Transaction Loan

Loans of specimen from a collecting are documented with the transaction type loan (see below).

For a loan granted to a loan taker, create a new transaction and set its type to loan. The loan needs an administrating collection, which is the collection in which the specimen included in the loan are located and for which the current user is registrated as collectionmanager . The addresses are entered as links to DiversityAgents in the From and To areas. The To area provides a recipient for inclusion in the address. The collections in the From and To area may be used optionally as source of the address. The Begin and End fields mark the time span for the loan. If the time of the loan should be prolonged, use the Prol.: field to enter the new end date. Standard comments can be edited (Admin only) in the Customize section. In the Sending, Confirmation and Reminder sections you can create documents for the communication with the loan taker. Documents as sent to or received from the loan taker are available in the Saved documents section. If after the end of the loan all or a part of the specimen are returned, create a Return transaction as child of the loan (see image above) and include all returned specimen in this return transaction.