Integrated Pest Managment

Sensor data


Installation of Prometheus

To install a Prometheus follow the guidlines provided no the homepage. server choose   from the menu.

Configuration of Prometheus

To configure a Prometheus server choose from the menu.

Starting of Prometheus

To configure a Prometheus server choose from the menu.


Naming conventions for Prometheus nodes

The nodes/sensors on the prometheus should be named according to the follwoing convention: [Domain]_[MAC]_[Type]_[Units].

  • Domain:    e.g. IPM
  • MAC:    MAC of the sensor written without the :  and in lower case e.g. 00a49484b3f0 for 00:A4:94:84:B3:F0
  • Type:    The type of the sensor, e.g. temperature, battery, humidity
  • Units:    The measurement units of the metric, e.g. celsius, ratio

some examples:

An examplethe o configure a Prometheus server choose from the menu.