Catalogue of Life

DiversityWorkbench provides the possibility to link your data to an external webservice. The webservice provided by the Catalogue of Life is possible through the module DiversityTaxonNames. To establish a connection to this external webservice click on the button. A window will open where you may choose this webservice (see below).

In the field Name in Query conditions enter your search string and click on the button to start the query. In the list of the left upper part the results of the query will be listed. In the right part of the window additional information is shown as provided by the webservice. To include the link from the webservice into your database choose one of the entries in the list and click OK. The entry will change as shown below.

If you double-click on the link area, a window will open providing you with the retrieval information of the webservice (e.g.: 

To receive the information related to an entry as provided by the webservice click on the button. A window will open as shown below where information on the webservice is listed in the upper part. If available, additional information provided on a corresponding website will be shown in the lower part.

If you wish to remove the link to the webservice, click on the button. This will only remove the relation to the webservice, not the cached name.