Diversity Collection


The following objects are not included:

  • Logging tables
  • Enumeration tables
  • System objects
  • Objects marked as obsolete
  • Previous versions of objects

Table Analysis

Analysis types used within the database

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
AnalysisID int ID of the analysis (primary key) NO -
AnalysisParentID int Analysis ID of the parent analysis, if it belongs to a certain type documented in this table YES Refers to table Analysis
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Name of the analysis as e.g. shown in user interface YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the analysis YES -
MeasurementUnit nvarchar (50) The measurement unit used for the analysis, e.g. mm, µmol, kg YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on this analysis YES -
AnalysisURI varchar (255) URI referring to an external documentation of the analysis YES -
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entriesDefault value: (0) YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Table AnalysisResult

Value lists for analysis types with predefined values, e.g. “0, 1, 2, 3, …” for Red list category. Includes description etc. for the values in the list.

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
AnalysisID int ID of the analysis (primary key) NO Refers to table Analysis
AnalysisResult nvarchar (255) The categorized value of the analysis NO -
Description nvarchar (500) Description of enumerated object displayed in the user interface YES -
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Short abbreviated description of the object displayed in the user interface YES -
DisplayOrder smallint The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique. YES -
Notes nvarchar (500) Internal development notes on usage, definition, etc. of an enumerated object YES -
LogInsertedBy nvarchar (50) Name of user to first enter (typ or import) the data.Default value: suser_sname() YES -
LogInsertedWhen smalldatetime Point in time when the data was first entered (typed or imported) into this database.Default value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data last.Default value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen smalldatetime Point in time when this data was updated last.Default value: getdate() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Analysis

Table AnalysisTaxonomicGroup

The types of analysis which are available for a taxonomic group

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
AnalysisID int Analysis ID, foreign key of table Analysis. NO Refers to table Analysis
TaxonomicGroup nvarchar (50) Taxonomic group the organism, identified by this unit, belongs to. Groups listed in table CollTaxonomicGroup_Enum (= foreign key) NO -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Analysis

Table Annotation

Annotations to datasets in the database

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
AnnotationID int ID of the annotation (primary key) NO -
ReferencedAnnotationID int If an annotation refers to another annotation, the ID of the referred annotation YES Refers to table Annotation
AnnotationType nvarchar (50) The type of the annotation as defined in AnnotationType_Enum, e.g. ReferenceDefault value: N’Annotation' NO Refers to table AnnotationType_Enum
Title nvarchar (50) Title of the annotation YES -
Annotation nvarchar (MAX) The annotation entered by the user NO -
URI varchar (255) The complete URI address of a resource related to the annotation. May be link to a module, e.g. for the annotation type reference YES -
ReferenceDisplayText nvarchar (500) The title of the reference. If the entry is linked to an external module like DiversityReferences, the cached display text of the referenced data set YES -
ReferenceURI varchar (255) If the entry is linked to an external module like DiversityReferences, the link to the referenced data set YES -
SourceDisplayText nvarchar (500) The name of the source. If the entry is linked to an external module like DiversityAgents, the cached display text of the referenced data set YES -
SourceURI varchar (255) If the entry is linked to an external module like DiversityAgents, the link to the referenced data set YES -
IsInternal bit If an annotation is restricted to authorized users of the database YES -
ReferencedID int The ID of the data set in the table the annotation refers to NO -
ReferencedTable nvarchar (500) The name of the table the annotation refers to NO -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • AnnotationType_Enum


updating the logging columns

Table AnonymCollector

Anonyms for collectors of whom the names should not be published

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectorsName nvarchar (400) The name of the collector, PK NO -
Anonymisation nvarchar (50) The anonymisation phrase for the collector YES -

Table CacheDatabase2

Table holding the cache databases connected to the database

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
Server varchar (50) The name or IP of the server where the cache database is located NO -
DatabaseName varchar (50) The name of the cache database NO -
Port smallint The port of the server where the cache database is located NO -
Version varchar (50) The version of the cache database YES -

Table CacheDescription

Table for temperary storage of description of database objects derived e.g. from tables Entity, EntityRepresentation etc.

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
TableName varchar (50) The name of the table NO -
ColumnName varchar (50) The name of the table column NO -
LanguageCode varchar (50) The language code for the descriptionDefault value: ’en-US' NO -
Context nvarchar (50) A context e.g. as definded in table EntityContext_EnumDefault value: ‘General’ NO -
DisplayText nvarchar (50) The text for the table or column as shown e.g. in a user interface YES -
Abbreviation nvarchar (20) The abbreviation for the table or column as shown e.g. in a user interface YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) The description for the table column YES -
ID int A unique ID NO -
Type varchar (20) Type of the entryDefault value: ‘COLUMN’ YES -
Schema varchar (100) Schema of the entryDefault value: ‘dbo’ YES -

Table Collection

The collections where the specimen are stored

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionID int Unique reference ID for the collection (= primary key) NO -
CollectionParentID int For a subcollection within another collection: CollectionID of the collection to which the subcollection belongs. Empty for an independent collection YES Refers to table Collection
CollectionName nvarchar (255) Name of the collection (e.g. ‘Herbarium Kew’) or subcollection (e.g. ‘cone collection’, ‘alcohol preservations’). This text should be kept relatively short. You may use Description for additional information NO -
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (10) A unique code for the collection, e.g. the herbarium code from Index Herbariorum YES -
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) The name of the person or organisation responsible for this collection YES -
AdministrativeContactAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the person or organisation responsible for the collection e.g. as provided by the module DiversityAgents YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) A short description of the collection YES -
Location nvarchar (255) Optional location of the collection, e.g. the number within a file system or a description of the room(s) housing the (sub)collection YES -
LocationPlan varchar (500) URI or file name including path of the floor plan of the collection YES -
LocationPlanWidth float Width of location plan in meter for calculation of size by provided geometry YES -
LocationGeometry geometry (MAX) Geometry of the collection within the floor plan YES -
LocationHeight float Height from ground level, e.g. for the position of sensors YES -
LocationParentID int If the hierarchy of the location does not match the logical hierarchy, the ID of the parent location YES Refers to table Collection
LocationPlanDate datetime The date when the plan for the collection has been created YES -
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) The owner of the collection as e.g. printed on a label. Should be given if CollectionParentID is null YES -
DisplayOrder smallint The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique. YES -
Type nvarchar (50) Type of the collection, e.g. cupboard, drawer etc. YES Refers to table CollCollectionType_Enum
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollCollectionType_Enum

Table CollectionAgent

The collector(s) of CollectionSpecimens

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to ID of CollectionEvent (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimen
CollectorsName nvarchar (255) Name of the Collector NO -
CollectorsAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the Agent, e.g. as stored within the module DiversityAgents YES -
CollectorsSequence datetime2 The order of collectors in a team. Automatically set by the database systemDefault value: sysdatetime() YES -
CollectorsNumber nvarchar (50) Number assigned to a specimen or a batch of specimens by the collector during the collection event (= ‘field number’) YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the collector, e.g. if the name is uncertain YES -
DataWithholdingReason nvarchar (255) If the data set is withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimen


Setting the version of the dataset

Table CollectionEvent

The event where and when the specimen were collected

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionEventID int Unique ID for the table CollectionEvent (= primary key) NO -
Version int The version of the data set. Automatically set by the system.Default value: (1) NO -
SeriesID int The ID of the related expedition. Relates to the PK of the table CollectionExpedition (foreign key). YES Refers to table CollectionEventSeries
CollectorsEventNumber nvarchar (50) Number assigned to a collection event by the collector (= ‘field number’) YES -
CollectionDate datetime The cached date of the collection event calulated from the entries in CollectionDay, -Month and -Year. YES -
CollectionDay tinyint The day of the date of the event or when the collection event started YES -
CollectionMonth tinyint The month of the date of the event or when the collection event started YES -
CollectionYear smallint The year of the date of the event or when the collection event started YES -
CollectionEndDay tinyint The day of the date of the event or when the collection event ended YES -
CollectionEndMonth tinyint The month of the date of the event or when the collection event ended YES -
CollectionEndYear smallint The year of the date of the event or when the collection event ended YES -
CollectionDateSupplement nvarchar (100) Verbal or additional collection date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’. The end date, if the collection event comprises a period. The time of the event, if necessary. YES -
CollectionDateCategory nvarchar (50) Category of the date of the identification e.g. “system”, “estimated” (= foreign key, see in table CollEventDateCategory_Enum) YES Refers to table CollEventDateCategory_Enum
CollectionTime varchar (50) The time of the event or when the collection event started YES -
CollectionTimeSpan varchar (50) The time span e.g. in seconds of the collection event YES -
LocalityDescription nvarchar (MAX) Locality description of the locality exactly as written on the original label (i.e. without corrections during data entry) YES -
LocalityVerbatim nvarchar (MAX) Locality as given in historical context, documents and labels YES -
HabitatDescription nvarchar (MAX) Geo-ecological description of the locality exactly as written on the original label (i.e. without corrections during data entry) YES -
ReferenceTitle nvarchar (255) The title of the publication where the collection event was published. Note that this is only a cached value where ReferenceURI is present YES -
ReferenceURI varchar (255) URI (e.g. LSID) of the source publication where the collection event is published, may e.g. refer to the module DiversityReferences YES -
ReferenceDetails nvarchar (50) The exact location within the reference, e.g. pages, plates YES -
CollectingMethod nvarchar (MAX) Description of the method used for collecting the samples, e.g. traps, moist chambers, drag net YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the collection event YES -
CountryCache nvarchar (50) The country where the collection event took place. Cached value derived from an entry in CollectionEventLocalisation YES -
DataWithholdingReason nvarchar (255) If the data set is withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null YES -
DataWithholdingReasonDate nvarchar (50) The reason for withholding the collection date YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionEventSeries
  • CollEventDateCategory_Enum


Setting the date in case of valid date columns

Table CollectionEventImage

The images showing the collection site resp. place of the observations

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionEventID int Part of primay key, refers to unique ID for the table CollectionEvent (= foreign key) NO Refers to table CollectionEvent
URI varchar (255) The complete URI address of the image. This is only a cached value, if ResourceID is available and referring to the module DiversityResources NO -
ResourceURI varchar (255) The URI of the resource (e.g. see module DiversityResources) YES -
ImageType nvarchar (50) Type of the image, e.g. map YES Refers to table CollEventImageType_Enum
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes to this image concerning the CollectionEvent YES -
Description xml (MAX) Description of the image YES -
Title nvarchar (500) Title of the resource YES -
IPR nvarchar (500) Intellectual Property Rights; the rights given to persons for their intellectual property YES -
CreatorAgent nvarchar (500) Person or organization originally creating the resource YES -
CreatorAgentURI varchar (255) Link to the module DiversityAgents YES -
CopyrightStatement nvarchar (500) Notice on rights held in and for the resource YES -
LicenseType nvarchar (500) Type of an official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing, e. g. Creative Common Licenses YES -
InternalNotes nvarchar (500) Internal notes which should not be published e.g. on websites YES -
LicenseHolder nvarchar (500) The person or institution holding the license YES -
LicenseHolderAgentURI nvarchar (500) The link to a module containing futher information on the person or institution holding the license YES -
LicenseYear nvarchar (50) The year of license declaration YES -
DataWithholdingReason nvarchar (255) If the data set is withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionEvent
  • CollEventImageType_Enum


Setting the version of the dataset

Table CollectionEventLocalisation

The geographic localisation of a CollectionEvent

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionEventID int Refers to the ID of CollectionEvent (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionEvent
LocalisationSystemID int Refers to the ID of LocalisationSystem (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table LocalisationSystem
Location1 nvarchar (255) Either a named location selected from a thesaurus (e.g. ‘Germany, Bavaria, Kleindingharting’) or altitude range or other values (e. g. 100-200 m) YES -
Location2 nvarchar (255) Corresponding value to Location1 e.g. ID or URI of gazetteer or thesaurus YES -
LocationAccuracy nvarchar (50) The accuracy of the determination of this locality YES -
LocationNotes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the location YES -
DeterminationDate smalldatetime Date of the determination of the geographical localisation YES -
DistanceToLocation varchar (50) Distance from the specified place to the real location of the collection site (m) YES -
DirectionToLocation varchar (50) Direction from the specified place to the real location of the collection site (Degrees rel. to north) YES -
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) The name of the agent (person or organization) responsible for this entry. YES -
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) URI of the person or organisation responsible for the data (see e.g. module DiversityAgents) YES -
Geography geography The geography of the localisation YES -
RecordingMethod nvarchar (500) The method or device used for the recording of the localisation YES -
AverageAltitudeCache float Calculated altitude as parsed from the location fields YES -
AverageLatitudeCache float Calculated latitude as parsed from the location fields YES -
AverageLongitudeCache float Calculated longitude as parsed from the location fields YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionEvent
  • LocalisationSystem


Setting missing geographical values on base of given values

Table CollectionEventMethod

The methods used during a collection event

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionEventID int Refers to ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionEvent
MethodID int ID of the setting, part of primary key NO Refers to table Method
MethodMarker nvarchar (50) A marker for the method, part of primary keyDefault value: ‘1’ NO -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionEvent
  • Method

Table CollectionEventParameterValue

The values of the parameter of the methods used within a collection event

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionEventID int Unique ID for the table CollectionEvent (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionEventMethod
MethodID int ID of the method tool. Referes to table Method (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionEventMethod and table Parameter
MethodMarker nvarchar (50) A marker for the method, part of primary keyDefault value: ‘1’ NO Refers to table CollectionEventMethod
ParameterID int ID of the parameter tool. Referes to table Parameter (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Parameter
Value nvarchar (MAX) The value of the parameter, if different of the default value as documented in the table Parameter YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes concerning the value of the parameter YES -
LogInsertedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogInsertedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() YES -

Depending on:

  • CollectionEventMethod
  • Parameter

Table CollectionEventProperty

A property of a collection site, e.g. exposition, slope, vegetation. May refer to Diversity Workbench module DiversityScientificTerms

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionEventID int Refers to the ID of CollectionEvent (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionEvent
PropertyID int The ID of the property of the collection site, foreign key, see table Property NO Refers to table Property
DisplayText nvarchar (255) The text for the property as shown e.g. in a user interface YES -
PropertyURI varchar (255) URI referring to an external data source e.g. DiversityTerminology YES -
PropertyHierarchyCache nvarchar (MAX) A cached text of the complete name of the descriptor including superior categories, if present YES -
PropertyValue nvarchar (255) The value of a captured feature, e.g. temperature, pH, vegetation etc. If there is a range, this is the lower or first value YES -
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) The name of the agent (person or organization) responsible for this entry. YES -
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) URI of the person or organisation responsible for the data (see e.g. module DiversityAgents) YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the property of the colletion site. YES -
AverageValueCache float For numeric values - a cached average value according to the YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionEvent
  • Property


Setting the version of the dataset

Table CollectionEventRegulation

Regulation applied to a collection event

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionEventID int Part of primay key, refers to unique ID for the table CollectionEvent (= foreign key) NO Refers to table CollectionEvent
Regulation nvarchar (400) Regulation as defined in the table Regulation. Used to ensure, that user checked correct entry with authorized stuff NO -
TransactionID int Refers to unique TransactionID for the table Transaction (= foreign key) YES Refers to table Transaction
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionEvent
  • Transaction

Table CollectionEventSeries

The series whithin which collection events take place

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
SeriesID int Primary key. The ID for this series of collection events (= primary key) NO -
SeriesParentID int The ID of the superior series of collection events YES Refers to table CollectionEventSeries
Description nvarchar (MAX) The description of the series of collection events as it will be printed on e.g. the label NO -
SeriesCode nvarchar (50) The user defined code for a series of collection events YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on this series of collection events YES -
Geography geography The geography of the series of collection events YES -
DateStart datetime Point in time when the series of collection events started YES -
DateEnd datetime Point in time when the series of collection events ended YES -
DateCache datetime The first date of the depending events, used for sorting the expeditions [controlled by the database] YES -
DateSupplement nvarchar (100) Verbal or additional collection date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’. The end date, if the collection event series comprises a period. The time of the event, if necessary. YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Table CollectionEventSeriesDescriptor

The Descriptors for the CollectionEventSeries

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
SeriesID int Unique ID for the CollectionEventSeries (foreign key + part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionEventSeries
DescriptorID int Unique ID for the descriptor, Part of PK NO -
Descriptor nvarchar (200) The DescriptorDefault value: '’ NO -
URL varchar (500) URL of the Descriptor. In case of a module related Descriptor, the link to the module entry resp. the related webserviceDefault value: '’ YES -
DescriptorType nvarchar (50) Type of the Descriptor as described in table CollectionEventSeriesDescriptorType_EnumDefault value: N’Descriptor’ YES Refers to table CollEventSeriesDescriptorType_Enum
LogInsertedBy nvarchar (50) Name of user who first entered (typed or imported) the data.Default value: suser_sname() YES -
LogInsertedWhen smalldatetime Date and time when the data were first entered (typed or imported) into this database.Default value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of user who last updated the data.Default value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen smalldatetime Date and time when the data were last updated.Default value: getdate() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionEventSeries
  • CollEventSeriesDescriptorType_Enum

Table CollectionEventSeriesImage

The images showing the sites of a series of collection events, e.g. an expedition

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
SeriesID int Unique ID for the table CollectionEventSeries (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionEventSeries
URI varchar (255) The complete URI address of the image. This is only a cached value, if ResourceID is available and referring to the module DiversityResources NO -
ResourceURI varchar (255) The URI of the resource (e.g. see module DiversityResources) YES -
ImageType nvarchar (50) Type of the image, e.g. map YES Refers to table CollEventSeriesImageType_Enum
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes to this image of the collection site YES -
Description xml (MAX) Description of the image YES -
Title nvarchar (500) Title of the resource YES -
IPR nvarchar (500) Intellectual Property Rights; the rights given to persons for their intellectual property YES -
CreatorAgent nvarchar (500) Person or organization originally creating the resource YES -
CreatorAgentURI varchar (255) Link to the module DiversityAgents YES -
CopyrightStatement nvarchar (500) Notice on rights held in and for the resource YES -
LicenseType nvarchar (500) Type of an official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing, e.g. Creative Common licenses YES -
InternalNotes nvarchar (500) Internal notes which should not be published e.g. on websites YES -
LicenseHolder nvarchar (500) The person or institution holding the license YES -
LicenseHolderAgentURI nvarchar (500) The link to a module containing futher information on the person or institution holding the license YES -
LicenseYear nvarchar (50) The year of license declaration YES -
DataWithholdingReason nvarchar (255) If the data set is withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionEventSeries
  • CollEventSeriesImageType_Enum

Table CollectionExternalDatasource

CollectionExternalDatasource document the sources of the names.

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ExternalDatasourceID int An ID to identify an external data collection of the collected specimen (primary key, the ID has no meaning outside of the DiversityWorkbench system) NO -
ExternalDatasourceName nvarchar (255) The name of the data collection which has been integrated or can be linked to for further analysis YES -
ExternalDatasourceVersion nvarchar (255) The version of this data collection (either official version number or dates when the collection was integrated) YES -
Rights nvarchar (500) A description of copyright agreements or permission to use data from the external database YES -
ExternalDatasourceAuthors nvarchar (200) The persons or institutions responsible for the external database YES -
ExternalDatasourceURI nvarchar (300) The URI of the database provider or the external database YES -
ExternalDatasourceInstitution nvarchar (300) The institution responsible for the external database YES -
InternalNotes nvarchar (1500) Additional notes on this data collection YES -
ExternalAttribute_NameID nvarchar (255) The table and field name in the external data collection to which CollectionExternalID refers YES -
PreferredSequence tinyint For selection in e.g. picklists: of several equal names only the name from the source with the lowest preferred sequence will be provided. YES -
Disabled bit If this source should be disabled for selection of names e.g. in picklists YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Table CollectionImage

The images showing the collection

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionID int Refers to the ID of Collection (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Collection
URI varchar (255) The complete URI address of the image. NO -
ImageType nvarchar (50) Type of the image, e.g. label YES Refers to table CollCollectionImageType_Enum
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the collection image YES -
Description xml (MAX) Description of the image YES -
Title nvarchar (500) Title of the resource YES -
IPR nvarchar (500) Intellectual Property Rights; the rights given to persons for their intellectual property YES -
CreatorAgent nvarchar (500) Person or organization originally creating the resource YES -
CreatorAgentURI varchar (255) Link to the module DiversityAgents YES -
CopyrightStatement nvarchar (500) Notice on rights held in and for the resource YES -
LicenseType nvarchar (500) Type of an official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing, e.g. Creative Common licenses YES -
InternalNotes nvarchar (500) Internal notes which should not be published e.g. on websites YES -
LicenseHolder nvarchar (500) The person or institution holding the license YES -
LicenseHolderAgentURI nvarchar (500) The link to a module containing futher information on the person or institution holding the license YES -
LicenseYear nvarchar (50) The year of license declaration YES -
LocationGeometry geometry (MAX) Geometry of the collection e.g. within a floor plan YES -
RecordingDate datetime The recording date of the resource YES -
DataWithholdingReason nvarchar (255) If the data set is withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null YES -
LogInsertedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogInsertedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollCollectionImageType_Enum
  • Collection

Table CollectionManager

Collection managers within DiversityCollection responsible for specimen transactions

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
LoginName nvarchar (50) A login name which the user uses to access the DivesityWorkbench, Microsoft domains, etc.. NO -
AdministratingCollectionID int ID for the collection for which the Manager has the right to administrate the transaction. Corresponds to AdministratingCollectionID in table Transaction. NO Refers to table Collection
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Collection

Table CollectionProject

The projects within which the collection specimen were placed

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimen
ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects) NO Refers to table ProjectProxy
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimen
  • ProjectProxy


Setting LastChanges in table ProjectProxy

Table CollectionSpecimen

The data directly attributed to the collected specimen

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Unique ID for the table CollectionSpecimen (primary key) NO -
Version int The version of the data setDefault value: (1) NO -
CollectionEventID int Refers to the ID of table CollectionEvent (= foreign key and part of primary key) YES Refers to table CollectionEvent
AccessionNumber nvarchar (50) Accession number of the specimen within the collection, e.g. “M-29834752” YES -
AccessionDate datetime The date of the accession calculated from the entries in AccessionDay, -Month and -Year YES -
AccessionDay tinyint The day of the date when the specimen was acquired in the collection YES -
AccessionMonth tinyint The month of the date when the specimen was acquired in the collection YES -
AccessionYear smallint The year of the date when the specimen was acquired in the collection YES -
AccessionDateSupplement nvarchar (255) Verbal or additional accession date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’ YES -
AccessionDateCategory nvarchar (50) Category of the date of the accession e.g. “system”, “estimated” (= foreign key, see in table CollDateCategory_Enum) YES Refers to table CollDateCategory_Enum
DepositorsName nvarchar (255) The name of the depositor(s) (person or organization responsible for deposition). Where entire collections are deposited, this should also contain the collection name (e.g. ‘Herbarium P. Döbbler’) YES -
DepositorsAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the depositor(s) (person or organization responsible for deposition) YES -
DepositorsAccessionNumber nvarchar (50) Accession number of the specimen within the previous or original collection, e.g. ‘D-23948’ YES -
LabelTitle nvarchar (MAX) The title of the label e.g. for printing labels. YES -
LabelType nvarchar (50) Printed, typewritten, typewritten with handwriting added, entirely in handwriting, etc. YES Refers to table CollLabelType_Enum
LabelTranscriptionState nvarchar (50) The state of the transcription of a label into the database: ‘Not started’, ‘incomplete’, ‘complete’ YES Refers to table CollLabelTranscriptionState_Enum
LabelTranscriptionNotes nvarchar (MAX) User defined notes on the transcription of the label into the database YES -
ExsiccataURI varchar (255) If specimen is an exsiccata: The URI of the exsiccata series, e.g. as stored within the DiversityExsiccata module YES -
ExsiccataAbbreviation nvarchar (255) If specimen is an exsiccata: Standard abbreviation of the exsiccata (not necessarily a unique identifier; editors or publication places may change over time) YES -
OriginalNotes nvarchar (MAX) Notes found on the label of the specimen by the original collector or from a later revision YES -
AdditionalNotes nvarchar (MAX) Additional notes made by the editor of the specimen record, e.g. ‘doubtful identification/locality’ YES -
Problems nvarchar (255) Description of a problem which occurred during data editing. Typically these entries should be deleted after help has been obtained. Do not enter scientific problems here; use AdditionalNotes for such permanent problems! YES -
DataWithholdingReason nvarchar (255) If the data set is withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise nullDefault value: N’Withhold by default’ YES -
InternalNotes nvarchar (MAX) Internal notes which should not be published e.g. on websites YES -
ExternalDatasourceID int An ID to identify an external data collection of the collected specimen (primary key, the ID has no meaning outside of the DiversityWorkbench system) YES Refers to table CollectionExternalDatasource
ExternalIdentifier nvarchar (100) The identifier of the external specimen as defined in the external data source YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollDateCategory_Enum
  • CollectionEvent
  • CollectionExternalDatasource
  • CollLabelTranscriptionState_Enum
  • CollLabelType_Enum

Table CollectionSpecimenImage

The images of a collection specimen or of an organism (stored in table IdentificationUnit) within this specimen

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimen and table IdentificationUnit
URI varchar (255) The complete URI address of the image. This is only a cached value, if ResourceID is available and referring to the module DiversityResources NO -
ResourceURI varchar (255) The URI of the image, e.g. as stored in the module DiversityResources. YES -
SpecimenPartID int Optional: If the data set is not related to a part of a specimen, the ID of a related part (= foreign key) YES Refers to table CollectionSpecimenPart
IdentificationUnitID int If image refers to only one out of several IdentificationUnits for a specimen, refers to the ID of an IdentificationUnit for a collection specimen (= foreign key) YES Refers to table IdentificationUnit
ImageType nvarchar (50) Type of the image, e.g. photograph YES Refers to table CollSpecimenImageType_Enum
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the specimen image YES -
Description xml (MAX) Description of the image YES -
Title nvarchar (500) Title of the resource YES -
IPR nvarchar (500) Intellectual Property Rights; the rights given to persons for their intellectual property YES -
CreatorAgent nvarchar (500) Person or organization originally creating the resource YES -
CreatorAgentURI varchar (255) Link to the module DiversityAgents YES -
CopyrightStatement nvarchar (500) Notice on rights held in and for the resource YES -
LicenseType nvarchar (500) Type of an official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing, e. g. Creative Common Licenses YES -
LicenseURI varchar (500) The URI of the license for the resource YES -
LicenseHolder nvarchar (500) The person or institution holding the license YES -
LicenseHolderAgentURI nvarchar (500) The link to a module containing futher information on the person or institution holding the license YES -
LicenseYear nvarchar (50) The year of license declaration YES -
LicenseNotes nvarchar (500) Notice on license for the resource YES -
DataWithholdingReason nvarchar (255) If the data set is withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null YES -
DisplayOrder int The order in which the images should be shown in a interface YES -
InternalNotes nvarchar (500) Internal notes which should not be published e.g. on websites YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollectionSpecimenPart
  • CollSpecimenImageType_Enum
  • IdentificationUnit




Setting the version of the dataset

Table CollectionSpecimenImageProperty

The properties of images of a collection specimen

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenImage
URI varchar (255) The complete URI address of the image. This is only a cached value, if ResourceID is available and referring to the module DiversityResources NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenImage
Property varchar (255) The property of the image NO -
Description nvarchar (MAX) If description of the property of the image YES -
ImageArea geometry (MAX) The area in the image the property refers to YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -
PropertyURI varchar (500) The URI of the property of the image, e.g. a link to module DiversityScientificTerms YES -

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimenImage

Table CollectionSpecimenPart

Parts of a collected specimen. Includes a possible hierarchy of the parts

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimen and table CollectionSpecimenPart
SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen (= part of primary key). NO -
DerivedFromSpecimenPartID int SpecimenPartID of the specimen from which the current specimen is derived from YES Refers to table CollectionSpecimenPart
PreparationMethod nvarchar (MAX) The method used for the preparation of the part of the specimen, e.g. the inoculation method for cultures YES -
PreparationDate datetime Point in time when the part was preparated e.g when it was separated from the source object YES -
AccessionNumber nvarchar (50) Accession number of the part of the specimen within the collection, if it is different from the accession number of the specimen as stored in the table CollectionSpecimen, e.g. “M-29834752” YES -
PartSublabel nvarchar (50) The label for a part of a specimen, e.g. “cone”, or a number attached to a duplicate of a specimen YES -
CollectionID int ID of the collection as stored in table Collection (= foreign key, see table Collection) NO Refers to table Collection
MaterialCategory nvarchar (50) Material category of specimen. Examples: ‘herbarium sheets’, ‘drawings’, ‘microscopic slides’ etc. (= foreign key, see table CollMaterialCategory_Enum)Default value: N’specimen’ NO Refers to table CollMaterialCategory_Enum
StorageLocation nvarchar (255) A code identifying the place where the specimen is stored within the collection. Frequently the accepted scientific name is used as storage location code. YES -
Stock float Number of stock units, if the specimen is stored in separated units e.g. several boxes or vessels (max. 255) YES -
StockUnit nvarchar (50) If empty, the stock is given as a count, else it contains the unit in which stock is expressed, e.g. µl, ml, kg etc. YES -
StorageContainer nvarchar (500) The container in which the part is stored YES -
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution responsible for the preparation YES -
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) URI of the person or institution responsible for the preparation (= foreign key) as stored in the module DiversityAgents YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the storage of the sample YES -
DataWithholdingReason nvarchar (255) If the specimen part is withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null. YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Collection
  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollMaterialCategory_Enum


Setting the version of the dataset

Table CollectionSpecimenPartDescription

Description of the specimen part with a standardized vocabulary as defined in the module DiversityScientificTerms

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenPart
SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen (= part of primary key). NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenPart
PartDescriptionID int ID of the description (Part of primary key) NO -
IdentificationUnitID int Refers to the ID of IdentficationUnit (= foreign key and part of primary key) YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) The descrition of the part. Cached value if DescriptionTermURI is used YES -
DescriptionTermURI varchar (500) Link to a external datasource like a webservice or the module DiversityScientificTerms where the description is documented YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about this description YES -
DescriptionHierarchyCache nvarchar (MAX) Hierarchy of the description. For values linked to a module, a cached value provided by the module YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimenPart

Table CollectionSpecimenProcessing

The processing which was applied to a collected specimen

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimen and table CollectionSpecimenPart
SpecimenProcessingID int Unique ID of the processing of a specimen or part of a specimen, part of primary key NO -
ProcessingDate datetime Point in time of the start of the processing YES -
ProcessingID int ID of the processing method. Refers to ProcessingID in table Processing (foreign key)Default value: (1) NO Refers to table Processing
Protocoll nvarchar (100) The label of the processing protocol YES -
SpecimenPartID int Optional: If the data set is related to a part of a specimen, the ID of a related part (= foreign key, see table CollectionSpecimenPart) YES Refers to table CollectionSpecimenPart
ProcessingDuration varchar (50) The duration of the processing including the unit (e.g. 5 min) or the end of the processing starting at the processing date (e.g. 23.05.2008) YES -
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution responsible for the determination YES -
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) URI of the person or institution responsible for the determination (= foreign key) as stored in the module DiversityAgents. YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the processing YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -
ToolUsage xml (MAX) The tools used for the processing and their usage or settings. YES -

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollectionSpecimenPart
  • Processing


Setting the version of the dataset

Table CollectionSpecimenProcessingMethod

The methods used for a processing of a specimen

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to ID of CollectionSpecimen (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenProcessing
SpecimenProcessingID int Refers to the ID of the specimen processing (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenProcessing
MethodID int ID of the method, part of primary key NO Refers to table MethodForProcessing
MethodMarker nvarchar (50) A marker for the method, part of primary keyDefault value: ‘1’ NO -
ProcessingID int ID of the processing. Refers to ProcessingID in table Processing (foreign key)Default value: (1) NO Refers to table MethodForProcessing
LogCreatedWhen datetime The time when this dataset was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Who created this datasetDefault value: user_name() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime The last time when this dataset was updatedDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Who was the last to update this datasetDefault value: user_name() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimenProcessing
  • MethodForProcessing

Table CollectionSpecimenProcessingMethodParameter

The parameter values of a method used for the processing of a specimen

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to ID of CollectionSpecimen (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenProcessingMethod
SpecimenProcessingID int Refers to ID of CollectionSpecimenProcessing (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenProcessingMethod
ProcessingID int ID of the processing. Refers to ProcessingID in table Processing (= Foreign key and part of primary key)Default value: (1) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenProcessingMethod
MethodID int ID of the method (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenProcessingMethod and table Parameter
MethodMarker nvarchar (50) A marker for the method, part of primary keyDefault value: ‘1’ NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenProcessingMethod
ParameterID int ID of the parameter. Referes to table Parameter (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Parameter
Value nvarchar (MAX) The value of the parameter if different of the default value as documented in the table Parameter NO -
LogCreatedWhen datetime The time when this dataset was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Who created this datasetDefault value: user_name() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime The last time when this dataset was updatedDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Who was the last to update this datasetDefault value: user_name() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimenProcessingMethod
  • Parameter

Table CollectionSpecimenReference

A reference related to the collection specimen

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to unique ID of collection specimen record (part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimen and table IdentificationUnit
ReferenceID int Unique reference ID for the reference record (part of primary key) NO -
ReferenceTitle nvarchar (400) The title of the publication related to the specimen or parts of it. Note that this is only a cached value where ReferenceURI is present NO -
ReferenceURI varchar (500) URI of the reference, e.g. a connection to the module DiversityReferences YES -
IdentificationUnitID int If relation refers to a certain organism within a specimen, the ID of an IdentificationUnit (= foreign key) YES Refers to table IdentificationUnit
IdentificationSequence smallint Referes to table Identification: The sequence of the identifications. YES -
SpecimenPartID int If the relation refers to a part of a specimen, the ID of a related part (= foreign key) YES Refers to table CollectionSpecimenPart
ReferenceDetails nvarchar (500) The exact location within the reference, e.g. pages, plates YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the reference YES -
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) The name of the agent (person or organization) responsible for this entry. YES -
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) URI of the person or organisation responsible for the data (see e.g. module DiversityAgents) YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollectionSpecimenPart
  • IdentificationUnit

Table CollectionSpecimenRelation

The relations of a collection specimen to other collection specimen

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Unique reference ID for the collection specimen record (primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimen and table IdentificationUnit
RelatedSpecimenURI varchar (255) URI of the related specimen NO -
RelatedSpecimenDisplayText varchar (255) The name of a related specimen as shown e.g. in a user interface NO -
RelationType nvarchar (50) Type of the relation between the specimen (= foreign key, see table CollRelationType_Enum) YES Refers to table CollSpecimenRelationType_Enum
RelatedSpecimenCollectionID int ID of the Collection as stored in table Collection (= foreign key, see table Collection) YES Refers to table Collection
RelatedSpecimenDescription nvarchar (MAX) Description of the related specimen YES -
IdentificationUnitID int If relation refers to a certain organism within a specimen, the ID of an IdentificationUnit (= foreign key) YES Refers to table IdentificationUnit
SpecimenPartID int If the relation refers to a part of a specimen, the ID of a related part (= foreign key) YES Refers to table CollectionSpecimenPart
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the relation to the specimen YES -
IsInternalRelationCache bit If the relation represents a connection between specimen in this databaseDefault value: (1) NO -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Collection
  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollectionSpecimenPart
  • CollSpecimenRelationType_Enum
  • IdentificationUnit


Setting the version of the dataset

Table CollectionSpecimenTransaction

The transactions in which a specimen was involved

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenPart
TransactionID int Unique ID for the table Transaction (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Transaction
SpecimenPartID int Optional: If the data set is related to a part of a specimen, the ID of a related part (= foreign key, see table CollectionSpecimenPart) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenPart
AccessionNumber nvarchar (255) Accession number which has been assigen to the part of the specimen, e.g. in connection with a former inventory. YES -
TransactionReturnID int Unique ID for the table Transaction (= foreign key) for the return of a part that has been on loan YES -
TransactionTitle nvarchar (200) Title as in related table Transaction. Used for validation of correct entry of transaction with type regulation (see insert trigger) YES -
IsOnLoan bit True, if a specimen is on loan YES -
LogInsertedBy nvarchar (50) Name of user to first enter (typ or import) the data.Default value: suser_sname() YES -
LogInsertedWhen smalldatetime Point in time when the data was first entered (typed or imported) into this database.Default value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set last.Default value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen smalldatetime Point in time when this data set was updated last.Default value: getdate() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimenPart
  • Transaction


Rollback of regulations if corresponding datasets are missing in table CollectionEventRegulation

Table CollectionTask

A task for a collection. Details are defined in table Task

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionTaskID int PK of the table NO -
CollectionTaskParentID int Relation to PK for hierarchy within the data YES Refers to table CollectionTask
CollectionID int Relation to table Collection. Every ColletionTask needs a relation to a collection NO Refers to table Collection
TaskID int Relation to table Task where details for the collection task are defined NO Refers to table Task
DisplayOrder int Display order e.g. in a report. Data with value 0 will not be includedDefault value: (1) YES -
DisplayText nvarchar (400) The display text of the module related data as shown e.g. in a user interface YES -
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the CollectionSpecimenID of CollectionSpecimenPart (= foreign key and part of primary key) YES Refers to table CollectionSpecimenPart
SpecimenPartID int Unique ID of the part of the collection specimen the task is related to. YES Refers to table CollectionSpecimenPart
TransactionID int ID of a transaction. Related to PK of table Transaction YES Refers to table Transaction
ModuleUri varchar (500) The URL of module related data YES -
TaskStart datetime The start date and or time of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task YES -
TaskEnd datetime The end date and or time of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task YES -
Result nvarchar (400) A text result either taken from a list or entered. The type is defined in table Task YES -
URI varchar (500) The URI of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task YES -
NumberValue real The numeric value of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task YES -
BoolValue bit The boolean of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task YES -
MetricDescription nvarchar (500) Description of the metric e.g. imported from a time series database like Prometheus YES -
MetricSource varchar (4000) The source of the metric e.g. the PromQL statement for the import from a timeseries database Prometheus YES -
MetricUnit nvarchar (50) The unit of the metric, e.g. °C for temperature YES -
ResponsibleAgent nvarchar (500) The name of the responsible person or institution YES -
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (500) URI of the person or institution responsible for the determination (= foreign key) as stored in the module DiversityAgents. YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) The description of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) The notes of the collection tasks. The type is defined in table Task YES -
LogInsertedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: dbo.UserID() YES -
LogInsertedWhen smalldatetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: dbo.UserID() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen smalldatetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Collection
  • CollectionSpecimenPart
  • Task
  • Transaction


Inserting CollectionID of parent entry if missing

Table CollectionTaskImage

The images showing the CollectionTask

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionTaskID int Refers to the ID of CollectionTask (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionTask
URI varchar (255) The complete URI address of the image. NO -
ImageType nvarchar (50) Type of the image, e.g. label YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the CollectionTask image YES -
Description xml (MAX) Description of the image YES -
Title nvarchar (500) Title of the resource YES -
ObjectGeometry geometry (MAX) The geometry of an object placed within the image YES -
IPR nvarchar (500) Intellectual Property Rights; the rights given to persons for their intellectual property YES -
CreatorAgent nvarchar (500) Person or organization originally creating the resource YES -
CreatorAgentURI varchar (255) Link to the module DiversityAgents YES -
CopyrightStatement nvarchar (500) Notice on rights held in and for the resource YES -
LicenseType nvarchar (500) Type of an official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing, e.g. Creative Common licenses YES -
InternalNotes nvarchar (500) Internal notes which should not be published e.g. on websites YES -
LicenseHolder nvarchar (500) The person or institution holding the license YES -
LicenseHolderAgentURI nvarchar (500) The link to a module containing futher information on the person or institution holding the license YES -
LicenseYear nvarchar (50) The year of license declaration YES -
DisplayOrder smallint The display order of the image YES -
DataWithholdingReason nvarchar (255) If the data set is withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null YES -
LogInsertedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogInsertedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: dbo.UserID() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: dbo.UserID() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionTask

Table CollectionTaskMetric

The metric related to a collection task

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionTaskID int Refers to the ID of CollectionTask (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionTask
MetricDate datetime Date and time of the metric, part of PK NO -
Aggregation nvarchar (50) The Aggregation applied for retrieval of the value, e.g. max, avg etc.Default value: N’none’ NO Refers to table CollTaskMetricAggregation_Enum
MetricValue real The value of the metric YES -
LogInsertedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: dbo.UserID() YES -
LogInsertedWhen smalldatetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: dbo.UserID() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen smalldatetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionTask
  • CollTaskMetricAggregation_Enum

Table Entity

The entities in an application e.g. the tables and columns in a database

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
Entity varchar (500) The name of the entity, e.g. Table.Column.Content within the database or a unique string for e.g. a message within the DiversityWorkbench e.g. “DiversityWorkbench.Message.Connection.NoAccess”, PK NO -
DisplayGroup nvarchar (50) If DiversityWorkbench entities should be displayed in a group, the name of the group YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the entity YES -
Obsolete bit True if an entity is obsolete. Obsolete entities may be kept to ensure compatibility with older modules YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Table EntityRepresentation

The description of the entity in a certain context in different languages

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
Entity varchar (500) The name of the entity. Foreign key, relates to table Entity NO Refers to table Entity
LanguageCode nvarchar (50) ISO 639: 2-letter codes for the language of the content NO Refers to table EntityLanguageCode_Enum
EntityContext nvarchar (50) The context for the representation, e.g. “Exchange with ABCD”, “collection management” or “observation” as defined in table EntityContext_Enum NO Refers to table EntityContext_Enum
DisplayText nvarchar (50) The text for the entity as shown e.g. in a user interface YES -
Abbreviation nvarchar (20) The abbreviation for the entity as shown e.g. in a user interface YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) The description of the entity YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the representation of the entity YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Entity
  • EntityContext_Enum
  • EntityLanguageCode_Enum

Table EntityUsage

The usage of an entity in a certain context, e.g. hidden, readonly

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
Entity varchar (500) The name of the entity. Foreign key, relates to table Entity NO Refers to table Entity
EntityContext nvarchar (50) The context for the representation, e.g. “Exchange with ABCD”, “collection management” or “observation” as defined in table EntityContext_Enum NO Refers to table EntityContext_Enum
Accessibility nvarchar (50) If the access of entity is resticted to e.g. read only or it can be edited without restrictions YES Refers to table EntityAccessibility_Enum
Determination nvarchar (50) If a value is determined e.g. by the system or the user YES Refers to table EntityDetermination_Enum
Visibility nvarchar (50) If the entity is visible or hidden from e.g. a user interface YES Refers to table EntityVisibility_Enum
PresetValue nvarchar (500) If a value is preset, the value or SQL statement for the value, e.g. ‘determination’ for identifications when using a mobile device during an expedition YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the usage of the entity YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Entity
  • EntityAccessibility_Enum
  • EntityContext_Enum
  • EntityDetermination_Enum
  • EntityVisibility_Enum

Table ExternalIdentifier

An external identier related to a dataset, e.g. a DOI

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ID int ID of the identifier (Primary key) NO -
ReferencedTable nvarchar (128) The name of the table the external identifier refers to NO -
ReferencedID int The ID of the data set in the table the external identifier refers to NO -
Type nvarchar (50) The type of the identifier as defined in table ExternalIdentifierType YES Refers to table ExternalIdentifierType
Identifier nvarchar (500) The identifier YES -
URL varchar (500) A URL with further informations about the identifier YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the identifier YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • ExternalIdentifierType

Table ExternalIdentifierType

The type of an external identier, e.g. DOI

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
Type nvarchar (50) The type of external identifiers (primary key) NO -
ParentType nvarchar (50) The superior type of this type YES -
URL varchar (500) A URL providing further informations about this type YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) The description of this type YES -
InternalNotes nvarchar (MAX) Internal notes about the type YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newid() NO -

Table Identification

The identifications of the organisms within a specimen

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Identification and table IdentificationUnit
IdentificationUnitID int Refers to the ID of IdentficationUnit (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Identification and table IdentificationUnit
IdentificationSequence smallint The sequence of the identifications. The last identification (having the highest sequence) is regarded as validDefault value: (1) NO -
DependsOnIdentificationSequence smallint if the identification depends on another identification, e.g. for rocks where several terms from a terminology should be included YES Refers to table Identification
IdentificationDate datetime The date of the identification calculated from the entries in IdentificationDay, -Month and -Year YES -
IdentificationDay tinyint The day of the identification YES -
IdentificationMonth tinyint The month of the identification YES -
IdentificationYear smallint The year of the identification. The year may be empty if only the day or month are known. YES -
IdentificationDateSupplement nvarchar (255) Verbal or additional identification date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’ YES -
IdentificationDateCategory nvarchar (50) Category of the date of the identification e.g. “system”, “estimated” (= foreign key, see in table CollDateCategory_Enum) YES Refers to table CollIdentificationDateCategory_Enum
VernacularTerm nvarchar (255) Name or term other than a taxonomic (= scientific) name, e.g. ‘pine’, ’limestone’, ‘conifer’, ‘hardwood’ YES -
TermURI varchar (500) The URI of the term, e.g. as provided by the module DiversityScientificTerms. YES -
TaxonomicName nvarchar (255) Valid name of the species (including the taxonomic author where available). Example: ‘Rosa canina L.’ YES -
NameURI varchar (255) The URI of the taxonomic name, e.g. as provided by the module DiversityTaxonNames. YES -
IdentificationCategory nvarchar (50) Category of the identification e.g. ‘determination’, ‘confirmation’, ‘absence’ (= foreign key, see table CollIdentificationCategory_Enum) YES Refers to table CollIdentificationCategory_Enum
IdentificationQualifier nvarchar (50) Qualification of the identification e.g. “cf.”," aff.", “sp. nov.” (= foreign key, see table CollIdentificationQualifier_Enum) YES Refers to table CollIdentificationQualifier_Enum
TypeStatus nvarchar (50) If identification unit is type of a taxonomic name: holotype, syntype, etc. (= foreign key, see table CollTypeStatus_Enum) YES Refers to table CollTypeStatus_Enum
TypeNotes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the typification of this specimen YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) User defined notes, e.g. the reason for a re-determination / change of the name, etc. YES -
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution responsible for the determination YES -
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) URI of the person or institution responsible for the determination (= foreign key) as stored in the module DiversityAgents. YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollIdentificationCategory_Enum
  • CollIdentificationDateCategory_Enum
  • CollIdentificationQualifier_Enum
  • CollTypeStatus_Enum
  • IdentificationUnit


Updating the LastIdentificationCache in IdentificationUnit


Updating empty date columns depending on a given date

Table IdentificationUnit

Organism which is present in or on a collectied specimen

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimen and table IdentificationUnit
IdentificationUnitID int ID of the IdentificationUnit (= part of primary key). Usually one of possibly several organisms present on the collected specimen. Example: parasite with hyperparasite on plant leaf = 3 units, NO -
LastIdentificationCache nvarchar (255) The last identification as entered in table Identification NO -
FamilyCache nvarchar (255) A cached value of the family of the taxon of the last identification. Can be set by the editor, if NameURI in table Identification is NULL, otherwise set by the system. YES -
OrderCache nvarchar (255) A cached value of the order of the taxon of the last identification. Can be set by the editor, if NameURI in table Identification is NULL, otherwise set by the system. YES -
HierarchyCache nvarchar (500) A cached value fo the superior taxonomy of the last identification as derived from a taxonomic data provider YES -
TaxonomicGroup nvarchar (50) Taxonomic group the organism, identified by this unit, belongs to. Groups listed in table CollTaxonomicGroup_Enum (= foreign key) NO Refers to table CollTaxonomicGroup_Enum
OnlyObserved bit True, if the organism was only observed rather than collected. It is therefore not present on the preserved specimen. Example: Tree under which the collected mycorrhizal fungus grew.Default value: (0) YES -
RelatedUnitID int The IdentificationUnitID of the organism or substrate on which this organism is growing (= foreign key) YES Refers to table IdentificationUnit
RelationType nvarchar (50) The relation of a unit to its substrate, e.g. parasitism, symbiosis etc. as stored in CollRelationType_Enum (= foreign key) YES Refers to table CollUnitRelationType_Enum
ParentUnitID int The IdentificationUnitID of a parent organism of which this organism is a child of (= foreign key). YES Refers to table IdentificationUnit
ColonisedSubstratePart nvarchar (255) If a substrate association exists: part of the substrate which is affected in the interaction (e.g. ’leaves’, if a fungus is growing on the leaves of an infected plant) YES -
LifeStage nvarchar (255) Examples: ‘II, III’ for spore generations of rusts or ‘seed’, ‘seedling’ etc. for higher plants YES -
Gender nvarchar (50) The sex of the organism, e.g. ‘female’ YES -
NumberOfUnits smallint The number of units of this organism, e.g. 400 beetles in a bottle YES -
NumberOfUnitsModifier nvarchar (100) A modifier for the number of units of this organism, e.g. ca. 400 beetles in a bottle YES -
ExsiccataNumber nvarchar (50) If specimen is an exsiccata: Number of current specimen within the exsiccata series YES -
ExsiccataIdentification smallint Refers to the IdentificationSequence in Identification (= foreign key). The name under which the collectied specimen or this organism is published within an exsiccata. YES -
UnitIdentifier nvarchar (50) An identifier for the identification of the unit, e.g. a number painted on a tree within an experimental plot YES -
UnitDescription nvarchar (50) Description of the unit, especially if not an organism but parts or remnants of it were present or observed, e.g. a nest of an insect or a song of a bird YES -
Circumstances nvarchar (50) Circumstances of the occurence of the organism YES Refers to table CollCircumstances_Enum
RetrievalType nvarchar (50) The way the data about the unit were retrieved, e.g. observation, literature YES Refers to table CollRetrievalType_Enum
DisplayOrder smallint The sequence in which the units within this specimen will appear on e.g. a label where the first unit may be printed in the header and others in the text below. 0 means the unit should not appear on a label.Default value: (1) NO -
DataWithholdingReason nvarchar (255) If the data set is withhold, the reason for withholding the data, otherwise null YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Further information on the organism or interaction, e.g. infection symptoms like ‘producing galls’ YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollCircumstances_Enum
  • CollectionSpecimen
  • CollRetrievalType_Enum
  • CollTaxonomicGroup_Enum
  • CollUnitRelationType_Enum


setting the display oder for the new unit to the next number if none or an already present on was given

Table IdentificationUnitAnalysis

The analysis values taken from an organism resp. object

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table IdentificationUnit and table IdentificationUnitInPart
IdentificationUnitID int Refers to the ID of IdentficationUnit (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table IdentificationUnit and table IdentificationUnitInPart
AnalysisID int Analysis ID, foreign key of table Analysis. NO Refers to table Analysis
AnalysisNumber nvarchar (50) Number of the analysis NO -
AnalysisResult nvarchar (MAX) The result of the analysis YES -
ExternalAnalysisURI varchar (255) An URI for an analysis as defined in an external datasoure YES -
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution responsible for the determination YES -
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) URI of the person or institution responsible for the determination (= foreign key) as stored in the module DiversityAgents. YES -
AnalysisDate nvarchar (50) The date of the analysis YES -
SpecimenPartID int ID of the part of a specimen (optional, foreign key) if the analysis was done with a part of the specimen (see table CollectionSpecimenPart). YES Refers to table IdentificationUnitInPart
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on this analysis YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -
ToolUsage xml (MAX) The tools used for the analysis and their usage or settings. YES -

Depending on:

  • Analysis
  • IdentificationUnit
  • IdentificationUnitInPart


Setting the version of the dataset

Table IdentificationUnitAnalysisMethod

The methods used for an analysis

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to ID of CollectionSpecimen (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table IdentificationUnitAnalysis
IdentificationUnitID int Refers to the ID of IdentficationUnit (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table IdentificationUnitAnalysis
MethodID int ID of the method, part of primary key NO Refers to table MethodForAnalysis
MethodMarker nvarchar (50) A marker for the method, part of primary keyDefault value: ‘1’ NO -
AnalysisID int ID of the processing. Refers to AnalysisID in table Processing (foreign key)Default value: (1) NO Refers to table IdentificationUnitAnalysis and table MethodForAnalysis
AnalysisNumber nvarchar (50) Number of the analysis NO Refers to table IdentificationUnitAnalysis
LogCreatedWhen datetime The time when this dataset was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Who created this datasetDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime The last time when this dataset was updatedDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Who was the last to update this datasetDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • IdentificationUnitAnalysis
  • MethodForAnalysis

Table IdentificationUnitAnalysisMethodParameter

The parameter values of a method used for an analysis

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to ID of CollectionSpecimen (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table IdentificationUnitAnalysisMethod
IdentificationUnitID int ID of the identification unit (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table IdentificationUnitAnalysisMethod
AnalysisID int ID of the analysis. Refers to AnalysisID in table Analysis (= Foreign key and part of primary key)Default value: (1) NO Refers to table IdentificationUnitAnalysisMethod
AnalysisNumber nvarchar (50) Number of the analysis (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table IdentificationUnitAnalysisMethod
MethodID int ID of the method (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table IdentificationUnitAnalysisMethod and table Parameter
MethodMarker nvarchar (50) A marker for the method, part of primary keyDefault value: ‘1’ NO Refers to table IdentificationUnitAnalysisMethod
ParameterID int ID of the parameter tool. Referes to table Parameter (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Parameter
Value nvarchar (MAX) The value of the parameter if different of the default value as documented in the table Parameter YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime The time when this dataset was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Who created this datasetDefault value: user_name() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime The last time when this dataset was updatedDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Who was the last to update this datasetDefault value: user_name() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • IdentificationUnitAnalysisMethod
  • Parameter

Table IdentificationUnitGeoAnalysis

The geographical position or region of an organism at a certain time

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table IdentificationUnit
IdentificationUnitID int Refers to the ID of IdentficationUnit (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table IdentificationUnit
AnalysisDate datetime The date of the analysis NO -
Geography geography The geography where the organism resp. object was located according to WGS84, e.g. a point (latitide, longitude and altitude) YES -
Geometry geometry (MAX) The geometry of the place the organism resp. object was observed, e.g. an area YES -
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution responsible for the determination YES -
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) URI of the person or institution responsible for the determination (= foreign key) as stored in the module DiversityAgents. YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on this analysis YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was created YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data set YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated last YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set last YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • IdentificationUnit

Table IdentificationUnitInPart

The list of the organisms which are found in a part of the specimen

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
CollectionSpecimenID int Refers to the ID of CollectionSpecimen (= foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenPart and table IdentificationUnit
IdentificationUnitID int ID of the identification unit in table IdentificationUnit (= part of primary key). Usually one of possibly several organisms present on the collection specimen. Example: parasite with hyperparasite on plant leaf = 3 units, NO Refers to table IdentificationUnit
SpecimenPartID int ID of the part of a specimen (optional, foreign key), if the identification unit is located on a part of the specimen (see table CollectionSpecimenPart). NO Refers to table CollectionSpecimenPart
DisplayOrder smallint The sequence in which the units within this part will appear on e.g. a label where the first unit may be printed in the header and others in the text below. 0 means the unit should not appear on a label.Default value: (1) NO -
LogInsertedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the user to first enter (typ or import) the data.Default value: suser_sname() YES -
LogInsertedWhen smalldatetime Point in time when the data was first entered (typed or imported) into this database.Default value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data last.Default value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen smalldatetime Point in time when this data was updated last.Default value: getdate() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollectionSpecimenPart
  • IdentificationUnit


Setting the version of the dataset

Table LocalisationSystem

The geographic localisation systems, e.g. coordinates

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
LocalisationSystemID int Unique ID for the localisation system (= Primary key) NO -
LocalisationSystemParentID int LocalisationSystemID of the superior LocalisationSystem YES Refers to table LocalisationSystem
LocalisationSystemName nvarchar (100) Name of the system used for the determination of the place of the collection, e. g. Gauss-Krüger, MTB, GIS NO -
DefaultAccuracyOfLocalisation nvarchar (50) The default for the accuracy of values which can be reached with this method YES -
DefaultMeasurementUnit nvarchar (50) The default measurement unit for the localisation system, e.g. m, geograpic coordinates YES -
ParsingMethodName nvarchar (50) Internal value, specifying a programming method used for parsing text in fields Location1/Location2 in table CollectionLocalisation YES -
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Short abbreviated description of the localisation system as displayed in the user interface YES -
DisplayEnable bit Specifies, if this item is enabled to be used within the database. Localisation systems can be disabled to avoid seeing them, but keep the definition for the future. YES -
DisplayOrder smallint The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique. YES -
Description nvarchar (255) Description of the localisation method YES -
DisplayTextLocation1 nvarchar (50) Short abbreviated description of the attribute Location1 in the table CollectionGeography as displayed in the user interface YES -
DescriptionLocation1 nvarchar (255) Description of the attribute Location1 in the table CollectionGeography as displayed in the user interface YES -
DisplayTextLocation2 nvarchar (50) Short abbreviated description of the attribute Location2 in the table CollectionGeography as displayed in the user interface YES -
DescriptionLocation2 nvarchar (255) Description of the attribute Location2 in the table CollectionGeography as displayed in the user interface YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Table Method

Methods used within the database

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
MethodID int ID of the Method (Primary key) NO -
MethodParentID int MethodID of the parent Method, if it belongs to a certain type documented in this table YES Refers to table Method
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entriesDefault value: (0) YES -
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Name of the Method as e.g. shown in user interface YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the Method YES -
MethodURI varchar (255) URI referring to an external documentation of the Method YES -
ForCollectionEvent bit If a method may be used during a collection event YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on this method YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Table MethodForAnalysis

Methods available for a Analysis

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
AnalysisID int ID of the table Analysis (foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Analysis
MethodID int ID of the table Method (foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Method
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Analysis
  • Method

Table MethodForProcessing

Methods available for a processing

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProcessingID int ID of the table Processing (foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Processing
MethodID int ID of the table Method (foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Method
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Method
  • Processing

Table Parameter

The variable parameters within a method

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
MethodID int ID of the Method (foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Method
ParameterID int ID of the Parameter (part of primary key) NO -
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Name of the parameter as e.g. shown in user interface YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the parameter YES -
ParameterURI varchar (255) URI referring to an external documentation of the Parameter YES -
DefaultValue nvarchar (MAX) The default value of the parameter YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on this parameter YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Method

Table Processing

The processings of the specimen

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProcessingID int ID of the processing (primary key) NO -
ProcessingParentID int The ID of the superior type of the processing YES Refers to table Processing
DisplayText nvarchar (50) The display text of the processing as shown e.g. in a user interface YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the processing YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the processing YES -
ProcessingURI varchar (255) A URI for a processing as defined in an external data source YES -
OnlyHierarchy bit If the entry is only used for the hierarchical arrangement of the entriesDefault value: (0) YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Table ProcessingMaterialCategory

The processings which are possible for a certain material category

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProcessingID int ID of the processing. Refers to ProcessingID in table Processing (foreign key)Default value: (1) NO Refers to table Processing
MaterialCategory nvarchar (50) Material category of specimen. Examples: ‘herbarium sheets’, ‘drawings’, ‘microscopic slides’ etc.Default value: N’specimen’ NO -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Processing

Table ProjectAnalysis

The types of the analysis which are available for a project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
AnalysisID int ID of the analysis (primary key) NO Refers to table Analysis
ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects) NO Refers to table ProjectProxy
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Analysis
  • ProjectProxy

Table ProjectMaterialCategory

The material categorys which are possible for a certain Project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int ID of the Project. Refers to ProjectID in table ProjectProxy (foreign key)Default value: (1) NO Refers to table ProjectProxy
MaterialCategory nvarchar (50) Material category of specimen. Examples: ‘herbarium sheets’, ‘drawings’, ‘microscopic slides’ etc.Default value: N’specimen’ NO Refers to table CollMaterialCategory_Enum
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollMaterialCategory_Enum
  • ProjectProxy

Table ProjectProcessing

The types of processing available within a project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProcessingID int ID of the table Processing (foreign key and part of primary key) NO Refers to table Processing
ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects) NO Refers to table ProjectProxy
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Processing
  • ProjectProxy

Table ProjectTaxonomicGroup

The taxonomic group which are possible for a certain Project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int ID of the Project. Refers to ProjectID in table ProjectProxy (foreign key)Default value: (1) NO Refers to table ProjectProxy
TaxonomicGroup nvarchar (50) Taxonomic group of specimen. Examples: ‘plant’, ‘animal’, etc.Default value: N’plant’ NO Refers to table CollTaxonomicGroup_Enum
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • CollTaxonomicGroup_Enum
  • ProjectProxy

Table ProjectUser

The projects which a user can access

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
LoginName nvarchar (50) A login name which the user uses to access the DivesityWorkbench, Microsoft domains, etc.. NO Refers to table UserProxy
ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects) NO Refers to table ProjectProxy
ReadOnly bit If the user has only read access to data of this projectDefault value: (0) YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • ProjectProxy
  • UserProxy


Setting ReadOnly in dependence of locked projects

Table Property

The list of the properties that can be specified for the collection site

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
PropertyID int Unique ID for the property (= primary key) NO -
PropertyParentID int PropertyID of the superior property YES Refers to table Property
PropertyName nvarchar (100) Name of the system used for the description of the collection site, e.g. Chronostratigraphy NO -
DefaultAccuracyOfProperty nvarchar (50) The default for the accuracy of values which can be reached with this method YES -
DefaultMeasurementUnit nvarchar (50) The default measurement unit for the characterisation system, e.g. pH YES -
ParsingMethodName nvarchar (50) Internal value, specifying a programming method used for parsing text in table CollectionEventProperty NO -
DisplayText nvarchar (50) Short abbreviated description of the site property as displayed in the user interface YES -
DisplayEnabled bit Specifies, if this item is enabled to be used within the database. Properties can be disabled to avoid seeing them, but keep the definition for the future.Default value: (1) YES -
DisplayOrder smallint The order in which the entries are displayed. The order may be changed at any time, but all values must be unique. YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the property YES -
PropertyURI varchar (1000) The URI of the property, e.g. as provided by the module DiversityScientificTerms. YES -
PropertyType nvarchar (50) Type of the collection site property, e.g. Chronostratigraphy YES Refers to table PropertyType_Enum
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • PropertyType_Enum

Table ReplicationPublisher

Databases providing data via replication

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
DatabaseName varchar (255) The name of the publishing database NO -
Server varchar (255) The name or address of the server where the publishing database is located NO -
Port smallint The port used by the server YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -

Table Task

The Tasks of the collection

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
TaskID int ID of the Task (primary key) NO -
TaskParentID int The ID of the superior type of the Task YES Refers to table Task
DisplayText nvarchar (50) The display text of the Task as shown e.g. in a user interface YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) Description of the Task YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes on the Task YES -
TaskURI varchar (500) A URI for a Task as defined in an external data source YES -
Type nvarchar (50) The type of the task as defined in table TaskType_EnumDefault value: ‘Task’ YES Refers to table TaskType_Enum
ModuleTitle nvarchar (50) The title for module related data for collection tasks. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES -
ModuleType nvarchar (50) The DiversityWorkbench module to which a task is related. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES Refers to table TaskModuleType_Enum
SpecimenPartType nvarchar (50) The description of the collection specimen part to which a task is related. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES -
TransactionType nvarchar (50) The description of the transaction to which a task is related. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES -
ResultType nvarchar (50) The display text for the results as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES -
DateType nvarchar (50) The date and time details defined for a task. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES Refers to table TaskDateType_Enum
DateBeginType nvarchar (50) The definition of the begin for date and time details defined for a task. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES -
DateEndType nvarchar (50) The definition of the end for date and time details defined for a task. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES -
NumberType nvarchar (50) The definition for the numeric value as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES -
BoolType nvarchar (50) The definition for the boolean value as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES -
MetricType nvarchar (50) The definition for the metric as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES -
MetricUnit nvarchar (50) The unit of the metric, e.g. °C for temperature YES -
DescriptionType nvarchar (50) The definition for the description as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES -
NotesType nvarchar (50) The definition for the notes as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES -
UriType nvarchar (50) The definition for the URI as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES -
ResponsibleType nvarchar (50) The definition for the responsible agent as shown in a user interface. Not available in depending collection task if empty YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: dbo.UserID() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: dbo.UserID() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • TaskDateType_Enum
  • TaskModuleType_Enum
  • TaskType_Enum

Table TaskModule

Data from DiversityWorkbench modules used used within a task

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
TaskID int ID of the task, part of PK, relates to PK of table Task NO Refers to table Task
DisplayText nvarchar (400) Display text as provided by the module, part of PK NO -
URI varchar (500) URI linking the dataset of the module YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) Optional description of the linked data, e.g. the common name for taxa YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes related to the dataset YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) ID of the creator of this data setDefault value: dbo.UserID() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) ID of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: dbo.UserID() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Task

Table TaskResult

List or results provided for the CollectionTask of the corresponding type

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
TaskID int ID of the task, part of PK, relates to PK of table Task NO Refers to table Task
Result nvarchar (400) The result, part of PK NO -
URI varchar (500) A URI of the result providing further information YES -
Description nvarchar (MAX) The description of the entry YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the entry YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) ID of the creator of this data setDefault value: dbo.UserID() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) ID of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: dbo.UserID() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Task

Table Transaction

Transactions like loan, borrow, gift, exchange etc. of specimen, if they are e.g. permanently or temporary transfered from one collection to another

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
TransactionID int Unique ID for the transaction (= primary key) NO -
ParentTransactionID int The ID of a preceeding transaction of a superior transaction, if transactions are organized in a hierarchy YES Refers to table Transaction
TransactionType nvarchar (50) Type of the transaction, e.g. gift in or out, exchange in or out, purchase in or outDefault value: N’exchange’ NO Refers to table CollTransactionType_Enum
TransactionTitle nvarchar (200) The title of the transaction as e.g. shown in an user interface NO -
ReportingCategory nvarchar (50) A group defined for the transaction, e.g. a taxonomic group as used for exchange balancing YES -
AdministratingCollectionID int ID of the collection which is responsible for the administration of the transaction. NO Refers to table Collection
MaterialDescription nvarchar (MAX) Description of the material of this transactionDefault value: '’ YES -
MaterialCategory nvarchar (50) Material category of specimen. Examples: ‘herbarium sheets’, ‘drawings’, ‘microscopic slides’ etc.Default value: N’specimen’ YES -
MaterialCollectors nvarchar (MAX) The collectors of the material YES -
MaterialSource nvarchar (500) The source of the material within a transaction, e.g. a excavation YES -
FromCollectionID int The ID of the collection from which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the donating collection of a gift YES Refers to table Collection
FromTransactionPartnerName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution from which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the donator of a gift YES -
FromTransactionPartnerAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the transaction partner (see e.g. module DiversityAgents) YES -
FromTransactionNumber nvarchar (50) Number or code by which a transaction may be recorded by the administration of the source of the specimen, e.g. the donating collection of a gift YES -
ToCollectionID int The ID of the collection to which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the receiver of a gift YES Refers to table Collection
ToTransactionPartnerName nvarchar (255) Name of the person or institution to which the specimen were transfered, e.g. the receiver of a gift YES -
ToTransactionPartnerAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the transaction partner (see e.g. module DiversityAgents) YES -
ToTransactionNumber nvarchar (50) Number or code by which a transaction may be recorded by the administration of the destination of the specimen, e.g. the receiving collection of a gift YES -
NumberOfUnits int The number of units which were (initially) included in the transaction YES -
Investigator nvarchar (200) The investigator for whose study a transacted material was sent YES -
TransactionComment nvarchar (MAX) Comments on the exchanged material addressed to the transaction partner YES -
BeginDate datetime Date when the transaction started YES -
AgreedEndDate datetime End of the transaction period, e.g. if the time for borrowing the specimen is restricted YES -
ActualEndDate datetime Actual end of the transaction after a prolonation when e.g. the date of return for a loan was prolonged by the owner YES -
DateSupplement nvarchar (100) Verbal or additional date information, e.g. ’end of summer 1985’, ‘first quarter’, ‘1888-1892’. YES -
InternalNotes nvarchar (MAX) Internal notes on this transaction not to be published e.g. on a web page YES -
ToRecipient nvarchar (255) The recipient receiving the transaction e.g. if not derived from the link to DiversityAgents YES -
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) The person responsible for this transaction YES -
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) The URI of the person, team or organisation responsible for the data (see e.g. module DiversityAgents) YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: user_name() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: user_name() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Collection
  • CollTransactionType_Enum

Table TransactionAgent

Agents involved in the transaction

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
TransactionID int Unique ID for the transaction, refers to table Transaction (= part of primary key and foreign key) NO Refers to table Transaction
TransactionAgentID int Unique ID for the Agent within the transaction (= part of primary key) NO -
AgentName nvarchar (500) Name of the person or institution YES -
AgentURI varchar (500) Link to the source for further informations about the agent, e.g in the module DiversityAgents YES -
AgentRole nvarchar (500) Role of the agent within the transaction YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the agent YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Transaction

Table TransactionComment

The standard text phrases for transactions

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
Comment nvarchar (400) Text as transferred into the comment of a transaction NO -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Table TransactionDocument

The history of transactions or the documents connected to the transactions

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
TransactionID int Unique ID for the transaction, refers to table Transaction (= part of primary key and foreign key) NO Refers to table Transaction
Date datetime The date of the event of a transaction NO -
TransactionText nvarchar (MAX) The text of a transaction document YES -
TransactionDocument image A scanned document connected to this transaction YES -
DisplayText nvarchar (255) A display text as shown e.g. in a user interface to characterize the document YES -
DocumentURI varchar (1000) A link to a web resource of the document the document YES -
DocumentType nvarchar (255) The type of the document YES -
InternalNotes nvarchar (MAX) Internal notes on this transaction YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Transaction

Table TransactionPayment

The payments within a transaction

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
TransactionID int Unique ID for the transaction, refers to table Transaction (= part of primary key and foreign key) NO Refers to table Transaction
PaymentID int Unique ID for the payment (= part of primary key) NO -
Identifier nvarchar (500) An identifer for the payment like a booking number or invoice number YES -
Amount float Amount of the payment in the default currency as defined in TransactionCurrency YES -
ForeignAmount float If the payment was not in the default curreny as defined in TransactionCurrency, the amount of the payment in foreign curreny YES -
ForeignCurrency nvarchar (50) If the payment was not in the default curreny as defined in TransactionCurrency, the foreign currency of the payment YES -
PayerName nvarchar (500) Name of the person or institution paying the amount YES -
PayerAgentURI varchar (500) Link to the source for further infomations about the payer, e.g in the module DiversityAgents YES -
RecipientName nvarchar (500) Agent receiving the payment YES -
RecipientAgentURI varchar (500) Link to the source for further infomations about the recipient of the payment, e.g in the module DiversityAgents YES -
PaymentDate datetime Date of the payment YES -
PaymentDateSupplement nvarchar (50) Supplement to the date of the payment, e.g. if the original date is not a real date like ‘summer 1920’ or ‘1910 - 1912’ YES -
PaymentURI varchar (500) A link to an external administration system for the payment YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the payment YES -
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was createdDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data setDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated lastDefault value: getdate() YES -
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set lastDefault value: suser_sname() YES -
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -Default value: newsequentialid() NO -

Depending on:

  • Transaction