Summarize Data

Summarize data

Currently the following functions for summarizing data are available:

Summarize descriptions : Summarize the data of selected descriptions and create a new one or update an existing description.

Summarize sample data : Summarize the sample data of selected descriptions and update their summary data.


Summarizing methods

Depending on the selected summarizing function either the descriptor data of selected descriptions or the sampling data of the selected descriptions build the data source. Summarization of the data is done according their data type.


Categorical summary data

For building of categorical summary data the single categorical states of the data sources are accumulated. In general for each states test notes can be entered. To summarize the text notes, the different notes are accumulated (append in a new line), if they are not yet included in the summary note.

If modifier have to be processed, each combination of a categerical state and a modifier will be treated as separate values. Summarization of notes text will be done separately for each of these tuples. Only modifiers that are assigned to a descriptor as recommended modifier (see Editing the descriptor - Descriptor tree tab ) are evaluated, otherwise the modifier values are ignored.

Categorical descriptors may be marked as “exclusive”, which means that only on state may be selected. If the approptiate option is set for the summarization, the categorical states that is most often selected in the source data will be used in the target. 


Quantitative summary data

For building of quantitative summary data from the numeric values of the data sources all recommended statistical measures (see Editing thedescriptor - Descriptor tree tab ) for the processed descriptor are calculated. Text notes are accumulated for each statistical measure the same way as described for categorical summary data.

If modifier have to be processed, all the modifier are accumulated for eache statistical measure. Since in the resulting quantitative summary data only one modifier value is allowed for each statistical measure, the most often used modfier is inserted.


Text descriptor data

To summarize the text descriptor data, the different texts are accumulated (append in a new line), if they are note yet included in the summary text. Text notes are accumulated in the same way.


Molecular sequence data

To summarize the molecular sequence data, the different sequences are accumulated (append in a new line), if they are note yet included in the target sequence. Text notes are accumulated in the same way.