Transaction Request

[[To enter a request for a loan you need to be in the user group or a DiversityCollectionRequester (see Loginadministration for further details). This is done by the CollectionManagers for their collections. To enable a user to place requests choose Administration - Transaction management - Loan requesters ... from the menu. A window will open as shown below.]{style=“font-size: 10pt”}]{style=“font-family: Verdana”}

As a CollectionManager you may give requesters access to the collections you manage. Click on the[<] or [>] button to add or remove collections from the list for which a user may place a request. If the option Include subcollections is chosen, a user is able to request specimens stored in subcollections of the administrating collection. To give you an overview of the subcollections the hierarchy of the collection is shown in the tree below the list.

[If you are a CollectionManager and there are requests for your collections, the administration menu will contain a Loan requests ... entry. Choose it in order to open a window listing the requests for specimen in your collections.]

[If you have entered a request for specimen in a foreign collection, the administration menu will contain a  My requests... entry. To inspect your request choose this entry from the menu to open a window as shown below. The window will show your requests and loans from foreign collections.


To enter a new request click on the button. Use the button to search for specimen in the collection and the button to remove unwanted specimen from your list.