Diversity Exsiccatae

Scope of DiversityExsiccatae within the Diversity Workbench

DiversityExsiccatae is the module for administration of exsiccatal series within the Diversity Workbench. The DiversityExsiccatae is requiered by the module DiversityCollection and on the other hand uses services provided by the modules like DiversityReferences and DiversityAgents).

The modules communicate with each other to provide their services for the other modules.

Data managment sectors of the application

Sector Description
Evaluation The evaluation of an exsiccatal series
Editors The editors of an exsiccatal series
Publication span The publication span of an exsiccatal series
References The references related to an exsiccatal series
Examples The examples for an exsiccatal series

Usage example

An exsiccatal series is administrated or published by several agents using a list of references and examples.

Main form of DiversityExsiccatae

To start the application double click on DiversityExsiccatae.exe.

The first time you start the application you have to configure the connection to the database (Connection, Server … ) you want to work with. The header of your form allways shows you, with which database you are working, the version of the client, the database server and your login.

To see the descriptions for the fields of the database, simply move your mouse over it. A tooltip will appear with an explanation of the field.

Where you have to choose items from lists, type the beginning of the item name in the field and then click on the drop down button . This will start a query in the database and list the result in the combobox. If contents can be linked to an other module, click on the  button to start a query in this module.