Event Maps

Maps of samples in the database

If there are WGS84 coordinates available for your collection site, an event series or single organisms, you can use GoogleMaps to display these locations.

To use this service you need access to the internet. Select the Map for display in the header area to show the maps. Here you can display maps of CollectionEventSeries, CollectionEvent, Organism as well as Distribution maps. To display the maps you can either use the browser, the web viewer, the GIS viewer or the GIS editor. By default the map will show the location of the CollectionEvent using the browser as shown below.

The two options browser and web viewer in principle provide the same function, but rely on different controls. Due to incompatiblities between controls and the google web API you may have to test both to display a map.

For the CollectionEventSeries, the CollectionEvent or the Organism you can use any geographical object like points, lines, areas, etc. to describe the location. The browser will always display these objects as points (see left image below) whereas with the GIS editor you can see and edit the real objects (see right image below).


The data of the geographical objects is stored in the table CollectionEventSeries for the collection event series, the table CollectionEventLocalisation for the collection event and the table IdentificationUnitGeoAnalysis for the organisms.