JSON Cache

No-SQL Interface

Databases of the modules provid a No-SQL interface where the data of the main table and the depending tables are merged as JSON.

Table JsonCache

    class JsonCache {
        ID int
        URI varchar 500
        DisplayText nvarchar 500
        LogUpdatedWhen datetime
        Data JSON

This table is filled via the stored procedure procFillJsonCache.

procFillJsonCache is started by a update trigger trgUpd… of the main table in the database

Interface in clients

All modules provide data via a cache table. In the header of the clients you can inspect the content of the JsonCache with a click on the button.


The JsonCache of the current dataset will be shown as in the example below:

        "Type": "Taxon",
        "ID": 4403792,
        "Attributes": {
            "FullName": "Arachnida Cuvier, 1812",
            "Rank": "cl.",
            "GenusOrSupragenericName": "Arachnida",
            "Authors": "Cuvier",
            "Publication": ". 1812",
            "Project": [
                    "Project": "SNSBnames"
            "Checklist": {
                "Analysis": [
                        "Checklist": "TaxRef_SNSB_NHC-Pests",
                        "Analysis": "IPM | Group",
                        "Value": "70"
                        "Checklist": "TaxRef_SNSB_NHC-Beneficials",
                        "Analysis": "IPM | Group",
                        "Value": "70"
                        "Checklist": "TaxRef_SNSB_NHC-Bycatchs",
                        "Analysis": "IPM | Group",
                        "Value": "70"
            "Synonymy": [
                    "ID": 4403792,
                    "FullName": "Arachnida Cuvier, 1812",
                    "Name": "Arachnida",
                    "Type": "accepted name"
            "HierarchyListCache": [
                    "HierarchyListCache": "Animalia | Arthropoda | Arachnida"
            "Hierarchy": [
                    "ID": 4403792,
                    "FullName": "Arachnida Cuvier, 1812",
                    "Name": "Arachnida",
                    "Rank": "cl."
                    "ID": 4403934,
                    "FullName": "Arthropoda Gravenhorst, 1843",
                    "Name": "Arthropoda",
                    "Rank": "phyl./div."
                    "ID": 4403805,
                    "FullName": "Animalia Linnaeus, 1758",
                    "Name": "Animalia",
                    "Rank": "reg."
            "CommonNames": [
                    "CommonName": "spider",
                    "LanguageCode": "en",
                    "CountryCode": "GB",
                    "Context": "IPM"
                    "CommonName": "Spinnentier",
                    "LanguageCode": "de",
                    "CountryCode": "DE",
                    "Context": "IPM"
            "Resource": [
                    "URI": "https://museumsschaedlinge.de/gaeste/",
                    "Title": "diverse animals that migrate or are introduced into buildings seasonally, generally don't casue any damage to objects",
                    "Type": "information"


Apart of the update via the Trigger (see below) you can update the JsonCache via the update button underneath the button.

To update the JsonCache for the whole database select Administration - JsonCache… from the menu. a window as shown below will open where you can update the JsonCache for single datasets or the whole database.


graph TD;
    TaxonName[main table in database] -->|Update in table| trgUpdTaxonName(trgUpd.. of main table in database)
    Mainform[Buttons in main form] -->ButtonUpdateSingle[Update single dataset] --> procFillJsonCache
    Mainform -->ButtonShowSingle[Show single dataset] --> JsonCache
    trgUpdTaxonName --> procFillJsonCache(procFillJsonCache)
    procFillJsonCache -->JsonCache[JsonCache]
    Adminform[Administration form] -->AdminUpdateSingle[Update single dataset] --> procFillJsonCache
    Adminform --> AdminUpdateDB[Update for whole database] --> procFillJsonCache
    Adminform --> JsonCache


… hier kommt mal swagger hin sobald verfügbar