnit (= foreign key and part of primary key)
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to ID of CollectionEvent (= foreign key and part of primary key)
Accession_number nvarchar (50) Accession number of the specimen within the collection, e.g. “M-29834752”
Data_withholding_reason nvarchar (255) If the data set is withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null
Data_withholding_reason_for_collection_event nvarchar (255) If the data of the collection event are withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null
Data_withholding_reason_for_collector nvarchar (255) If the data of the collector are withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null
Collectors_event_number nvarchar (50) Number assigned to a collection event by the collector (= ‘field number’)
Collection_day tinyint The day of the date of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_month tinyint The month of the date of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_year smallint The year of the date of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_date_supplement nvarchar (100) Verbal or additional collection date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’. The end date, if the collection event comprises a period. The time of the event, if necessary.
Collection_time varchar (50) The time of the event or when the collection event started
Collection_time_span varchar (50) The time span e.g. in seconds of the collection event
Country nvarchar (50) -
Locality_description nvarchar (255) Locality description of the locality exactly as written on the original label (i.e. without corrections during data entry)
Habitat_description nvarchar (255) Geo-ecological description of the locality exactly as written on the original label (i.e. without corrections during data entry)
Collecting_method nvarchar (255) Description of the method used for collecting the samples, e.g. traps, moist chambers, drag net
Collection_event_notes nvarchar (255) Notes about the collection event
Named_area nvarchar (255) Named area as e.g. derived from DiversityGazetteer corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 7
NamedAreaLocation2 nvarchar (255) Link to a named area as e.g. derived from DiversityGazetteer corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 7
Remove_link_to_gazetteer int Empty column reserved to remove a link to a named area as e.g. derived from DiversityGazetteer corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 7
Distance_to_location varchar (50) Distance from the specified place to the real location of the collection site (m)
Direction_to_location varchar (50) Direction from the specified place to the real location of the collection site (Degrees rel. to north)
Longitude nvarchar (255) Longitude derived from WGS84 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Latitude nvarchar (255) Latitude derived from WGS84 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Coordinates_accuracy nvarchar (50) Accuracy of coordinates derived from WGS84 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Link_to_GoogleMaps int Empty column reserved for retrieval of WGS84 coordinates via e.g. GoogleMaps corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 8
Altitude_from nvarchar (255) Lower value of altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
Altitude_to nvarchar (255) Upper value of altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
Altitude_accuracy nvarchar (50) Accuracy of altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
Notes_for_Altitude nvarchar (255) Notes for altitude range corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 4
MTB nvarchar (255) TK25 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 3
Quadrant nvarchar (255) Quadrant of TK25 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 3
Notes_for_MTB nvarchar (255) Notes for TK25 corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 3
Sampling_plot nvarchar (255) Name of the sampling plot corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Link_to_SamplingPlots nvarchar (255) Link to the sampling plot corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Remove_link_to_SamplingPlots int Empty column reserverd to remove link to the sampling plot corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Accuracy_of_sampling_plot nvarchar (50) Accuracy of the sampling plot coordinates corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Latitude_of_sampling_plot real Latitude of the sampling plot coordinates corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Longitude_of_sampling_plot real Longitude of the sampling plot coordinates corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 13
Geographic_region nvarchar (255) Geographic region corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 10
Lithostratigraphy nvarchar (255) Lithostratigraphy corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 30
Chronostratigraphy nvarchar (255) Chronostratigraphy corresponding to LocalisationSystemID = 20
Collectors_name nvarchar (255) Name of the Collector
Link_to_DiversityAgents varchar (255) Link for the first collector to DiversityAgents
Remove_link_for_collector int Empty column reserved for removal of ink for the first collector
Collectors_number nvarchar (50) Number assigned to a specimen or a batch of specimens by the collector during the collection event (= ‘field number’)
Notes_about_collector nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the first collector
Accession_day tinyint The day of the date when the specimen was acquired in the collection
Accession_month tinyint The month of the date when the specimen was acquired in the collection
Accession_year smallint The year of the date when the specimen was acquired in the collection
Accession_date_supplement nvarchar (255) Verbal or additional accession date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’
Depositors_name nvarchar (255) The name of the depositor(s) (person or organization responsible for deposition). Where entire collections are deposited, this should also contain the collection name (e.g. ‘Herbarium P. Döbbler’)
Depositors_link_to_DiversityAgents varchar (255) The link for the depositor e.g. to DiversityAgents
Remove_link_for_Depositor int Empty column reserved to remove the link for the depositor e.g. to DiversityAgents
Depositors_accession_number nvarchar (50) Accession number of the specimen within the previous or original collection, e.g. ‘D-23948’
Exsiccata_abbreviation nvarchar (255) If specimen is an exsiccata: Standard abbreviation of the exsiccata (not necessarily a unique identifier; editors or publication places may change over time)
Link_to_DiversityExsiccatae varchar (255) Link to DiversityExsiccatae
Remove_link_to_exsiccatae int Empty column reserved to remove the link to DiversityExsiccatae
Exsiccata_number nvarchar (50) If specimen is an exsiccata: Number of current specimen within the exsiccata series
Original_notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes found on the label of the specimen by the original collector or from a later revision
Additional_notes nvarchar (MAX) Additional notes made by the editor of the specimen record, e.g. ‘doubtful identification/locality’
Internal_notes nvarchar (MAX) Internal notes which should not be published e.g. on websites
Label_title nvarchar (255) The title of the label e.g. for printing labels.
Label_type nvarchar (50) Printed, typewritten, typewritten with handwriting added, entirely in handwriting, etc.
Label_transcription_state nvarchar (50) The state of the transcription of a label into the database: ‘Not started’, ‘incomplete’, ‘complete’
Label_transcription_notes nvarchar (255) User defined notes on the transcription of the label into the database
Problems nvarchar (255) Description of a problem which occurred during data editing. Typically these entries should be deleted after help has been obtained. Do not enter scientific problems here; use AdditionalNotes for such permanent problems!
Taxonomic_group nvarchar (50) Taxonomic group the organism, identified by this unit, belongs to. Groups listed in table CollTaxonomicGroup_Enum (= foreign key)
Relation_type nvarchar (50) The relation of a unit to its substrate, e.g. parasitism, symbiosis etc. as stored in CollRelationType_Enum (= foreign key)
Colonised_substrate_part nvarchar (255) If a substrate association exists: part of the substrate which is affected in the interaction (e.g. ’leaves’, if a fungus is growing on the leaves of an infected plant)
Related_organism nvarchar (200) Last identification of the related organism
Life_stage nvarchar (255) Examples: ‘II, III’ for spore generations of rusts or ‘seed’, ‘seedling’ etc. for higher plants
Gender nvarchar (50) The sex of the organism, e.g. ‘female’
Number_of_units smallint The number of units of this organism, e.g. 400 beetles in a bottle
Circumstances nvarchar (50) Circumstances of the occurence of the organism
Order_of_taxon nvarchar (255) Order of the first taxon
Family_of_taxon nvarchar (255) Family of the first taxon
Identifier_of_organism nvarchar (50) Identifier of the first organism
Description_of_organism nvarchar (50) Description of the first organism
Only_observed bit True, if the organism was only observed rather than collected. It is therefore not present on the preserved specimen. Example: Tree under which the collected mycorrhizal fungus grew.
Notes_for_organism nvarchar (MAX) Notes for the first organism
Taxonomic_name nvarchar (255) Valid name of the species (including the taxonomic author where available). Example: ‘Rosa canina L.’
Link_to_DiversityTaxonNames varchar (255) Link for first identification of first organism to DiversityTaxonNames
Remove_link_for_identification int Empty column to remove link for first identification of first organism to DiversityTaxonNames
Vernacular_term nvarchar (255) Name or term other than a taxonomic (= scientific) name, e.g. ‘pine’, ’limestone’, ‘conifer’, ‘hardwood’
Identification_day tinyint The day of the identification
Identification_month tinyint The month of the identification
Identification_year smallint The year of the identification. The year may be empty if only the day or month are known.
Identification_category nvarchar (50) Category of the identification e.g. ‘determination’, ‘confirmation’, ‘absence’ (= foreign key, see table CollIdentificationCategory_Enum)
Identification_qualifier nvarchar (50) Qualification of the identification e.g. “cf.”," aff.", “sp. nov.” (= foreign key, see table CollIdentificationQualifier_Enum)
Type_status nvarchar (50) If identification unit is type of a taxonomic name: holotype, syntype, etc. (= foreign key, see table CollTypeStatus_Enum)
Type_notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the typification of this specimen
Notes_for_identification nvarchar (MAX) Notes for first identification of first organism to DiversityTaxonNames
Determiner nvarchar (255) Agent responsible for first identification of first organism
Link_to_DiversityAgents_for_determiner varchar (255) Agent for responsible for first identification of first organism to e.g. DiversityAgents
Remove_link_for_determiner int Empty column reservet to remove link for agent for responsible for first identification of first organism to e.g. DiversityAgents
Analysis_0 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis 0 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_0 int ID of analysis 0 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_0 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis 0 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_0 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis 0 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_1 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_1 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_1 int ID of analysis_1 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_1 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_1 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_1 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_1 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_2 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_2 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_2 int ID of analysis_2 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_2 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_2 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_2 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_2 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_3 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_3 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_3 int ID of analysis_3 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_3 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_3 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_3 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_3 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_4 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_4 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_4 int ID of analysis_4 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_4 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_4 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_4 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_4 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_5 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_5 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_5 int ID of analysis_5 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_5 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_5 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_5 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_5 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_6 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_6 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_6 int ID of analysis_6 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_6 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_6 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_6 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_6 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_7 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_7 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_7 int ID of analysis_7 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_7 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_7 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_7 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_7 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_8 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_8 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_8 int ID of analysis_8 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_8 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_8 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_8 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_8 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_9 nvarchar (50) Name of analysis_9 according to list of AnalysisIDs
AnalysisID_9 int ID of analysis_9 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_number_9 nvarchar (50) Number of analysis_9 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Analysis_result_9 nvarchar (MAX) Result of analysis_9 according to list of AnalysisIDs
Collection int -
Material_category nvarchar (50) Material category of specimen. Examples: ‘herbarium sheets’, ‘drawings’, ‘microscopic slides’ etc. (= foreign key, see table CollMaterialCategory_Enum)
Storage_location nvarchar (255) A code identifying the place where the specimen is stored within the collection. Frequently the accepted scientific name is used as storage location code.
Stock float Number of stock units, if the specimen is stored in separated units e.g. several boxes or vessels (max. 255)
Preparation_method nvarchar (MAX) The method used for the preparation of the part of the specimen, e.g. the inoculation method for cultures
Preparation_date datetime Point in time when the part was preparated e.g when it was separated from the source object
Notes_for_part nvarchar (MAX) Notes for specimen part
_TransactionID int Unique ID for the table Transaction (= foreign key and part of primary key)
_Transaction nvarchar (200) Title of first transaction
On_loan int If part is on loan according to first transaction
_CollectionEventID int Unique ID for the table CollectionEvent (= primary key)
_IdentificationUnitID int Refers to the ID of IdentficationUnit (= foreign key and part of primary key)
_IdentificationSequence smallint The sequence of the identifications. The last identification (having the highest sequence) is regarded as valid
_SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen (= part of primary key).
_CoordinatesAverageLatitudeCache real Average Latitude of WGS84 Coordinates
_CoordinatesAverageLongitudeCache real Average Longitude of WGS84 Coordinates
_CoordinatesLocationNotes nvarchar (255) Notes for WGS84 Coordinates
_GeographicRegionPropertyURI varchar (255) URI of Geographic Region
_LithostratigraphyPropertyURI varchar (255) URI for Lithostratigraphy
_ChronostratigraphyPropertyURI varchar (255) URI for Chronostratigraphy
_NamedAverageLatitudeCache real Average Latitude for Named Area
_NamedAverageLongitudeCache real Average Longitude for Named Area
_LithostratigraphyPropertyHierarchyCache nvarchar (255) Hierarchy for Lithostratigraphy
_ChronostratigraphyPropertyHierarchyCache nvarchar (255) Hierarchy for Chronostratigraphy
_AverageAltitudeCache real Average Altitude

Depending on:

  • Analysis
  • CollectionAgent
  • CollectionEvent
  • CollectionEventLocalisation
  • CollectionEventProperty
  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollectionSpecimenID_UserAvailable
  • CollectionSpecimenPart
  • CollectionSpecimenTransaction
  • Identification
  • IdentificationUnit
  • IdentificationUnitAnalysis
  • Transaction

Function LocalisationSystem_List

Parameter DataType Description
@LanguageCode char (2) -
Column DataType Description
LocalisationSystemID int Unique ID for the localisation system (= Primary key)
LocalisationSystemParentID int LocalisationSystemID of the superior LocalisationSystem
LocalisationSystemName nvarchar (50) Name of the system used for the determination of the place of the collection, e. g. Gauss-Krüger, MTB, GIS
MeasurementUnit nvarchar (100) -
DefaultAccuracyOfLocalisation nvarchar (100) The default for the accuracy of values which can be reached with this method
DiversityModule nvarchar (50) -
ParsingMethod nvarchar (500) -
LocalisationSystemType nvarchar (500) -
Description nvarchar (255) Description of the localisation method
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) -
DescriptionLocation1 nvarchar (255) Description of the attribute Location1 in the table CollectionGeography as displayed in the user interface
AbbreviationLocation1 nvarchar (50) -
DescriptionLocation2 nvarchar (255) Description of the attribute Location2 in the table CollectionGeography as displayed in the user interface
AbbreviationLocation2 nvarchar (50) -

Function ManagerCollectionList

Returns a table that lists all the collections a Manager has access to, including the child collections.

Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (255) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (50) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (4000) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (1000) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder varchar (255) The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.

Depending on:

  • Collection
  • CollectionChildNodes
  • CollectionManager

Function MethodChildNodes

All child nodes of a given method related via the MethodParentID

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int MethodID for which the depending methods should be returned
Column DataType Description
MethodID int ID of the Method (Primary key)
MethodParentID int MethodID of the parent Method, if it belongs to a certain type documented in this table
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Name of the Method as e.g. shown in user interface
Description nvarchar (500) Description of the Method
ForCollectionEvent bit If a method may be used during a collection event
Notes nvarchar (1000) Notes on this method
MethodURI varchar (255) URI referring to an external documentation of the Method
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entries
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -

Depending on:

  • Method
  • MethodChildNodes

Function MethodHierarchy

The hierarchy of a given method

Parameter DataType Description
@MethodID int ID of the Method (Primary key)
Column DataType Description
MethodID int ID of the Method (Primary key)
MethodParentID int MethodID of the parent Method, if it belongs to a certain type documented in this table
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Name of the Method as e.g. shown in user interface
Description nvarchar (500) Description of the Method
Notes nvarchar (1000) Notes on this method
MethodURI varchar (255) URI referring to an external documentation of the Method
ForCollectionEvent bit If a method may be used during a collection event
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entries

Depending on:

  • Method
  • MethodChildNodes

Function MethodHierarchyAll

All methods including a column displaying the hierarchy of the method

Column DataType Description
MethodID int ID of the Method (Primary key)
MethodParentID int MethodID of the parent Method, if it belongs to a certain type documented in this table
DisplayText nvarchar (255) Name of the Method as e.g. shown in user interface
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the Method
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on this method
MethodURI varchar (255) URI referring to an external documentation of the Method
ForCollectionEvent bit If a method may be used during a collection event
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entries
HierarchyDisplayText nvarchar (900) Hierarchy of the method separated by

Depending on:

  • Method

Function NameList

Parameter DataType Description
@NameID int -
@NameStart nvarchar (50) -
Column DataType Description
NameID int -
TaxonName nvarchar (255) -

Function NameListMyxomycetes

Parameter DataType Description
@NameID int -
@NameStart nvarchar (50) -
Column DataType Description
NameID int -
TaxonName nvarchar (200) -

Function NameListPlants

Parameter DataType Description
@NameID int -
@NameStart nvarchar (50) -
Column DataType Description
NameID int -
TaxonName nvarchar (200) -

Function NextFreeAccNr

returns next free accession number similar to given parameter. Assumes that accession numbers have a pattern like M-0023423 or HAL 25345 or GLM3453 with a leading string and a numeric end

DataType: nvarchar (50)

Parameter DataType Description
@AccessionNumber nvarchar (50) Accession number of the specimen within the collection, e.g. “M-29834752”

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimen

Function NextFreeAccNumber

The next free accession number starting like parameter 1, optional inclusion of specimen (parameter 2) and parts (parameter 3)

DataType: nvarchar (50)

Parameter DataType Description
@AccessionNumber nvarchar (50) Accession number of the specimen within the collection, e.g. “M-29834752”
@IncludeSpecimen bit If specimen should be included in search
@IncludePart bit If parts should be included in search

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollectionSpecimenPart

Function PrivacyConsentInfo

Provides a link to common information about the DiversityWorkbench

DataType: varchar (900)

Function ProcessingChildNodes

Returns a result set that lists all the processings within a hierarchy starting at the topmost processing related to the given item

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int ID of the parent processing
Column DataType Description
ProcessingID int ID of the processing (primary key)
ProcessingParentID int The ID of the superior type of the processing
DisplayText nvarchar (50) The display text of the processing as shown e.g. in a user interface
Description nvarchar (500) Description of the processing
Notes nvarchar (1000) Notes on the processing
ProcessingURI varchar (255) A URI for a processing as defined in an external data source
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entries
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -

Depending on:

  • Processing
  • ProcessingChildNodes

Function ProcessingHierarchy

Returns a table that lists all the analysis items related to the given processing.

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int ID of the parent processing
Column DataType Description
ProcessingID int ID of the processing (primary key)
ProcessingParentID int The ID of the superior type of the processing
DisplayText nvarchar (50) The display text of the processing as shown e.g. in a user interface
Description nvarchar (500) Description of the processing
Notes nvarchar (1000) Notes on the processing
ProcessingURI varchar (255) A URI for a processing as defined in an external data source
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entries
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -

Depending on:

  • Processing
  • ProcessingChildNodes

Function ProcessingHierarchyAll

Returns a table that lists all the Processings including their hierarchy

Column DataType Description
ProcessingID int ID of the processing (primary key)
ProcessingParentID int The ID of the superior type of the processing
DisplayText nvarchar (50) The display text of the processing as shown e.g. in a user interface
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the processing
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the processing
ProcessingURI varchar (255) A URI for a processing as defined in an external data source
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entries
HierarchyDisplayText varchar (900) Hierarchy of the processings as DisplayText separated by

Depending on:

  • Processing

Function ProcessingListForPart

Returns a table that lists all the processing items related to the given part.Tthe list depends upon the processing types available for a material category and the projects available for a processing

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key)
@SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen (= part of primary key).
Column DataType Description
ProcessingID int ID of the processing (primary key)
ProcessingParentID int The ID of the superior type of the processing
DisplayText nvarchar (50) The display text of the processing as shown e.g. in a user interface
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the processing
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the storage of the sample
ProcessingURI varchar (255) A URI for a processing as defined in an external data source
DisplayTextHierarchy nvarchar (255) Hierarchy of the processings as DisplayText separated by

Depending on:

  • CollectionProject
  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollectionSpecimenPart
  • Processing
  • ProcessingChildNodes
  • ProcessingHierarchy
  • ProcessingMaterialCategory
  • ProjectProcessing

Function ProcessingProjectList

Returns a table that lists all the Processing items related to the given project.

Parameter DataType Description
@ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)
Column DataType Description
ProcessingID int ID of the processing (primary key)
ProcessingParentID int The ID of the superior type of the processing
DisplayText nvarchar (50) The display text of the processing as shown e.g. in a user interface
Description nvarchar (500) Description of the processing
Notes nvarchar (1000) Notes on the processing
ProcessingURI varchar (255) A URI for a processing as defined in an external data source
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entries
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -

Depending on:

  • Processing
  • ProcessingChildNodes
  • ProjectProcessing

Function ProjectDataLastChanges

retrieval of the last update in data of a project

DataType: datetime

Parameter DataType Description
@ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)

Depending on:

  • CollectionEvent
  • CollectionProject
  • CollectionProject_log
  • CollectionSpecimen

Function RequesterCollectionList

Returns a table that lists all the collections a requester has access to, including the child collections if allowed

Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (50) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (50) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (500) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (1000) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder varchar (255) The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.

Depending on:

  • Collection
  • CollectionHierarchy
  • CollectionRequester

Function StableIdentifier

Returns a stable identfier for a dataset. Relies on an entry in ProjectProxy

DataType: varchar (500)

Parameter DataType Description
@ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)
@CollectionSpecimenID int CollectionSpecimenID that should be included in the StableIdentifier
@IdentificationUnitID int IdentificationUnitID that should be included in the StableIdentifier
@SpecimenPartID int SpecimenPartID that should be included in the StableIdentifier

Depending on:

  • ProjectProxy

Function TaskChildNodes

All child nodes of a given Task related via the TaskParentID

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int TaskParentID for which all child nodes of a given Task should be returned
Column DataType Description
TaskID int ID of the Task (primary key)
TaskParentID int The ID of the superior type of the Task
DisplayText nvarchar (50) The display text of the Task as shown e.g. in a user interface
Description nvarchar (500) Description of the Task
Notes nvarchar (1000) Notes on the Task
TaskURI varchar (255) A URI for a Task as defined in an external data source
Type varchar (50) The type of the task as defined in table TaskType_Enum
ModuleTitle varchar (50) The title for module related data for collection tasks. Not available in depending collection task if empty
ModuleType varchar (50) The DiversityWorkbench module to which a task is related. Not available in depending collection task if empty
SpecimenPartType nvarchar (50) The description of the collection specimen part to which a task is related. Not available in depending collection task if empty
TransactionType nvarchar (50) The description of the transaction to which a task is related. Not available in depending collection task if empty
ResultType varchar (50) The display text for the results as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
DateType varchar (50) The date and time details defined for a task. Not available in depending collection task if empty
DateBeginType nvarchar (50) The definition of the begin for date and time details defined for a task. Not available in depending collection task if empty
DateEndType nvarchar (50) The definition of the end for date and time details defined for a task. Not available in depending collection task if empty
NumberType varchar (50) The definition for the numeric value as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
BoolType varchar (50) The definition for the boolean value as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
MetricType nvarchar (50) The definition for the metric as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
MetricUnit nvarchar (50) The unit of the metric, e.g. °C for temperature
ResponsibleType nvarchar (50) The definition for the responsible agent as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
DescriptionType varchar (50) The definition for the description as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
NotesType varchar (50) The definition for the notes as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
UriType varchar (50) The definition for the URI as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -

Depending on:

  • Task

Function TaskCollectionHierarchySeparator

Returns a separator used between collection and task hierarchy

DataType: nchar (3)

Function TaskHierarchy

The hierarchy of a given Task

Parameter DataType Description
@TaskID int ID of the Task (primary key)
Column DataType Description
TaskID int ID of the Task (primary key)
TaskParentID int The ID of the superior type of the Task
DisplayText nvarchar (50) The display text of the Task as shown e.g. in a user interface
Description nvarchar (500) Description of the Task
Notes nvarchar (1000) Notes on the Task
TaskURI varchar (255) A URI for a Task as defined in an external data source
Type varchar (50) The type of the task as defined in table TaskType_Enum
ModuleTitle varchar (50) The title for module related data for collection tasks. Not available in depending collection task if empty
ModuleType varchar (50) The DiversityWorkbench module to which a task is related. Not available in depending collection task if empty
SpecimenPartType nvarchar (50) The description of the collection specimen part to which a task is related. Not available in depending collection task if empty
TransactionType nvarchar (50) The description of the transaction to which a task is related. Not available in depending collection task if empty
ResultType varchar (50) The display text for the results as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
DateType varchar (50) The date and time details defined for a task. Not available in depending collection task if empty
DateBeginType nvarchar (50) The definition of the begin for date and time details defined for a task. Not available in depending collection task if empty
DateEndType nvarchar (50) The definition of the end for date and time details defined for a task. Not available in depending collection task if empty
NumberType varchar (50) The definition for the numeric value as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
BoolType varchar (50) The definition for the boolean value as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
MetricType nvarchar (50) The definition for the metric as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
MetricUnit nvarchar (50) The unit of the metric, e.g. °C for temperature
ResponsibleType nvarchar (50) The definition for the responsible agent as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
DescriptionType varchar (50) The definition for the description as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
NotesType varchar (50) The definition for the notes as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
UriType varchar (50) The definition for the URI as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty

Depending on:

  • Task
  • TaskChildNodes

Function TaskHierarchyAll

All Tasks including a column displaying the hierarchy of the Task

Column DataType Description
TaskID int ID of the Task (primary key)
TaskParentID int The ID of the superior type of the Task
DisplayText nvarchar (50) The display text of the Task as shown e.g. in a user interface
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the Task
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the Task
TaskURI varchar (255) A URI for a Task as defined in an external data source
Type varchar (50) The type of the task as defined in table TaskType_Enum
ModuleTitle varchar (50) The title for module related data for collection tasks. Not available in depending collection task if empty
ModuleType varchar (50) The DiversityWorkbench module to which a task is related. Not available in depending collection task if empty
SpecimenPartType nvarchar (50) The description of the collection specimen part to which a task is related. Not available in depending collection task if empty
TransactionType nvarchar (50) The description of the transaction to which a task is related. Not available in depending collection task if empty
ResultType varchar (50) The display text for the results as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
DateType varchar (50) The date and time details defined for a task. Not available in depending collection task if empty
DateBeginType nvarchar (50) The definition of the begin for date and time details defined for a task. Not available in depending collection task if empty
DateEndType nvarchar (50) The definition of the end for date and time details defined for a task. Not available in depending collection task if empty
NumberType varchar (50) The definition for the numeric value as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
BoolType varchar (50) The definition for the boolean value as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
MetricType nvarchar (50) The definition for the metric as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
MetricUnit nvarchar (50) The unit of the metric, e.g. °C for temperature
ResponsibleType nvarchar (50) The definition for the responsible agent as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
DescriptionType varchar (50) The definition for the description as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
NotesType varchar (50) The definition for the notes as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
UriType varchar (50) The definition for the URI as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty
HierarchyDisplayText nvarchar (900) Hierarchy of the task starting at top Task separated by string defined in dbo.TaskHierarchySeparator()
HierarchyDisplayTextInvers nvarchar (900) Hierarchy of the task ending at top Task separated by string defined in dbo.TaskHierarchySeparator()

Depending on:

  • Task
  • TaskHierarchySeparator

Function TaskHierarchySeparator

Returns a separator used within a task hierarchy

DataType: nchar (3)

Function TaxonWithQualifier

Generates a valid name for a taxon using the taxonomic name and the identification qualifier

DataType: nvarchar (500)

Parameter DataType Description
@Taxon nvarchar (500) Taxonomic name used as base for transformation
@Qualifier nvarchar (50) Qualifier used as base for transformation

Function TransactionChildNodes

Returns a result set that lists all the transactions within a hierarchy starting at the topmost transaction related to the given transaction.

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int TransactionID of the topmost transaction within the hierarchy that should be returned
Column DataType Description
TransactionID int Unique ID for the transaction (= primary key)
ParentTransactionID int The ID of a preceeding transaction of a superior transaction, if transactions are organized in a hierarchy
TransactionType nvarchar (50) Type of the transaction, e.g. gift in or out, exchange in or out, purchase in or out
TransactionTitle nvarchar (200) The title of the transaction as e.g. shown in an user interface
ReportingCategory nvarchar (50) A group defined for the transaction, e.g. a taxonomic group as used for exchange balancing
AdministratingCollectionID int ID of the collection which is responsible for the administration of the transaction.
MaterialDescription nvarchar (MAX) Description of the material of this transaction
MaterialSource nvarchar (500) The source of the material within a transaction, e.g. a excavation
MaterialCategory nvarchar (50) Material category of specimen. Examples: ‘herbarium sheets’, ‘drawings’, ‘microscopic slides’ etc.
MaterialCollectors nvarchar (MAX) The collectors of the material
FromCollectionID int The ID of the collection from which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the donating collection of a gift
FromTransactionPartnerName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution from which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the donator of a gift
FromTransactionPartnerAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the transaction partner (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
FromTransactionNumber nvarchar (50) Number or code by which a transaction may be recorded by the administration of the source of the specimen, e.g. the donating collection of a gift
ToCollectionID int The ID of the collection to which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the receiver of a gift
ToTransactionPartnerName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution to which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the receiver of a gift
ToTransactionPartnerAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the transaction partner (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
ToTransactionNumber nvarchar (50) Number or code by which a transaction may be recorded by the administration of the destination of the specimen, e.g. the receiving collection of a gift
ToRecipient nvarchar (255) The recipient receiving the transaction e.g. if not derived from the link to DiversityAgents
NumberOfUnits int The number of units which were (initially) included in the transaction
Investigator nvarchar (200) The investigator for whose study a transacted material was sent
TransactionComment nvarchar (MAX) Comments on the exchanged material addressed to the transaction partner
BeginDate datetime Date when the transaction started
AgreedEndDate datetime End of the transaction period, e.g. if the time for borrowing the specimen is restricted
ActualEndDate datetime Actual end of the transaction after a prolonation when e.g. the date of return for a loan was prolonged by the owner
InternalNotes nvarchar (MAX) Internal notes on this transaction not to be published e.g. on a web page
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) The person responsible for this transaction
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the person, team or organisation responsible for the data (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
DateSupplement nvarchar (100) Verbal or additional date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’.

Depending on:

  • Transaction

Function TransactionChildNodesAccess

Returns a result set that lists all the items within a hierarchy starting at the topmost item related to the given item where the current user has no access according to the restriction in TransactionList.

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int TransactionID of the topmost transaction within the hierarchy that should be returned
Column DataType Description
TransactionID int Unique ID for the transaction (= primary key)
ParentTransactionID int The ID of a preceeding transaction of a superior transaction, if transactions are organized in a hierarchy
TransactionType nvarchar (50) Type of the transaction, e.g. gift in or out, exchange in or out, purchase in or out
TransactionTitle nvarchar (200) The title of the transaction as e.g. shown in an user interface
ReportingCategory nvarchar (50) A group defined for the transaction, e.g. a taxonomic group as used for exchange balancing
AdministratingCollectionID int ID of the collection which is responsible for the administration of the transaction.
MaterialDescription nvarchar (MAX) Description of the material of this transaction
MaterialSource nvarchar (500) The source of the material within a transaction, e.g. a excavation
MaterialCategory nvarchar (50) Material category of specimen. Examples: ‘herbarium sheets’, ‘drawings’, ‘microscopic slides’ etc.
MaterialCollectors nvarchar (MAX) The collectors of the material
FromCollectionID int The ID of the collection from which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the donating collection of a gift
FromTransactionPartnerName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution from which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the donator of a gift
FromTransactionPartnerAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the transaction partner (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
FromTransactionNumber nvarchar (50) Number or code by which a transaction may be recorded by the administration of the source of the specimen, e.g. the donating collection of a gift
ToCollectionID int The ID of the collection to which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the receiver of a gift
ToTransactionPartnerName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution to which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the receiver of a gift
ToTransactionPartnerAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the transaction partner (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
ToTransactionNumber nvarchar (50) Number or code by which a transaction may be recorded by the administration of the destination of the specimen, e.g. the receiving collection of a gift
ToRecipient nvarchar (255) The recipient receiving the transaction e.g. if not derived from the link to DiversityAgents
NumberOfUnits int The number of units which were (initially) included in the transaction
Investigator nvarchar (200) The investigator for whose study a transacted material was sent
TransactionComment nvarchar (MAX) Comments on the exchanged material addressed to the transaction partner
BeginDate datetime Date when the transaction started
AgreedEndDate datetime End of the transaction period, e.g. if the time for borrowing the specimen is restricted
ActualEndDate datetime Actual end of the transaction after a prolonation when e.g. the date of return for a loan was prolonged by the owner
InternalNotes nvarchar (MAX) Internal notes on this transaction not to be published e.g. on a web page
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) The person responsible for this transaction
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the person, team or organisation responsible for the data (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
Accessible tinyint If a user has access to this dataset

Depending on:

  • Transaction
  • TransactionChildNodesAccess

Function TransactionCurrency

The default curreny for payments

DataType: nvarchar (50)

Function TransactionHierarchy

Returns a table that lists all the transactions related to the given transaction.

Parameter DataType Description
@TransactionID int Unique ID for the transaction (= primary key)
Column DataType Description
TransactionID int Unique ID for the transaction (= primary key)
ParentTransactionID int The ID of a preceeding transaction of a superior transaction, if transactions are organized in a hierarchy
TransactionType nvarchar (50) Type of the transaction, e.g. gift in or out, exchange in or out, purchase in or out
TransactionTitle nvarchar (200) The title of the transaction as e.g. shown in an user interface
ReportingCategory nvarchar (50) A group defined for the transaction, e.g. a taxonomic group as used for exchange balancing
AdministratingCollectionID int ID of the collection which is responsible for the administration of the transaction.
MaterialDescription nvarchar (MAX) Description of the material of this transaction
MaterialSource nvarchar (500) The source of the material within a transaction, e.g. a excavation
MaterialCategory nvarchar (50) Material category of specimen. Examples: ‘herbarium sheets’, ‘drawings’, ‘microscopic slides’ etc.
MaterialCollectors nvarchar (MAX) The collectors of the material
FromCollectionID int The ID of the collection from which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the donating collection of a gift
FromTransactionPartnerName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution from which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the donator of a gift
FromTransactionPartnerAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the transaction partner (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
FromTransactionNumber nvarchar (50) Number or code by which a transaction may be recorded by the administration of the source of the specimen, e.g. the donating collection of a gift
ToCollectionID int The ID of the collection to which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the receiver of a gift
ToTransactionPartnerName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution to which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the receiver of a gift
ToTransactionPartnerAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the transaction partner (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
ToTransactionNumber nvarchar (50) Number or code by which a transaction may be recorded by the administration of the destination of the specimen, e.g. the receiving collection of a gift
ToRecipient nvarchar (255) The recipient receiving the transaction e.g. if not derived from the link to DiversityAgents
NumberOfUnits int The number of units which were (initially) included in the transaction
Investigator nvarchar (200) The investigator for whose study a transacted material was sent
TransactionComment nvarchar (MAX) Comments on the exchanged material addressed to the transaction partner
BeginDate datetime Date when the transaction started
AgreedEndDate datetime End of the transaction period, e.g. if the time for borrowing the specimen is restricted
ActualEndDate datetime Actual end of the transaction after a prolonation when e.g. the date of return for a loan was prolonged by the owner
InternalNotes nvarchar (MAX) Internal notes on this transaction not to be published e.g. on a web page
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) The person responsible for this transaction
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the person, team or organisation responsible for the data (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
DateSupplement nvarchar (100) Verbal or additional date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’.

Depending on:

  • TransactionChildNodes
  • TransactionList

Function TransactionHierarchyAccess

Returns a table that lists all the transactions related to the given transaction including the accessiblity.

Parameter DataType Description
@TransactionID int Unique ID for the transaction (= primary key)
Column DataType Description
TransactionID int Unique ID for the transaction (= primary key)
ParentTransactionID int The ID of a preceeding transaction of a superior transaction, if transactions are organized in a hierarchy
TransactionType nvarchar (50) Type of the transaction, e.g. gift in or out, exchange in or out, purchase in or out
TransactionTitle nvarchar (200) The title of the transaction as e.g. shown in an user interface
ReportingCategory nvarchar (50) A group defined for the transaction, e.g. a taxonomic group as used for exchange balancing
AdministratingCollectionID int ID of the collection which is responsible for the administration of the transaction.
MaterialDescription nvarchar (MAX) Description of the material of this transaction
MaterialSource nvarchar (500) The source of the material within a transaction, e.g. a excavation
MaterialCategory nvarchar (50) Material category of specimen. Examples: ‘herbarium sheets’, ‘drawings’, ‘microscopic slides’ etc.
MaterialCollectors nvarchar (MAX) The collectors of the material
FromCollectionID int The ID of the collection from which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the donating collection of a gift
FromTransactionPartnerName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution from which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the donator of a gift
FromTransactionPartnerAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the transaction partner (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
FromTransactionNumber nvarchar (50) Number or code by which a transaction may be recorded by the administration of the source of the specimen, e.g. the donating collection of a gift
ToCollectionID int The ID of the collection to which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the receiver of a gift
ToTransactionPartnerName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution to which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the receiver of a gift
ToTransactionPartnerAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the transaction partner (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
ToTransactionNumber nvarchar (50) Number or code by which a transaction may be recorded by the administration of the destination of the specimen, e.g. the receiving collection of a gift
ToRecipient nvarchar (255) The recipient receiving the transaction e.g. if not derived from the link to DiversityAgents
NumberOfUnits int The number of units which were (initially) included in the transaction
Investigator nvarchar (200) The investigator for whose study a transacted material was sent
TransactionComment nvarchar (MAX) Comments on the exchanged material addressed to the transaction partner
BeginDate datetime Date when the transaction started
AgreedEndDate datetime End of the transaction period, e.g. if the time for borrowing the specimen is restricted
ActualEndDate datetime Actual end of the transaction after a prolonation when e.g. the date of return for a loan was prolonged by the owner
InternalNotes nvarchar (MAX) Internal notes on this transaction not to be published e.g. on a web page
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) The person responsible for this transaction
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the person, team or organisation responsible for the data (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
Accessible tinyint If a user has access to this dataset

Depending on:

  • Transaction
  • TransactionChildNodesAccess
  • TransactionList

Function TransactionHierarchyAll

Returns a table that lists all the transactions including their hierarchy

Column DataType Description
TransactionID int Unique ID for the transaction (= primary key)
ParentTransactionID int The ID of a preceeding transaction of a superior transaction, if transactions are organized in a hierarchy
TransactionType nvarchar (50) Type of the transaction, e.g. gift in or out, exchange in or out, purchase in or out
TransactionTitle nvarchar (200) The title of the transaction as e.g. shown in an user interface
ReportingCategory nvarchar (50) A group defined for the transaction, e.g. a taxonomic group as used for exchange balancing
AdministratingCollectionID int ID of the collection which is responsible for the administration of the transaction.
MaterialDescription nvarchar (MAX) Description of the material of this transaction
MaterialSource nvarchar (500) The source of the material within a transaction, e.g. a excavation
MaterialCategory nvarchar (50) Material category of specimen. Examples: ‘herbarium sheets’, ‘drawings’, ‘microscopic slides’ etc.
MaterialCollectors nvarchar (MAX) The collectors of the material
FromCollectionID int The ID of the collection from which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the donating collection of a gift
FromTransactionPartnerName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution from which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the donator of a gift
FromTransactionPartnerAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the transaction partner (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
FromTransactionNumber nvarchar (50) Number or code by which a transaction may be recorded by the administration of the source of the specimen, e.g. the donating collection of a gift
ToCollectionID int The ID of the collection to which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the receiver of a gift
ToTransactionPartnerName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution to which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the receiver of a gift
ToTransactionPartnerAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the transaction partner (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
ToTransactionNumber nvarchar (50) Number or code by which a transaction may be recorded by the administration of the destination of the specimen, e.g. the receiving collection of a gift
ToRecipient nvarchar (255) The recipient receiving the transaction e.g. if not derived from the link to DiversityAgents
NumberOfUnits smallint The number of units which were (initially) included in the transaction
Investigator nvarchar (200) The investigator for whose study a transacted material was sent
TransactionComment nvarchar (MAX) Comments on the exchanged material addressed to the transaction partner
BeginDate datetime Date when the transaction started
AgreedEndDate datetime End of the transaction period, e.g. if the time for borrowing the specimen is restricted
ActualEndDate datetime Actual end of the transaction after a prolonation when e.g. the date of return for a loan was prolonged by the owner
InternalNotes nvarchar (MAX) Internal notes on this transaction not to be published e.g. on a web page
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) The person responsible for this transaction
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the person, team or organisation responsible for the data (see e.g. module DiversityAgents)
DisplayText nvarchar (500) Hierarchy of the transaction starting at top transaction separated by
HierarchyDisplayText nvarchar (500) Hierarchy of the transaction starting at top transaction separated by

Depending on:

  • Transaction

Function UserCollectionList

Returns a table that lists all the collections a User has access to, including the child collections.

Column DataType Description
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key)
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection
CollectionName nvarchar (255) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (50) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection
AdministrativeContactAgentURI nvarchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents
Description nvarchar (MAX) A short description of the collection
Location nvarchar (1000) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null
DisplayOrder smallint The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique.

Depending on:

  • Collection
  • CollectionChildNodes
  • CollectionManager
  • CollectionUser
  • ManagerCollectionList

Function UserID

ID of the User as stored in table UserProxy

DataType: int

Depending on:

  • UserProxy

Function Version

Version of the database

DataType: nvarchar (8)

Function VersionClient

Minimal version of the client compatible with the database

DataType: nvarchar (11)


Procedure DeleteXmlAttribute

Deleting an attribute of an XML node in a column of datatype XML

Parameter DataType Description
@Table nvarchar (128) Name of the table containing the XML column
@Column nvarchar (128) Name of the XML column
@Path nvarchar (4000) Path of the XML node
@Attribute nvarchar (128) Attribute that should be removed
@WhereClause nvarchar (4000) Where clause to select the data within the table

Procedure DeleteXmlNode

Deleting a XML node in a column of datatype XML

Parameter DataType Description
@Table nvarchar (128) Name of the table containing the XML column
@Column nvarchar (128) Name of the XML column
@Path nvarchar (4000) Path of the XML node
@WhereClause nvarchar (4000) Where clause to select the data within the table

Procedure procCopyCollectionSpecimen2

Copy a collection specimen

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to ID of CollectionEvent (= foreign key and part of primary key)
@OriginalCollectionSpecimenID int The CollectionSpecimenID of the CollectionSpecimen that should be copied
@AccessionNumber nvarchar (50) Accession number of the specimen within the collection, e.g. “M-29834752”
@EventCopyMode int 3 Options: -1 = dont copy the event, leave the entry in table CollectionSpecimen empty; 0 = take same event as original specimen; 1 = create new event with the same data as the old specimen
@IncludedTables nvarchar (4000) Contains list of tables that are copied according to the users choice

Depending on:

  • Annotation
  • CollectionAgent
  • CollectionEvent
  • CollectionEventImage
  • CollectionEventLocalisation
  • CollectionEventMethod
  • CollectionEventParameterValue
  • CollectionEventProperty
  • CollectionProject
  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollectionSpecimenImage
  • CollectionSpecimenImageProperty
  • CollectionSpecimenPart
  • CollectionSpecimenPartDescription
  • CollectionSpecimenProcessing
  • CollectionSpecimenProcessingMethod
  • CollectionSpecimenProcessingMethodParameter
  • CollectionSpecimenReference
  • CollectionSpecimenRelation
  • CollectionSpecimenTransaction
  • ExternalIdentifier
  • Identification
  • IdentificationUnit
  • IdentificationUnitAnalysis
  • IdentificationUnitAnalysisMethod
  • IdentificationUnitAnalysisMethodParameter
  • IdentificationUnitGeoAnalysis
  • IdentificationUnitInPart

Procedure procCopyCollectionSpecimenPart

Copy a collection specimen part

Parameter DataType Description
@SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen (= part of primary key).
@OriginalSpecimenPartID int The SpecimenPartID of the CollectionSpecimenPart that should be copied
@AccessionNumber nvarchar (50) Accession number of the part of the specimen within the collection, if it is different from the accession number of the specimen as stored in the table CollectionSpecimen, e.g. “M-29834752”
@PartSublabel nvarchar (50) The label for a part of a specimen, e.g. “cone”, or a number attached to a duplicate of a specimen
@StorageLocation nvarchar (255) A code identifying the place where the specimen is stored within the collection. Frequently the accepted scientific name is used as storage location code.
@IncludedTables nvarchar (4000) Contains list of tables that are copied according to the users choice

Depending on:

  • Annotation
  • CollectionSpecimenPart
  • CollectionSpecimenPartDescription
  • CollectionSpecimenPartRegulation
  • CollectionSpecimenProcessing
  • CollectionSpecimenProcessingMethod
  • CollectionSpecimenProcessingMethodParameter
  • CollectionSpecimenReference
  • CollectionSpecimenRelation
  • CollectionSpecimenTransaction
  • ExternalIdentifier
  • IdentificationUnitInPart

Procedure procFillCacheDescription

Filling table CacheDescription

Depending on:

  • CacheDescription
  • EntityRepresentation

Procedure procInsertCollectionEventCopy

Copy a collection event

Parameter DataType Description
@CollectionEventID int Unique ID for the table CollectionEvent (= primary key)
@OriginalCollectionEventID int The CollectionEventID of the CollectionEvent that should be copied

Depending on:

  • CollectionEvent
  • CollectionEventImage
  • CollectionEventLocalisation
  • CollectionEventProperty

Procedure procSetVersionCollectionEvent

Setting the version of a dataset

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int CollectionEventID of the dataset

Depending on:

  • CollectionEvent
  • CollectionProject
  • CollectionSpecimen
  • ProjectProxy

Procedure procSetVersionCollectionSpecimen

Setting the version of a dataset

Parameter DataType Description
@ID int CollectionSpecimenID of the dataset

Depending on:

  • CollectionProject
  • CollectionSpecimen
  • ProjectProxy

Procedure SetXmlAttribute

Setting a value of an XML node

Parameter DataType Description
@Table nvarchar (128) Name of the table containing the XML column
@Column nvarchar (128) Name of the XML column
@Path nvarchar (4000) Path of the XML node
@Attribute nvarchar (128) Attribute that should be set
@Value nvarchar (4000) The value for the attribute that should be set
@WhereClause nvarchar (4000) Where clause to select the data within the table

Procedure SetXmlValue

Setting a value of an XML node

Parameter DataType Description
@Table nvarchar (128) Name of the table containing the XML column
@Column nvarchar (128) Name of the XML column
@Path nvarchar (4000) Path of the XML node
@Value nvarchar (4000) The value for the node that should be set
@WhereClause nvarchar (4000) Where clause to select the data within the table